El Aqsa mosque in Palestine. the biggest lie in Islamic history:
Mostly everyone who is going to read this article have heard about what Muslims call el Aqsa mosque. which is located in Palestine in the city of Jerusalem. which Muslims claim that it is a holy place. and Israel is occupying it.
while I always say about Muslims they are liars. and their false prophet taught them to lie and deceive. and I am going to prove that with evidence. as I am going to say the reason why Muslims claim it is a holy place in their religion. and then prove that this is a lie. as Islam their own religion never said this place is holy or any kind of this staff . and at the end I will say why Muslims lied this lie now days. and who is getting benefit from it . and why they care for it to continue :
First why Muslims say it is a holy place for Islam:
they claim that their false prophet kotom the slave of kadiga. visited that mosque at night while he was in Saudi Arabia by some kind of a miracle ( vision or physically. they did not go with one opinion in that ) called el esra wel merag. which they claim in it that kotom visited heavens. and saw what is in it. then he came back and prayed in that mosque (despite this story is the match of another story in the religion of Al dhirdashtah which is a Persian religion before Islam but only different is the names of heroes of the story and places they visited ) and that after he woke up he started to tell people about what he saw and described to them the mosque he visited ( and the most joking which also can prove this as a lie .that in hadiss they say that many people left Islam because they knew he was lying. and said that he is lying) but to summarize that is why Muslim say this is a holy place for Islam ...
Secondly I will prove the big lie in points :
1) Mohammed ( kotom the slave ) said that esra and merag happened to him twelve years before he die. ( he died at 11 from elhegra which is an Islamic date. and hadiss said esra and merag was before hegra with one year) and the big bomb that proves the lie is that he died before Muslims even invade Palestine and take over it. it happened years after he was dead.( the invasion). which means there was no mosques in Palestine from the beginning. which means he was lying and the people who said he is a liar and left Islam did it for a good reason.
2) the story of leader of Muslims omr ibn elkatab when he invaded Palestine. he went to the church of Resurrection in Palestine. then when the time of pray came ( time for Muslim's pray) and he wanted to pray. he asked the bishop to show him a place to pray in. so he offered on him to pray in a place inside the church. but he refused and said if I did that Muslims will take the church. ( what an opinion from a leader about his people ). so the bishop took him to a place which they used to put their garbage in it. which was the place of demolished temple of Solomon. and it was the town 's garbage place by this time. with no single building in this area as all was destroyed at 135 AD. hundred of years before Muslims invade Palestine .hundred years before. and after that Omar ibn elkatab ordered to build the first mosque in this place. that was years after Mohammed the slave's death. And Omar ibn elkatab never mentioned any thing about al-Aqsa or anything from that staff it was a mosque like any other mosque. and was not known as el Aqsa. and also to summarize. that says there were no mosques in Palestine by the time of kotom. and proves that as if there was any mosque there. Omar ibn elkatab would of prayed in. so how can kotom visit some thing does not exist and describe it to people. and again that explains what came in hadiss that many people left Islam because of this big clear lie.
3)when did the story of el Aqsa began in Islam. actually it started by the time of kaliffa Abd Elmalk Ibn Marawan and he was the ruler of all Islamic world by this time. outside of Saudi Arabia. but he had a rival in Saudi Arabia called Abd Allah Ibn El Zobir which was son of sister of Aisha the wife of kotom the slave ( Mohammed). and abd allah ibn el zobir was trying to call himself as kaliffa for Muslims from Saudi Arabia. and he used the advantage that Muslims must visit the kaba in maka every year to call between people to support him as kaliffa for Muslims. so the kaliffa abd el malk ibn marawan thought about a way to make people leave the visit for maka every year to prevent them from getting supporters. and to economically hurt him . so he started to build what he called by this time for the first time al-Aqsa mosque. ( that was 72 from hegra which means about sixty years after kotom death and was finished by the time of his son kaliffa el waled ibn abd el malek 86 from hegra which means it was completely finished 75 years after kotom death ) and asked Muslims to visit it instead of kaba in maka in Saudi Arabia. and sent an army after that to Saudi Arabia and killed abd allah ibn elzobir and even destroyed the kaba and burn it by Catapult.
