Where does the sun goes at night prophet of Ignorance







Where does the sun goes at night prophet of Ignorance!!??sorry I mean ...
Where does the sun goes at night prophet of ignorance !!?? sorry I mean Prophet of Allah the pagan god. Which is only your mind invention. As if he is the True god he would of told you where the sun goes at night. As actually it Goes no where. But only in your ignorant mind it goes at night. As you didn't Know that earth goes round itself and of course Allah the pagan who does not see or Hear didn't also know so he left it to your imagination. lol

That introduction is for the amazing hadiss that shows the ignorance of kotom The slave. and from Quran we will see that it is not just he but he with his god Allah the pagan.

The hadiss is in both Muslim and bokary hadiss book which means it is a Trusted hadiss. And it starts with him with a man called Aby Zer And group Muhammad's friends and he says: That one day the prophet of ignorance looked at the sun and said: Do You Know where the sun goes at night ??!!! (lol like if he really knows. Let's see).

So they said Allah and his prophet are the only two who know. So he said to Them: it goes in front of the throne of Allah and bows. (lol lol lol). And after That Allah says to her (the sun ) go back rise over the earth. So the good Polite Sun Does what Allah told her and goes to rise over earth. lol lol lol .

What can I say but to laugh when I see an ignorant who knows nothing fooling A punch of other ignorant who believe and eat his shit.

and also the fun is still going on. As Allah in Quran have another opinion about Where the sun goes at night. And that as what comes in Quran literally in Sort El kahf number 18 and the verse number 84. When Allah tells the story Of Alexander the great. Wow. Allah stories are very good And full of shit. lol. But To continue he tells that Alexander arrived to the place where the sun goes At night (sets). And it was a hole full of black mud. LoL. wow. that is Remarkable scientific discovery by Allah which inconsistent with the other Great discovery by kotom that the sun goes to bow in front of the throne of Allah the pagan. As Allah denied that and said the sun sets In a black hole full with Mud. So who is the right And who is wrong .Kotom the slave or his god Allah the pagan ??????

Let's just leave it to NASA And all other space agencies around the world to tell Us who is the right kotom or his Allah the pagan. LOL LOL LOL LOL

Islam = Nazis ideology and superstition and lie and kill and hate and pagan

Quran and hadiss = Books of Nazis ideology and superstition and pagan

kotom the slave = Nazis who have won the war to force his ignorance on people and hate and kill and sick and shit.




  1. it a big shame that people fight for idiots like you son of a bitch do this kind of blogs

  2. First : thanks for your comments and your corporative actions that helps prove me right. After showing the manners of cursing which is similar to Mohamed manners who used to curse people . (( read manners of kotom the slave ))

    Secondly : the whole article is built on verses inside quran literally. and inside interpreter books. So my advice try something new different than cursing. like try to answer . or prove it wrong.

  3. You are are an islamaphobe. Allah shall burn you in the deepest depths of hell. No one insults the prophet Muhammmmmmed SAWS.


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