Muslims in Europe and in the west plan to control it by numbers that is a fact:
Islam teaches Muslims literally that population numbers is an important thing. and their false prophet the slave of kadiga will stand in front of his Allah (((the foxy and liar god as Quran describes him))) to be proud with the population. and that was actually after kotom the slave went in many wars to force Islam and after losing a great number of men with a great number of women lost their men. so he said that to Muslims. and gave the men the right to marry four women. and whatever their hand can get ((war captives)). and that to make fuel for Islamic wars. in case of Europe now. Muslims knew they can't invade Europe and the west with war. so what will be the way. it was in the population numbers. they say let's go to their countries which have democracy and human right. and grow in numbers by our prophet's way. and then we gain control and turn it all Islamic by using democracy to get to power and after that we say (( bye bye democracy Islam rules now )) .
Muslims do that by making Settlements from Muslims only. and grow in it and prevent any other power to control in it. and totally isolate it. to make it a core for kidnapping and forcing Islam. and in the future for independence. when population numbers grow. or at least for local rule. and that would be especially when the country they are in grows weak.
and add to that the Islamic countries through their embassies encourage Muslims to bring as many children as they can. and marry more than one women to gain great numbers in Europe and the west. and support them with money. and most they encourage them to marry European. and west girls especially. and that to bring children to fight their own people. and make them lose number in case preventing this girl married a west guy as her.
this what I say is not a joke or something randomly. this is a thing when Muslims speak in Arabic between them they say it clearly without afraid. and even in local TVs. they look at countries like France and British for example as Islamic countries after 30 to 40 years and said that like if talking about a normal thing with no kind of doubt.
again this is not a fantasy or imagination this is a fact on land. and Muslims are working on it all over the world and this is not a phobia. a simple research to see what Muslims do when their number grows in a country can show you.
India and Pakistan .......Eritrea and Ethiopia....... Russia and Chechnya .........Nigeria ......cote d'ivoire ... Egypt ........Sudan .......etc.
and the most thing that makes you feel bad is that Muslims say also Allah ((( the foxy liar god))) made these people so fool to help us take their land and money and women and children.
God open the eyes of the world to see the truth.
Islam = Nazism = shame over the heads of Muslims
Quran = Nazis books = shame over the heads of Muslims
kotom the slave = Hitler but Hitler is cleaner than kotom who drinks camel urine and love menstruate blood smell.
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