4) it didn't even stop at that but also goes far. as by the time of kaliffa abd elmalk ibn marawan was the first books written to collect all hadisse (says about Muhammad or directly from him) of Islam by this time he was able to put what ever he wanted. like what he did in Quran in sort elesra as it 's real name was sort bany Israel but he put the verses of esra and mrag in the beginning of it. and called it sort el esra and merag. and even that verse did not mention a place for the mosque it only said that esra and merag happened to Aqsa mosque but never said where is that aqsa mosque. actually it was only the opinion of hadiss writers by his time . which for sure goes with the will of the kaliffa or get their heads off .
5) is that all?. no there is more . the hadisses about esra and merag proves themselves as a lie by the contradictions in them. as some of it say the false prophet was asleep and some say was half asleep. some say he was sleeping in the mosque some say he was sleeping in his wife's house which her name is om hany. and some say he was asleep in his house in maka and some say he was in a place called el hatim. and some say he was in a place called el hagar. some say he went to that mosque which we proved it did not exist by body (physically ). and some say with sprit and some say it was a vision. some say he prayed in the mosque which we proved it did not exist and others say he did not. some say he tied the borak ( some kind of a donkey his Allah brought to him to carry him according to the fake story he said ). and some mocks that and say he did not. as why would he do that. as was he afraid that it may go and leave him while Allah brought it to him. and some others said that esra and merag happened seven years after he declared himself a prophet and some others say five .....etc. and as long as the owners of the story did not agree on one thing that by itself proves it as a big fat lie.
6) what can also prove the biggest lie about al-Aqsa. that in the opinion of Islam it is not different than any other mosque. as what comes in the hadiss which a man in it told kotom the slave that he made a promise to pray in Palestine in Jerusalem if they won the war. so he said to him pray here so he asked again so he said pray here in maka so he asked third. so he said praying here is better than praying in any other place which made a mosque in Palestine not special or holy. it is like any normal mosque (notice that the man did not say anything about Aqsa mosque in Palestine which also say it did not exist in Palestine ). and the man said that not because there is a mosque there. but it was just in his mind that holy place of Christians and Jewish would be holy for Muslims as kotom kept on lying and claim he is related to Christianity. and his Allah is the god of Christianity which is not true. and proved even by this previous hadiss which he denies in it any special thing about Jerusalem. it is like any other place.
7) the other big bomb that will confirm the lie. is that there was in Saudi Arabia another mosque called el Aqsa. and it was in the time of kotom and in many hadiss books and books of the story of the false prophet. they said that he went to it after being in a place called gorana between maka and madina in Saudi Arabia. and he stayed for thirteen days then he went to visit the mosque of el Aqsa in gorana. which if we assumed the story of kotom is right ( regardless the fabrication in it ) he would of meant the aqsa mosque in gorana in Saudi Arabia in his story. as he described it. so it probably means it is an existed thing. and that put two possibilities. the whole story is a lie. which is right in all cases by the way ( as he is fabricating the story ) but the lie is that he didn't even fabricate that story but Muslims after him did. the second is he really fabricated the story of esra and merag and el aqsa. but he meant the mosque in gorana in Saudi Arabia which existed by his time. which means by all ways that the lie started at the time of kaliffa abd el malek ibn marawan to make people stop visiting kaba in Saudi Arabia. by his time as it was showed above. and that what even many history writers from Muslims agreed on as the reason el Aqsa mosque was built for in Jerusalem. like el yakoby which told the story about how the kaliffa tried to stop people from visiting maka so they stood against him. so he said that kotom said to us to visit al-Aqsa mosque. and said to them in Jerusalem I will build it.
