The law of do not say the truth.
there is a story about a king was deceived by two crooks who claimed they can make a magic clothes to the king and only those who are loyal to him will be able to see how much beauty the clothes are. And whoever is a traitor will not be able to see their beauty when the king wears them. And took a huge amount of money and gold. And gave the king old dirty torn clothes . And told him to wear them. And before he goes out he gave orders to his soldiers to kill whoever do not see how much beauty are his clothes even if they were among them. As whoever won't be able to see the beautiful clothes will be a traitor. And so no one ever dare to say anything about the dirty old torn clothes. Until when the king went to streets and a boy looked and laughed then said: Look to that fool king and what he is wearing. And soon after that the whole people started to laugh even the soldiers. Until the king came out to realize that he had been deceived. And that the reason was the sword he put over the necks of those who could of said the truth to him. To become forever. The fool king which crooks manage to deceive him.
And the law he made became more like do not say the truth to live or say the truth and die. And despite that. Truth broke it. And was said.
Why did this article put this story???????
The answer will be because it is more similar to a reality stories not just one story.
Yes. Yes. Yes. A reality stories in our own time there are laws tells if you say the truth you get punished. ( kill without trial-go to jail-get your house burned and you and your family get displaced-kidnapped and tortured.....etc.). The important thing. there will be a punish if you are saying the truth.
So the question will be where is that in reality????????
The answer will be The law of defamation of religions. Which carry that name or in many other cases carry the real name of it. which is the law of defamation of Islam.
And that second name is the real purpose of that law. And what is defamation in this case.?????????????
Have a big guess???????????????????????????
Yes. Yes. Yes. Saying the truth about Islam as it is inside Quran and hadiss books of Muslims or say your own opinion about the truth of it.
For example :
Let's say a person came and said in a country which force that kind of law. like Egypt which the law in it represent the occupation authority. And came out and said:
Muhammad the prophet of Islam is a son of a bitch.
Which is 100% percent truth. and Muhammad assured it by himself. and said that he asked his imaginary Allah the porno dancer to forgive her sins. But Allah refused and said no matter how much you ask. she will never get forgiveness.
or anything alike. which is a truth . A pure truth. Like Islam's persecution to others. Or hatred teach inside it.........etc.
guess what???? he gets punished for saying the truth.
And more it does not even stop at that far. But this law even is used to manage to harm any one you may dislike. It is enough to say that he defamed The precious Islam. To make his or her life like hell.
And more over. This law is not only to stop saying the truth about Islam. But also to allow saying the lies on other religions. and insulting them with clear big lies and run away with it.
And all these examples is literally what happened in Egypt which is used as example above and in other countries also where they force that law.
(((((((((( Law of do not Say the truth ))))))))))))
And a further look to history of Islam. You will find the first one who used this kind of law was kotom the slave (Muhammad).
which means Muslims are just applying what is inside their books leads to the ((( the illusion article which you should read on the truth of Islam page ))).
And it happened when kotom killed an old woman and cut her into two halves after pulling her between two camels. For just saying the truth about him.
A liar and son of a bitch.
And after killing her and others from who said the truth. He said to them (Muslims) who says bad about me you must kill him. And if not. You will get punished and will not go to gardens of sex of Allah the porno dancer.
The same way and all believed that. And became afraid from the punish as the story.
And also like the story. It was also a child who mocked from kotom and told him how much dirty and insane he is. And made his wives and friends say that to him. And also they mocked him. Ending up to killing him by poison.
And that child was Aisha his wife. The child which he raped when she was six years and called it marriage.
And she was the child that mocked that law and mocked the fool kotom.
And made a legacy of her own. Which her sons are following now. but on the same path of the same law. who says bad about me must be killed. ( Even truth like she was a whore which she said about herself ). And from that came the sunnah Muslims which kill the Shia Muslims because they say the truth about Aisha .
And in continue for that legacy. comes that law
((((((((((((( The law of do not say the truth )))))))))))
Awaiting for the child who will mock the lie. And say look at that stupid fool nation wearing the old dirty lies.