The manners of Kotom the slave (Muhammad).
Muslims keep talking about Muhammad and his great manners that have no match and that he is the best man on earth and had the best manners between people. And even they got the bold to ask people to follow the manners of that wonderful human with the best manners ever. lol. A laugh because just wondering what would really happen if people listened to Muslims and followed the manners of that slave. Lets just have a look:
1) The lie will be running like water on their lips. like Muhammad the liar who lies on people and claim he is something he is not in actually. Or his lie in history or science claiming he knows what he does not know.
2) The kill will be the only communication way to solve problems from any kind. kill to prove you are right. kill to take others property to live with. kill to get women....etc.
3) Wise people will start to hide their children at home and will not let anyone see them especially those who decided to be exactly like the manners of Muhammad. As the wise people won't risk to let their children be abused by lunatics or that a lunatic will come to their home to ask to marry their six years old child.
4) There will be a market for slaves wow. slavery will come back. that was his manners to buy and sell slaves. prizes of wars. and now to illustrate it means take the whole of the human rights declaration written in books to use it in heating. Like the books of the library of Alexandria.
5) You can for the first time in history. ((Opus. sorry for the second time in history. As the first time recorded by the name of Muhammad.)). You can rise up a child and wait until he grows up and marry. Then you can go and sneak into his home and look at his wife while she is naked. And if you liked her. You can bring him and tell him divorce her or your mother will lose you ( I will kill you jerk to take her so just leave her and run away with your life). And above all Allah the great will support your wonderful manners and delete adoption for you to take blame away from you. ((Opus. sorry again. Adoption is already deleted for Muhammad's manners. You can just marry your adopted son's wives.))
6) Cursing will be the good morning salutation. And at every morning and night you must always have some cursing anthems. And should try to make a special anthem for every occasion. And cursing poets will become very rich by then. ( lucky dam bastard sons of bitches. lol. just a practice I think I can be one of these poets. Or by another though no. lol)
7) Sex with the dead. Not a new movie of zombies. But manners of Muhammad to fuck the dead bodies. And From that day the first duty of the police and army will not to protect the living people. ( As killing will be a manner ). But to protect the tombs of the dead from being robbed by followers of Muhammad's manners. Whom will try to get dead bodies to have sex. And there will be dead bodies' prostitute houses. And people will be killed to get their bodies to be in these houses.
8) The prices of camel urine and flies will rise up and be more expensive than gold ( hurry up now. make yourself a stock. lol). As manners of Muhammad when he gets sick or anyone of his family get sick. Is to take that unique medicine with no match. Don't laugh Just try it if you are fool enough.
9) Get ready for the new Fashion line. That will produce women clothes only for men. lol. What a manner. to wear women clothes by men. No comment.
10) Manners of Muhammad the great ( for men ) is to pee setting like women ( his manners ). Never dare to pee standing anymore.
11) Manners of Muhammad to love wine and women the most thing. (fools just keep saying wine is forbidden)
12) And at the end of these examples of the great manners of that slave. I bring that talk about manners of cleaning yourself in bathroom. As many fools don't know it. you must clean your ass with three sharp stones . that is the real cleaning manners. lol. or you will be dirty.
These are just enough examples of the wonderful manners of the slave his follower want to force on people. I didn't talk about many other list of examples. like fucking pigs . and fucking men. and walking naked in the streets and make people kiss your penis. and making people worship you..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................etc.
So just listen up to Muslims you bunch of infidels and fools and follow the wonderful manners of kotom the slave. And join the Islam company for the evil that is called righteous.

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