Love and Fire. Heart beating and heart bleeding. (Chapter1)
This is a story from the old times. Shows how much evil and cruel can the human turn to be. This a story of killing by all ways. Killing the soul and the body. This is a story of abuse and rape. This is a story of love and the treason. This is the story of Aisha and Ali. this is a story from the house of the liar prophet. This is a story of how devil works between people.
Before starting the story I had to take permission from the imaginary hell guards and hell authority to make a meet with that lost soul. The main character in the story which will tell the whole story. And she was Aisha which her nation was divided on her. Some considered her their mother. And some call her a bitch and keep cursing her.
When she came she was having a very bad look ( look of hell). But this even didn't hide how much happy she was for having these few minutes away from torment. A chance no one has it usually. And she seemed to be enjoying every moment of it. And This can just show how much bad is the hell.
when she came her eyes were closed because it is very dark in hell. Which makes even a little light hurt the eyes. But after a while she started to open her eyes. And what a deep look of shock and sorrow when she started to see her hands and the color of her skin. And when she touched her hair and saw it and figured out how much ugly she may look.
And as soon as she felt that someone is there. she was divided between hiding herself and fix herself. ( Women are women after all. No matter where the place is. Same sense of female touch and look for beauty ).
and when she raised her eyes to look at me and saw petty in my eyes. She looked more sad and said whoever you are you should of seen me before coming her I was beautiful. Then she asked who are you and what do you want?.
I said to her I am someone who have read about you and had a feeling that you were Some kind of oppressed in all of the tells said about you. And that there is something missed about you. no one have noticed. so I just came to ask you to say and share it with your nation to show them the truth about your life. And to tell them your real story as it is and bring out the things no one ever knew about them in your life.
((( It is now seven o'clock. Didn't he say he will come at seven. I guess so. he did say that. wait a moment here he is coming cross the street. By the time the waiter bring us the coffee he will arrive. But I just want to remind you it is a big risk what you are thinking to do. just an advise from a friend. )))
So you came all the way to hell just to know my story she said. Why did you do that. The story had been set to an end and nothing can be changed.
I answered in your story maybe but there are many more lives more than you can imagine this story may save. But the true parts of it.
An answer came from her: and why would I care about them. no one actually did care about me in the past. To make me care for others now. Look where am I. In hell do you think I would really care.
I said to her : you maybe right in part but not in all what you say. it is impossible to say that no one cared about you. even the most bad humans must of had who cared about them. But maybe they did not take care of you the right way or right enough to make you away from hell. Or maybe even someone you didn't know and he or she didn't has a way to care about you with.
She looked at me as if she was convinced. Then again she turned away and did not speak. And after a little while she said : I still do not care I am in hell. And telling you my story will not make me out of hell with angry and sorrow look. Take me out of hell and I will tell you all about it. And tell the whole world.
I didn't know what to say. but I collected myself and said : Actually it is something not between my hands. This meeting even is on the borders between imagination and fact built on the knowledge collected from the real world.
And to tell you the truth. I even work hard on myself to avoid such a destiny. I wish I could help you but I can't. But Maybe there is a chance to help others by my try in telling your story.
She looked again and said you are on gates of hell. and want me to help others by my story. let them come and just burn like me. Why should I suffer alone. let them suffer like me.
And she looked at the guard of the gates of hell and said: You devils have done all tricks to get us down here and suddenly now you want us to help others not to come here?!.
So the most ugly cruel face you may ever imagine to see for real in the imagination reality. Talked and said to her : humans like you were stupid enough to fall in here. what would of make you understand. Now it is not a matter of tricking people because every trick or trap is already set even by humans themselves to bring themselves to hell without the need to our help. As the prophecies of the last days. And numbers are great. Now we care on how much punish they will get and we want to make it as maximum punishment as possible and that by showing the truth to the people which will stay more Stubborn until they come to get it.
Then he said to her go on tell him what he wants and be sure it won't help much.
She turned back to me with a look you can't know is it happy or sorrow or confuse?. But the most important that was settled is that she is going to tell me her real story and most important she will not be able to hide or lie any more because now she tasted and knew very well what it will cause more harm to her if she lied.
And after that she started to tell:
((( Here you are good day. Thanks good day to you both too. So what would you like to drink. coffee like you would be good. Ok. Waiter over here we need one more coffee. Yes sir. So you want to see the papers. Yes sure. Here you are. But I would just like to ask. are you really going to do what you said to me. Actually to be honest it depends on what you have )))
Chapter Two (The Start)
Her eyes started to glow and shine. Like if they were eyes of a child that found a toy in the middle of a war and forgot everything else but the toy he found. As she was about to tell the story then suddenly tears appeared even before saying a word. Then she said I don't know which is hardest. To remember my life before hell to tell you while I hate it because it brought me here. Or to remember it and all what was in it from good times now and then figure out it is just a past or like vapor appeared then fast disappeared to leave me back where I am now in hell.