third who is getting benefit from the lie. now days :
1) kings and leaders of Islamic countries. especially when the country is so controlled with religion as they put themselves in the picture of protectors of Islam from............. and from is the most important as if there was no one you are going to protect Islam from that means Muslims will not have to fight. means they will think about living more. means they will ask for their rights. means they will eat their kings . as this is the nature of Muslims. as all the first Muslim leaders were killed by Muslims. started with kotom himself was killed by poison in food. and all who are called the promised with gardens of sex from his friends (with women and children do not bleed) from kotom friends where killed even in mosques. and these kings try not to have the same destiny. by saying we have an enemy occupying our holy mosque. which actually is not holy place for them or anything as I proved above. and so go the story. they become able to control money in name of spreading Islam and fighting enemies. call the people and recruit them for secondary fights against each other. in claim these are supporting the enemy. in getting economically benefit. .......etc.
2) Islamic groups and extremists of Islam and terrorists. and the same way they want themselves to look like protectors of religion also. and to make it easy for them to recruit more followers and most of times these groups do that to get to power like what happened in Iran or Afghanistan or in Saudi Arabia ... as these groups start small then claim themselves as protectors of the religion and start to gain power over others groups by the more action they do against the enemy they create by themselves. as if this enemy vanished they grow weak and start eat each other for power like what happened in Afghanistan when they defeated the soviet union. they started to eat each other until Taliban and el Qaeda ruled and fast they created a new enemy to save themselves and stay in power and in control. and look like people who brought victory and going to bring victory so all others must support them with every thing. and so go on the story. and same as Hamas in Palestine as it showed itself as who stands to the enemy . and as hezb allah in Lebanon.
3) the Palestinians. who are taking the biggest fund from all over the world. to take this money and kill Israelis and claiming they are occupied. while actually. Muslims are who are occupying lands and the only place they really own is Arab island. and even in this Arab island there were Christians and Jewish and other traditional religions living in it. and were forced to leave their land or got killed or forced to be Muslims to save their lives .. and Palestinians who live in these lands now are not the indigenous citizens of Palestine but Muslims settled here after the Arab invasion to Palestine. as it 's real citizens were Christians and Jewish .
4) normal Muslims also have a benefit from that as the only thing that justify their live in many countries outside Arab island is Islam. as without it they will be with no right in front of themselves. as they are in reality but denying it. and in themselves they say Allah gave us that right in these lands . and fall of Islam means fall of Allah means fall of these superstitions. and they are afraid that owners of lands will kick them out. and what they don't really realize that by their actions really they will be kicked out. and by their own hands. because they are dump to see it.
At the end there is only one notice to say about this place now days also . that because Muslims want to claim that their Allah is the same god of Christianity and Jewish. so they want any relation. one of them is Jerusalem. to say that this is the same God. and that after Jewish discovered the lie of kotom. when he said that Moses and Jesus were in the same time as mother of Jesus is sister of Aaron and Moses in Quran. while Jesus was in the time of roman empire and Moses were in time pharaohs which means 1500 between each other (( impossible. which means clear lie. which also mean when we say kotom is a liar and Muslims are liars we are just describing their fact only)). and they want to force others to admit them right. even if it is clear they are wrong. .
Islam =the biggest history cheats.= shame over the heads of Muslims
Quran of Islam = toy in hands of kings to change as they wish = books of shame
kotom the slave = a liar that taught his nation to lie and to drink camel urine and eat flies = the prophet of lie and shame.
Oh my god .....we don't know that God himself is living within us......and write blog.....my dear stupid bro/sis..... don't be mad and hater for Muslims and Nazi....and damn sure someone has miss guided you.....not your fault.........that holy place.....it is and MASJID.......AL AQSA.......and Muslims history is not a lie......Islam is based on believe in ALLAH.....that why in Muslim we never praise to any statue......