Islam and manhood:
one from the most noticed things about Islam. Is that Muslims claim themselves as men with honor and dignity. And that Muslims are such a men with no match. As their example kotom the slave was .
while the truth the whole of that does not pass being words in the air without facts on the land. And all is just says of a sick man lacks to manhood. Which is kotom the slave of kadiga. who started his life as a slave and was raped when he was a child. as what he says in hadiss (says from Mohamed) by his cousin. And in many hadiss his wife and friends say he used to menstruate like women. And pee like women. And that he didn't has sperms like men. that's why he didn't bring a child in the whole of his life ( All the children are his wives children not his). And also by his own mouth words in hadiss. that he was lacking to sexual ability more than any man until he ate a food sent to him by Allah called kofet. which made him a supper sexual man. The whole of that means he was half man half women in reality.
And also the whole of that beside the hadiss that his wife Aisha and his friends said about him. That he was a mad man and imagines that he does sex with his women while he does not. and that he tried to commit suicide. You will find simply the facts that kotom did not has sexual ability which made him mentally ill. And so he put his Quran and hadiss in the way that makes him feel he is a man to make it up for himself. And in his teachings he humiliated manhood as he lacked to it and wanted all the men to be like him . and he hit manhood in many places. which this article will try to give examples to show that . And notice that everything this article showed in the introduction which the false prophet kotom did. is considered a sunnah. which means Muslims must do as him and not doing as him considered a sin by Islam :
1) can a real man give up his wife for anyone whoever he is. as if he did that he won't be a man at all. So how would it be when saying that kotom taught Muslims in hadiss that if he saw a woman and wanted her. Her husband must give her to him and considered that as honor to the Muslims that kotom the slave fucks their women. like what happened with his adopted son.
2) would a real man hurt his adopted son and delete adoption to take his adopted son 's wife. And threatens him to force him leaving her. like his adopted son zaid ibn harisa who was forced to leave his wife to kotom who saw her without clothes and wanted her.
3) would a real man hurt and abuse children. that is what kotom did with his first wife kadiga's children. As he used to suck their tongues. And kiss the chests of Fatimah his wife 's child and kiss the penis of the Hussein his wife 's child. and above all when kotom the slave married a six years old which was Aisha his wife .
4) can a real man accept that if he divorced his wife he must make another man marry her. And fuck her to have the right to get her back as his wife. Does this go with the dignity or honor of any normal man. So guess what. Islam teaches in Quran that if you divorced your wife three times you must make another man fucks her for you. to make her suitable to be your wife again.
5) can a real man rape a war captive women. does this go with the morals of a true simple man. So how would it be when we know that kotom himself raped a war captive woman. safia Bent Hoiay the Jewish after killing all of her people in kaibar. which was a city for the Jewish on Arab island. And that a man was standing outside the tent with sword. And what will be when you know that Quran itself talked about it and gave the Muslims the right to rape war captives and called them what hands hold of women.
6) can a real man accept that his wife walks naked in the streets. and be forced by others to wear a veil after saying after saying to him shame on you leaving your women like that. As what happened with the false prophet (kotom the slave) and Omar his friend when he told him to make his women under veil. After Omar followed Mohamed's wife while peeing. what kind of men kotom was. And what kind of men who should take him example.
7) can a real normal man accept that his wife works in prostitute. and that what Aisha and whole of the false prophet wives were working at. As in hadiss when Aisha takes Muslim girls and says: lets go to hunt some of koraish youth ( a big tribe on arab island ) .
8) can a real man accept that his wife breast feeds a stranger man. And that she must breast feeds him while they are alone. And that to make him like her son. To be allowed to stay with him alone as much as she wants after that. And her husband has no right to object. like when a woman came to complain to the false prophet that her husband gets jealous from a man that comes a lot to her house and stays with her. So he told her ((((breast feed him)))) what a teaching of dignity to men and a license to adultery to women in Islam.
9) can a real man accept after seeing his wife having sex with another man in front of his own eyes. That she did not cheat him. As to prove that he must bring four witnesses to see his wife with the other man. And also they must measure how much of his penis went inside her pussy (((this is not a joke ))) And if he didn't do that he can't prove she is adultery. That takes me to another thing how Muslims stone men and women for adultery. As according to this hadiss it is impossible to prove adultery on someone. All what Muslims do is even cheating in their own teachings to feel they are men.
10) can a real man accept that to be generous with his guest he must give his own wife to his guest to have sex with her . what kind of men is this . that is what came in hadiss . that the Muslim must lend the pussy of his wife to his guest to be generous.
11) can a real man accept to exchange his wife with another man and take the other man's wife. Is this a man with any kind of honor or self respect or with any kind of care to his family .
12) can a real man accept to pee setting like women as peeing while standing is a sin will make you go to hell. according to Islam teachings . And that what was kotom doing and considered a sunnah all Muslims must do . As said before about kotom's actions.
13) can a real man accept to wear women clothes . And that what kotom himself by his own mouth said. That he was doing. As he said that he used to dress women clothes.
14) can a real man menstruate like women as kotom did. Just wonder!! & want to know how Muslim men would do that to follow the sunnah of kotom. :D :D :D :D :D :D: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ;D.
15) can a real man give up the most popular trade mark of manhood world wide in all cultures which is his mustache. As kotom taught Muslims to be men without moustaches as he was. And having a mustache is considered a sin by Islam.
16) can a real normal man walk naked in the street and make men kiss his penis. That is what kotom the slave did. And of course that is a sunnah and just wonder why Muslims are not doing that now days. unless it is not a manhood thing.
17) can a real man accept to let other men sleep between him and his wife in the same bed .(((not a joke))) as kotom used to does that with his wife Aisha and leaves her with the man alone and goes out. What a man he was.
these are just examples from many other things in Islam . and a call to everyone to search after me to make sure of what is said and more you will find about the nasty of Islam.
Islam = Nazism = dirty and prostitute = shame over the heads of Muslims
Quran = Nazis books = laws of prostitute = books of shame
kotom the slave = Hitler but Hitler is free man and a man . not without honor and half man and half women. as kotom the slave was.
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