Then her eyes changed again and became shinning a little but not as before. Then a kind of a light joy smile appeared closed with shy on her face. Then she said but also I can't say I will regret this time away from hell with my old memories of life. Then she started to tell :
The start was in Maka. A town in Arabia desert where I was born. It was city full of life where merchants come from everywhere to trade goods. and when I was born I found both my father and mother abd allah (his famous name is Abo Bakr) and my mother Om Roman were Muslims. And following a man calls himself a prophet and by this time I was just a child and I can remember how much I was happy by this time and used to play much with other children on the same age of mine. and the best thing I liked the most is playing with the swings. And I had that swing that was held between two date's trees. Which I used to spend much time on it. me and my other friends used to take turn. One rides the swing and the other pushes him.
Then one day something happened which I was not understanding it yet or aware what would it mean. An old man came to our house. And he was a friend of my father and a very important and rich man called Mutam Ibn Oday. And with him there was a young boy older than me. But he was close to my age. I saw him while I was playing then. some of my older friends by then whispered into my ears. My cousin came and I know why. then she smiled ( I was six years by this time). He came to engage you from your father To that young boy Jouber and you will marry him when you grow up. If your father agrees. Then suddenly a sound came from one of the other girls which seemed that she heard the whispering of Jouber 's cousin in my ear. We have a bride and laughs came out from all of them. And others said to me go bring that boy to play with us with laughs coming out of them. And one of them said while laughing I will steal your groom from you. And laughs came out from them. And by this time it was just a game for all of us. And I was happy because I felt that some girls were jealous from me. Because I was engaged before them and had a Groom waiting to marry me when I grow up. And that made me feel so full with proud. which was an essential thing in our home. It was proud even on nothing it doesn't matter but you always had to make something makes you special than others and better than them even if it is something you do not understand or even a lie you make.
((( So how would I know your last decision. I will give you a visit. then I guess you should take my cell phone number because I keep moving because of my job. Most of time I am not home. Ok. I had to leave now. And whatever your decision will be. I still want to say that I like your bravery's thinking. even if it was not complete.)))
And by this time I though my life was going to be just like that until I will be married to that boy I saw with his old father which his cousin told me his name was jouber. And from that day I used to like that swing very much but I didn't know that the same swing that made me happy and heard a happy news by it. Will be the same place that I will hear news that is going to change the whole of my life.
And that not much time will separate between the happiness and a life full of all kinds of troubles and miserable and clashes like the sea waves with never stop. Up and down. back and forward. Calm and rough.
Then Aisha laughed for the first time and said. My life is going to be just like that swing I used to love and play with. People will push it high and pull it down. then I will push it high and I will bring it down myself until I fall down as it used to happen to me which even made my mother tell me several times not to play with it anymore.
That is so wired that is the first time I realize that my life is just like the swing I loved.
Then she stopped talking for a while. Enjoying the laugh.
Then I thought it is not just you that your life is like swing it is all of us but the real clever is who is going to manage to control his swing until stop it to safety and not let it throw him away to fall down.
((( waiter the bill please. Thank you. let's go now. would you like a left. No thanks a lot. I had a few things close to here to do. I will just walk. ok see you. )))
Chapter Three ( The Shock )
After a little while. She stopped the laughing. And became in silence for a moment then she said again:
My past life was just like the swing I loved. People pushed it up and pulled it down. Then I pushed it up myself and pull it down myself until it threw me down here like my swing used to do.
So I shared my thoughts this time and said :
not just your life but all our lives the same. But the real clever is who manage to stop the swing at the end in safety without letting it throw him down to fall.
She looked at me. and it seemed she was touched by this thought but she did not comment.
Then she started to talk again. At this swing the whole of my life changed. First I thought the change is just about a girl that had a groom waiting for her until she grow up. Which was the source proud because it shows how much beautiful and important I was. And how much great is my family between people by just looking to the groom which was from a very big rich family also.
But one day the change I expected was completely changed.
I remember that day very will. I was at the swing then my mother came. First time when I saw her coming at me from far away. I thought she was about to take me away from the swing and tell me not to play with it as she used to do.
And the most joking that it just happened as I expected at the beginning. As she grabbed my hand and looked in angry and said: didn't I tell you many times to stop playing with the swing.
