The mouse's size mosquito
A mosquito in the size of a mouse and lives for 400 years and feed on one man brain for 400 years. lol :D
No don't jump up and think it is a new horror movie or even a new comedic one. As it is not new. It is 1400 years old movie.
And that fantastic movie is directed by the wonderful director Mr. kotom the slave of Mrs. kadiga. And the story of that wonderful movie is written inside the Quran in sort el bakra (The cow) and the verse number 258:
((((Fast thou not turned thy vision to one who disputed with Abraham about his Lord, because God had granted him power? Abraham said: my Lord is he who gives life and death. he said: I give life and death. said Abraham: but it is God that caused the sun to rise from the east: do thou then cause him to rise from the west. thus was he confounded who (in arrogance) rejected faith. nor doth God give guidance to a people unjust.))))
And the complete story will be found in the explanation of that verse written by the great wonderful science fiction writers. The first one name is kortoby and the second one name is ibn kasier.
Now after the introduction Let us start watching the movie through the words coming. and if you have problems with mosquitos. Then you better try wear something that can afford you complete protection. as if you thought of using Insecticide. It won't be effective thanks to the number used in that movie. So dress up. get set. Be safe and let's start watching. LOL :D
The movie starts and on the big screen here he comes the hero of the story a King ( A legend king ). His name is Nimrod. Who he is actually. The teller of the story on the movie says actually Both the writers Kortoby and Abo kasier did not know. As Quran and Muhammad the slave did not mention who is he really and each one of them had a different identity to that king. (Says the teller of the movie )
Then here we come back with the hero Nimrod the king. Sitting on his throne and saying to people worship me or I will not give you food to eat. I am your god. ( So far so good )
Then a new character appears who is he ??!!
this is Ibrahim ( Abram ) says the teller of the story. And Abram worships Allah the god of Muslims and god of the slave Muhammad. ( Despite there is no mention to that story in the holy book which was written by Abram himself and his son and was delivered to his grandsons and so which are the Jews. But Muhammad claims he knows things about him. Actually he did not know that lie do not have legs as the common say. which means sooner or later it will be exposed. And that his own story will show his lie. ).
Then after the appearance of Ibrahim on the screen from that moment and for the first time the movie will be divided into two screens each one of them carries a different situation and incidents to the same moment . As each writer says: (says the teller of the movie).
On the right half of the screen Abram enters the temples of the gods and destroy all of them but the great one and when they ask him he says the great one destroyed the little ones. So they take him to Nimrod the king.
Then Abram enters to nimrod the king and does not bow in front of him. So he asks him: why you did not bow who do you worship?. So Abram answers: Allah who gives life and death. So Nimrod says I give live and death if I give food I give life and if I do not give food I give death.
So Abram answers my god is who bring the sun from the east if you can bring it from the west. ((( lol . what an answer. lets suppose my god is a cow and I said my cow brings the moon and stars at night on the sky so make them come to earth if you can. what proves that my god is who runs what is already running unless he proves himself by himself. )))
So on the right half of screen the fool Nimrod did not know how to answer so he tells them not to give Abram food and let him go and Allah gives him food ( lol :D). And then Nimrod the king sets his army to fight Allah. ((( lol :D )))
Now we leave nimrod with his army on the right half of the screen and we go to see the same moment of the story which the writers can't tell which one of them is the right which prove it a big fat lie. But just don't let us stop the fun and continue the movie.
On the left half of the screen Abram enters the temple and destroys all the gods and they take him to Nimrod the king. who asks him who do you worship?. So Abram says Allah who brings the sun from the east to the west so if you can bring it from the west to the east.
So the smart Nimrod this time (on the left half of the screen he is smart but on the right half Nimrod he was an idiot. lol :D ).
says to Abram: I will bring the sun from the west to the east before the end of days and swore to do that in front of his people. And then ordered to throw Abram into fire and Allah saved him.
((( LOL :D on the right half of screen poor Abram needs food. and on the left half of the screen he burns inside fire on the same moment thanks to the writers who do not know which one really happened. And also a comment was said about Nimrod and how much stupid he is because he argues with Abram with stupid things to prove he is a god as when he tells him Allah gives life and death. Nimrod says I give life and death when I give or prevent food. And that is a fake compare with Allah. And while the Muslim writers wrote that they did not notice that it goes on them more than that story. As they say Allah is who gives life and death. So you ask them prove it. They say Quran says so. When you tell them Quran is fake and there were more than twenty other Quran were burned. they say the prophet said so. and when you ask them what is his prophecy you find nothing. Where is god work with him and miracles you find nothing. same stupid way of arguing. ))) .
And also it ends with Nimrod the king sets his army to fight Allah.
Now comes to the most exciting part of the movie and the divided screen becomes one screen again.
And here we come. The King Nimrod appears with his huge army coming to fight Allah the porno dancer ( you can check back the article of Allah the porno dancer on the truth of Islam page for more ).
And here comes Allah with his army. And guess what. His army was from mosquitos. LOL :D . Yes mosquitos. And from a special kind. The kind that sucks blood and eat flesh. ( LOL :D. despite it is more like the stories of the pagan gods but let the fun be complete)
And suddenly Allah orders the attack. and wow look at this. The super mosquitos army charges with full power and soldiers start to run and scream. And mosquitos started to eat them until nothing left but the bones.
Then one super mosquito sneaked slowly until it came close to Nimrod the king.
And slowly it entered inside his nose. Then slowly it started to swim inside the calm ocean of mucus inside the great big nose of King Nimrod. Until it arrived to the brain shore of the head continent of King Nimrod ( LOL :D . The point is: It entered his head from his nose and reached his brain. LOL :D )
And then that super mosquito started to feed on the brain of King Nimrod and guess what for 400 years. yes 400 until it became at the size of a mouse inside his head. ( his head is more like a play ground. you know head of a king . lol :D )
And he stayed alive while this mosquito feed on his brain for 400 years not to mention that the super mosquito stayed alive from the beginning.
And the most funny part is when the mosquito feels boring alone inside the head continent of king Nimrod. And refresh itself through moving its wings and play inside his head. he had to make people hit him with shoes over his head to force the super mosquito to stop having fun and stay steady inside the head continent of the poor King Nimrod. ( There was nothing else they had but shoes to hit him over his head with .lol. )
And by that Allah won the war using his super mosquito army that eats flesh and feeds on brains and lives for 400 years on one mans brain and becomes in the size of a mouse.
and under it written :
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