Diaries of an assassin. Smile because you are a Muslim. :) :D :D :O :Q
After receiving an urgent call from hell. I went to the imaginary line that separates between the fantasy and the real world which is built over the knowledge comes from the real world. And on the other line there was a person wishes to have a meeting. And the reason of that meeting is that he wants to write a chapter from his diaries and to put it to be published.
And that he have heard about the meeting with Aisha the child which the liar prophet of Islam married her when she was six years old. And so he thought about doing the same and make a meeting which will give him sometime away from the hell fire.
So the question came :
And who are you??
But the answer was you will know every thing when we meet. And I will answer any question you want.
And so the call was finished after setting the time of the meeting.
To let thoughts go free. who may be he???.
Would he be Abu-Bakr the friend of Muhammad. The one that gave Muhammad his own daughter when she was six years old to be his wife. And came trying to defend himself.
Or he may be Omar which was another friend in Muhammad gang. And used to harassment the wives of Muhammad when they go outside to pee.
Or maybe Osman Ibn Afan which burned more than twenty different copy of Quran to force his own copy. And was killed by Muslims and accused of distorting Quran.
Or maybe Ali Ibn Aby Talib. Which used to sleep in one bed with Muhammad and his wife. And was the sex boy of Muhammad.
or............ thoughts went on until it was tired from wondering and decided to let to the meeting to solve it out.
And bit by bit the time passes away until the meeting time came. And it was full of excitement wondering who will be he??.
And the guard of gates of hell opened the door and a man started to move forward very slowly. It was very much clear that he was in a great pain from his steps. And his face started to be clear. But his face was useless because names are known well but faces of owners of the names are not known so it was still vital to know who is he from him.
But weird. When there was a meeting with Aisha the child Muhammad married when she was six years old. When she was coming out through gates of hell she had problem with the light thanks to the darkness of hell.
But this man seems to have no problem at all. walking in a straight line out through gates of hell coming toward me.
And suddenly he stumbled in a small stone and almost fall down. But he balanced himself and stretched his hands like if he was a blind man.
Maybe the light made his effect after all on him. But wait ...!!!!!
It seems like if he is really a blind man. wow
A blind man from hell ask for a meeting. What would he want to say? or even what would he may have to say.??
And between the curiosity to know why he wanted the meeting. And the feel that it may be a waste of time. Time itself frozen with no decision. To leave or to ask.
But he broke the frozen time. And said : Don't wonder now but wonder later after you hear my complete story. like if he was reading my thoughts.
And by his words the curiosity increased more. And after helping him to sit down.
The words came out. actually I am very much wondering . I was expecting some one famous I mostly read about him . But then you came.
So he answered I know that you may feel disappointed right now. But trust me my story may be useful to help others to know the truth more than any other one you have thought about.
And so after his words again curiosity increased to the degree that makes anyone want to listen to him. so the conversation began.
And the first question to him was normally : who are you and what is your name?
So he answered: My name is Omair Ibn Oday Ibn kersha Ibn Omaia The Katmey. And I will not bother you with a lot of details about my story but I will get to the main events of it.
And so he went on :
I was blind as you see me now unable to see. And no matter how much I explain to you about how hard it is to be blind. You won't get it. And only those who are blind the only persons that can get it will.
And my only wish in life was to see again. To manage to break the walls of darkness around me. But I knew it was impossible. But I kept my hopes inside me wishing that it may happen that I meet someone able to heal me and bring back the life to my dead eyes. And helped that hope the stories about Jesus Christ which made such things. And I was hoping maybe one day I may meet someone like him. Able to break the impossible.
And suddenly a news came about a prophet called Muhammad. And they said about him that he is greater than all others. So hopes ran again inside me. Maybe he can heal me.
And he smiled :) :)
It seems by this time I was not just blind in the eyes but also in the hearing.
I heard all stories about his bad things and about his truth as a liar and son of a whore which were facts. But hope kept me also blind in what I hear.
I tried to get closer to him. But I failed. I figured out that he hates the blind people and say about them that they bring bad luck.
And he smiled again before continue :) :)
Even that I didn't notice And I kept in wishing to make him notice me. To get my chance To ask him to heal me.
And one day I got that wish.
And he took a deep breath then went on talking again.:
Once Muhammad stood inside the mosque and said to his followers and I was one of them. That a woman called Asthma Bent Marwan is cursing him and saying lies about him and about Islam. And so she need to be killed.
And it was the chance I was waiting for to be acknowledge By him. So fast I stood and said I will do it.
And all the people started to mock me. But no one else said he will do it as all said in themselves let him kill her or fail and get killed he doesn't matter instead of wasting one of us.
But it was ok for me. As I saw in it the chance I was waiting all my life. It may please Muhammad that he may help me and heal me to see.
And he smiled with sadness :C :)
And I decided to kill her for saying only the truth. That I made my ears blind to hear it. Not for killing muslins or doing harm. But only because she says the truth.
And after a while Muhammad went in an invasion. So I made a promise to myself that I would go and kill her then go to him to please him to get what I want most.
And it did happen.
I went to her house which I knew very well. Because we were from the same clan and she used to let me enter as a blind relative and take care of me.
And I sneaked with a sword and used my touching to feel her. And she was putting her baby on her chest. So I moved the baby away and put my sword on her chest and pushed it until it came out from the back.
And then sadness came over his face. :C :C
And at the moment I was sure she was dead I was happy by then. I got what I want. I will please him. My eyes will come back to life again.
I didn't realize by then that this will lead me down here.
And he continued:
I went to him the second day in the mosque and the news has been spread and all Muslims knew who was in charge of this kill. And after we prayed I went close to him. So he asked me did you kill her.
So proudly I said yes. Will this harm me.
So Muhammad said No goats shall fight for her. More like she worth nothing.
And then he said to all other follower don't call him blind anymore he is able to see.
That's it and all was over. But wait a moment I didn't see anything. What useful for me that people do not call me a blind while I am a blind. I still can't see. words mean nothing.
I am still a prisoner inside the walls of darkness.
And he took another deep breath and went on again:
I went to him to ask him directly to heal me. But he convinced me that I will be healed only after I die and go to the gardens of sex of his God Allah. And that he can't heal me.
And since then My way in living changed. In the first part I lived searching for hope. until I deceived myself before he does. To let myself in the second part live waiting for the illusion.
That is my story tell it to everybody to help them not to be blind while they had eyes to read. Or deaf while they had ears to listen.
And a last wish I ask you. To stay one more hour with me. I have finished my story and I can't hold you for ever so just stay one more hour without saying anything before letting me to go back there.
So I stayed with him that hour without saying a word. Then he turned away and started walking back through the gates of hell.
Then he looked back with a big smile when the gate sounds started saying it is about to close.
And when I was just about to wonder what is the reason of this smile .
He shouted don't wonder about this smile. Hell maybe bad But it is still the only place I found Myself equal to other. Because the eyes worth nothing in the darkness of hell. So it doesn't matter if you are blind or with good eyes. What maters only is the truth and fact the eyes can see. and in hell it is only darkness.
And by these words the meeting was over and what a deep words it doesn't matter if you are blind or with good eyes. what matters the truth and fact eyes are open to see.

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