((( Man unlike him I would need a left lol. Sure. get in. Or let me think. go to the other side and drive. I would just like to make a fast explore. As you wish. just be ready to call your insurance company lol. lol. Sure but first let us survive then I will call any company you would like. lol. lol. ok man here we go. )))
Then she said to me. you are about to become a bride.
So I said to her while smiling. Jouber will not marry me now. I am still a child. He is going to wait for me until I grow up.
then my mother looked at me and said : forget all about jouber. I am talking about another man greater than him. and now I will fix you for him to marry you.
Now in wonder I asked. And said to her: I am still six years old.
So my mother looked at me and said.: He wants to marry you now.
So I said to her no. I want to play not to marry now. And I started crying. While she was grabbing me all the way to our house.
Until we arrived home and my crying's voice was heard by my father. So he rushed to see what is making me cry so loud. And when I saw him I pulled my hand fast from my mother's hand. and ran to him while I was crying. and said to him:
Father I don't want to marry now. I am still six years old. And even if that man want to marry me. He should wait until I grow up. Like jouber.
So my father said to me but my daughter he wants to marry you now. And I can't say no to him. So I asked in a voice of proud: But you are abo bakr who is that man that you can't say no to him?. And even if you can't say no to him. You can tell him that I am engaged to jouber. I like jouber he will leave me to play until I grow up then he will marry me. I want to marry jouber not that man. And of course he won't be able to marry a girl engaged to someone else and risk to start a fight with joubers and his family and may get killed.
After that my father said: But my daughter I thought about that and told him you are engaged to jouber. And it didn't matter to him and the truth I tell you my daughter it is jouber and his family who won't risk to stand in front of him because he can order them to be killed.
So I looked in wonder to my father and could not hide that wonder and I asked in anger: And who is that man That you can't refuse his request and that man jouber and whole of his family won't be able to stand in front of him because he can order them to be killed.
So he looked to me and said : He is kotom ( Muhammad ) The prophet. And of course no one can disobey him or he will get killed.
I was in a great shock. and shouted no.
I tried to tell him that you are engaged to another man as I told before but it didn't matter to him and he told me that I can get back in the engagement. Because he wants to marry you. Said my father.
But I kept shouting and crying no. I don't want to marry now. And I don't want to marry him.
A thought came inside my head about that image of kotom when he used to pass close to me and my friends while we were playing and how we all became terrified from his ugly face. and we all ran away. And also that time when he came with my father and all my friends ran away and I wanted to run with them but my father forced me stay.
And I kept on shouting and I said. All my friends run away when they see him. I don't want to marry him.
So my mother said : Dummy girl. All your friends will get jealous from you. You will become the wife of the prophet. The master of all Arab tribes.
And while I was crying these words of my mother reached my ears. It affected me so deep. As a child I forgot all about his ugly or even his age. he was in the age of my father about 54 years old. while I was six years old.( pride and jealous. magic words )
But still in my concern that I won't be able to play freely and that he won't leave me until I grow up.
As my mother managed in wiping any fear about his age or ugly face. using the matter of proud and jealous.
So my father completed the convince and said to me if it is just about playing. I promise you I will make him leave you a couple of years to play as much as you want. But now you must go with your mother to fix you for the marriage.
And after that my father told kotom about my demands and so he decided to accept them. and promised my father he will leave a couple of years before he make sex with me. which was something I did not understand anything about it. but just that I will be still able to play with my friends for more time as I wanted.
And after my mother finished fixing me. And they delivered me to him as his bride to write a new chapter in my life starts from the first day I went to his house.
Then she stopped talking for a while. It was not clear to me. Did she stop to get ready to continue the story. Or she stopped because that was the moment that will carry a shift in the whole of her life. As she said that since she was delivered to kotom as his bride a new chapter was to be written in her life.
but also on the same time she was stopping my mind did not stop and went to think deeply about what she just said in her story. And inside my mind there was that idea that describes mankind. as the only thinking species on earth. and that what makes the different between man and animal that man is the only thinking species while animals depend only on their instinct.
And then I thought is thinking a gift or a curse. As when animals with their less ability to think did not do what a thinking human did. I never saw or heard about an animal or species in the whole world through all centuries in all history tried to make sex with a child animal that did not grow up to become adult. But also a balance came to my mind that thinking is just like any other thing in life. It only depends on how the human is going to use it. You can think and plan how to kill and steal. And you can think and plan how to heal and help others. It is the matter of the human after all and his use and choice in what he thinks. Good and evil In the nature of the human.
((( O my goodness. It seems to be more serious than what I ever thought. but from another side all need to be checked very well. Fine man chick as much as you like here I arrive. take your driving wheel and check well. and I will be checking on you later. lol. ok have a good night. see you. )))
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