As always when it comes to slam you find Muslims say lies like that Islam honored women while with a little search in Islam you would find disasters which this article will try to put some of it in clear points shortly:
first will show how Islam looks at women in general :
1- Islam and kotom looks at women as a pleasure in life. like the pleasure of having gold or horse or animals ...(and that can be found in Quran in sort al omran 3: 14) which says people to love desiring women and children and gold and horses......( it is all about men .and what men desire .as people in Quran are only men.)
2-kotom says that women are lacking reason and religion. which means that men are better than women in mind and in religion. no matter how good or smart the woman can be .a fool man is better than her (that is sahieh el bokary and sahih Muslim hadiss books and a trusted hadiss). science proved that this is not true and woman and man can be the same smart
3-kotom says that women are like donkeys. as both men mount (literally from hadiss)
4- women are impurity as Quran says when saying that touching women makes the Muslim un pure to pray. and that as coming from feces. and that he must clean himself before praying if touched women as i said (and that in sort el nisaa 4:43)
5-women are like donkeys and black dog as in hadiss that if a women passed on a man while praying that delete his pray. and Allah will not look at his pray. same as if a donkey passes or a black dog
6-women are where devil lives and the menstruation blood is a kick from the devil .(in hadiss)
secondly I put some of Islam rights to women :
1-first. men are better than women and must lead women as in Quran in sort el bakra (the cow)2:228
2- Woman must obey her husband in everything. or angels will curse her (imagine angels curse !!!!!?) that is in hadiss books of Muslims.
3-The man in Islam has the right to beat his wife and desert her in bed and to hold her captive until she dies.
4-Man has the right to marry four women .and also he can marry underage girls or babies.( that is not a joke . Muslims sheiks said so). as kotom the false prophet did with Aisha when she was six years old
5-If the man divorced his woman three times. he must make her marry another man and has sex with him. to manage to marry her again ( men must be with horns over their heads for the sake of Allah and kotom who had no honor)
6-The relation between man and woman in Islam is only about sex. so if the woman stopped being desired by the man. he can leave her without any rights like what kotom did with his wife soda.
7-if the man asked his wife for sex she must obey him or he beats her. even if she is having menstruate cycle as kotom did with Aisha his wife.
8-men can exchange their wives for pleasure. with no opinion for women. and also he can give her to his guest. if he wanted . as this is generous according to hadiss . to lend the pussy of your wife to your guest.
9-Woman inherits half what the man inherits (if we have six pieces of gold man takes four and woman takes two half of what man took) and also in witness in front of court two women equal to one man in testifying.
10-Non Muslims wives have no rights at all in Islam. Islam gives the Muslim the right to marry a non Muslim woman. but gives her no rights at all in inheritance or even in their own children. and their children are considered fuel for war .like when Muslims invaded Turk and took their children to be mamloks . slaves for war and they were sons of non Muslim women.
11-and finally when it comes to the promised gardens of sex. which Allah of Islam promises his followers. you find that only men are the lucky. as they will get 70 beautiful women called horias and children do not bleed to fuck. but the woman if she manages to enter these gardens (((as kotom says in hadiss most of hill fuel are women ))). she must be accepted by her husband to join the line or stay alone with no one .
these are just examples for many other disasters need a lot to be explained
Islam = Nazism = shame over the heads of Muslims
Quran = Nazis books = books of shame
kotom the slave of kadiga = Hitler but Hitler is free man and cleaner than kotom who drinks camel urine and make sex with women in menstruation cycle time

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