Alexander the great as the Macedonians never knew.
Note 1
((( The up coming article can be considered a gift to the non religion's religion believers and to the owners of theories about the Abrahamic religions which they put Islam included in it. And relate it to the Christianity and Judaism. As the example in it will show how Islam push itself in where there is no place for it. And this time it will be more clear in places unable to be discussed. But only to say about it. this is only a distorting to a historical will known fact. which will lead to understand the distorting of Islam in claiming any relation to the Abrahamic religions. Putting in consideration that even Muhammad had no relation to Abraham because simply his mother was a whore which is not an insult but a scientific fact. which Muhammad assured when he said that he asked Allah to forgive her but Allah told him no forgive for her. and with the fact that the man who is claimed to be his father was dead four years before Muhammad was born. which means no relation in both teach and body. as Muhammad father is unknown. )))
Note 2
((( In the up coming article you will find that the people of Makah asked the Jewish to ask Muhammad ( kotom the slave ) questions about their religion as he claimed that he is a prophet like the Jewish prophets. So they asked him about a prophecy in the book of Daniel in chapter eight. But did not tell him where it is. they just asked if you are really a prophet then you must know. and they asked him about who is the one with the two horns and what was that prophecy about. And by the time of Muhammad the whole of this prophecy was completed. and it was about a ram with two horns one of them higher than the other and it was a symbol to the kingdom of Persia and median. which was rise and controlled west and north and south. the same as what happened with the kingdom of Persia. And then a goat with one horn came fast from the west and hit the ram down and took it's kingdom. And the goat was symbol of Alexander the great. and any one can search it for more details.)))
Did you ever ask yourself where did Alexander the great come from? What is his home land?
I hear you saying it. But guess what you are wrong. he is not from Macedonia. And he is not Macedonian.
And all the stories you hear from the Macedonians are just a big fat lie about him. And all what historians wrote about him is nonsense. And had nothing to do with his life or with his great adventures.
I hear you again. Now you say I am who is lying and I am who is saying nonsense. And if you are a Macedonian you would of smashed me at once ;) :D :D :D :P :P :P.
So just come down and let us discuss it calmly. Who should know better about Alexander the great. And about his life ????
isn't his people? Of course it is his people which are the............................................................................... Oh don't say it because it is wrong. not the Macedonians. It is the Egyptians. or the Romanians or let me think again they are the Greek he was from Greek(now days Macedonia in Greek). actually I don't really know but the sure he is not from Macedonia. And he is not a Macedonian.
Man I hear you again. But trust me I am not crazy . And my source of information is the best source ever you may find. Yes it did not tell me exactly where is Alexander the great from. But it assured for me he is not from Macedonia. :D :D :D :D :P :P :P.
You still do not believe me. Don't you?
I excuse you in not believing me. because I did not believe myself by myself.
But what can I say who would know better than Allah the god of Islam the porno dancer ( check Allah of Islam is a porno dancer in truth of Islam page for more). And who would tell the truth like the best man on earth and the prophet of the porno dancer god that had no prophecy. Who would tell the unknown secrets like the man who fuck pigs and dead bodies. Who would you trust more than the man who walks naked in the streets and makes people worship him and kiss his penis. Who would you follow his words better than the man that his wife and friends said about him that he was crazy. Who would you listen to better than Mr. kotom the slave of kadiga which bought him with the price of four camels.
WHO? WHO? WHO? WHO? I dare you to bring anyone better than him. :D :D :D :D :D :D
See I told you. you won't find. So just set and let me tell you the most wonderful story of Alexander the great you will ever hear.
:D :D :D :D :D :D
And for knowledge this story was mentioned in Quran by Allah. Who had the real diaries of alexander the great. Not like that fake stories of historians. And it was mentioned in sort elkahf (the cave) and in the verses from 83 to 99. And was completed by the great help of the great interpreters of Quran Ibn Kaser and Kortopy.
Now let the fun start. And let the adventure take a part
The story starts with Muhammad setting down in his summer tent. And a group of Jewish came to test him as we mentioned in the second note.
So when they entered Muhammad stood up and said: Welcome welcome people of the book. I am not afraid or having a shock. any question you can ask. And I will answer and you will see and look. :D :D :D :D
So they said to him: Ok we will ask you a question about a thing we want to know. And wonder if your Allah may knows and will tell you about it.
So he said : My Allah knows everything. show me the best you can bring.
So they said to him: Tell us about who is the owner of the two horns.
So Muhammad said: Allow me to consult a friend.
So they said : As you wish go ahead
So Muhammad opened his wireless And said : Allah Allah do you copy. :D :D :D :D
But it took some time until an answer came.
Yes kotom go ahead sorry for being late.
Kotom: Roger that. it is ok now I need your help .:D :D :D :D :D
Ok go ahead.
Kotom: Jewish men came and asked me what do I know about the owner of the two horns.
Allah: do you mean a cow. :D :D :D :D
kotom : no they say it represent humans.
Allah: ok let me search my Google. ops I forgot to pay my internet bill. sorry kotom. try to tell them anything now as usual.
Kotom : dam you. you always do that to me. now what will I tell them. think think. oh yeah I got it I heard that story before and in that story there was a man mentioned alexander. yes it is him he is the owner of the two horns. Now let me just think about a good story.
After a while Muhammad returned to the Jewish men and told them set and listen and you will know how much great is my Allah. :D :D :D :D Hell yeah so great indeed :D :D :D :D
Then he started to tell them the story as follows.
kotom: Alexander the great is the one who was called the two horns.
The Jewish men laughed what are you saying. Then a man with a sword of kotom's friends pulled his sword and said what are you laughing at.
So they said nothing just let your prophet go on. ( inside themselves . he says he is a prophet and can't know a completed prophecy we know from generations) :D :D :D
kotom continue: And he was a Romanian young man. or wait wait sorry he was an Egyptian man and his name was Merzaban. No he was a Greek young man (according to kortoby and ibn kaser they didn't know really where is he from ) :D :D :D :D
So the Jewish laughed and said forget about who he is just tell us what are the two horns story. :D :D :D :D
Kotom : oh he was called the two horns because he managed to get to the two horns of earth from the place where sun sets at west to the place where sun rises at east.
The Jewish laughed again : Oh really. :D :D :D
kotom: yes and that journey took him one thousand and six hundred years in his journey and he defeated every nation he met.
The Jewish men laughed loudly again and said one thousand and six hundred years are you sure???. :D :D :D :D
Kotom: yes he lived for one thousand and six hundred years until he finished his journey between the two horns of earth.
The Jewish men laughed again and said in whisper between themselves: the best west even Alexander managed to reach was Egypt and best east was India and Iraq. he even did not get to the two oceans east and west. and all he lived was 33 years. :D :D :D :D :D
Kotom : what are you laughing at and what are you whispering between each other.
Jewish men : nothing . just continue and tell us more about his 1600 years adventure. :D :D :D :D
Kotom continue and says: first he walked to west until he arrives to the place where sun sets. And it was a well full of mud.
the Jewish laughed again: what a mud well. :D :D :D :D ( you can check Where does the sun goes at night prophet of Ignorance!!??sorry I mean ... at truth of Islam page for more details about that scientific fact by kotom ).
kotom said again he arrived to the place where sun sets and it was a well full of mud. and continued to say: and there he found a nation. then Allah told him.
The Jewish men looked astonished and said: stop here now. do you say Allah told him . did he worship Allah?!. do you mean he was a Muslim before Islam?. and they laughed again.
kotom : yes and to assure you let me continue.
the Jewish men laughed and said go on. :D :D :D :D
kotom: and Allah told him they are under your control. punish who you want and be kind to who you want. so Alexander the great said: I will punish who do not worship you and kill him so you Allah continue to punish him after I send him to you. and I will be kind to who worship you Allah.
kotom continue to say: And then after that he started to walk east to the place where sun rises from. and he defeated every nation he met and controlled their land until he arrived east where there was a nation called yeagog and magog.
and this nation was very strange they were from many tribes and the man of these tribes does not die until he has one thousand son. And they were huge like trees and with big ears that they sleep on one ear and cover themselves with the second . and eat every thing from man and animal and even eat who dies from them :D :D :D :D :D :D
The Jewish men laughed. ( don't you just excuse them ?.)
and kotom continue to say: that these people are sons of yafeath son of Noah and they are brothers of the Turkish. in the east and used to attack them so the Turkish asked alexander the great to protect them and they offered him money. so he built a dam between them and yagog magog nation. and the yagog and magog nation did not manage to pass the dam from up or down.
((( Oh yeah. best salutation to the brothers of yagog and magog . salutations to the Turkish people. please can you show me where is that dam. scientists would care to make studies on that species of yeagog and magog. :D :D :D :D :D )))
And kotom continue to say and that dam will be open only at the end of days and they will come from behind it to kill all men.
( Wow. Wow Wow. lord of the ring's movie)
And after that his journey was finished so do you believe me now after you saw and heard how much I know and how much great is my Allah.
the Jewish men laughed and said yes. :D :D :D :D :D
so kotom asked so you will be Muslims like Alexander the great??
So they looked at each other as they were trapped now if they say no they will be killed. so they said yes but first we want to get back home to check your story in our books.
So kotom was excited and said to them ok go now and I will be waiting.
( one of them said between himself you will wait long lunatic :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D.)
Then days later Muhammad hear that they say he is a liar and it started to spread so he set to attack them and claim they tried to kill him. to justify his attack.
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