Islam the desperate stranger.

Islam the desperate stranger.
This is an article carry for the first time a prophecy about the end of Islam. Despite that it is from a liar which is kotom the slave (muhammed) but it will help to show the truth of Islam.
And this article is connected to a verse in Quran in sort el maheda and verse number 3. So let us just see how Muhammad and old Muslims saw Islam and how they predicted about it's end. Get ready for fun. :D :D :D
The verse starts with some provisions of food from the Allah the porno dancer (you can check back Allah of Islam is a porno dancer for more on truth of Islam page). And these provisions talk about what to eat and what not to eat. and in it. it talks about the dead animals should not be eaten (But it can be fucked according to Islam provisions in other places else this verse. for real not a joke :D). Or that they should not drink blood or eat pigs meat. and for that the interpreters ( Glalain - Ibn kasier - kortoby ). they went so far in describing these parts of the verse to talk about provisions of different situations. when the animals get killed by dog or by arrow or by sword and should be slaughtered ...etc. That you even get tired from reading the whole of this crap to get you to the most important part of the verse which is about to come. And one of them even talked about a Muslim passed on people drinking blood and he was thirsty and asked them for water so they offered him blood. so he refused. (what a bullshit crap) :P.
And they continued in this until they arrived at the part which talks about how non Muslims get desperate from Muslims.
And the big question guess why?????? :D :D :D :D
According to interpreters of Quran. they got desperate from Muslims because they are unable to be like them. Which means eat what Muslims eat.
What makes Muslims better than others and others desperate from being like them is what they eat.
And above that Allah the god of Muslims. which is from down ( you can check watch out you are standing over Allah the god of Islam for more on truth of Islam page ).
says that by these provisions he completed their religion. And that now all their religion was completed by these provisions. provisions of do not eat dead animals but you can fuck them.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
And at this part the interpreter Ibn Kasier brings a bomb about the end of Islam. which is a hadiss about a conversation between Muhammad the liar prophet of Islam And Omar one of his gang friends. About this part of the verse. That Allah completed their religion.
And for real it will show a prophecy from Muhammad the main point i want from it that it will show how he did understand that he is just a liar.
So get ready and clear your minds and let us dive inside that hadiss. ;D ;D ;D
It starts with Muhammad says the part of the verse that Allah have completed their religion.
So Omar his friend started crying.
:( :( :( :( :( :( :D :D :D
So he was asked why are crying boy. :D :D :D
So he said I always expect to get more from my religion every day. But now it seems like there is no more. As now it is completed. ( It seems he was Islam's junkie used on taking a provisions on the dick every day.)
:D :D :D :D :D
So Muhammad says your are right. it is completed
So Omar continues to say and throw the bomb. And said I know If a thing was completed that means it will start Shortage.
And Muhammad agreed and said yes.
what a conclusion he said but what will make it for real is the answer To his words which in it Muhammad says.:
(((((( Like Islam started as a stranger. It will end as a stranger.))))))
What an answer and comment on the words of Omar.
And it shows exactly how much Muhammad realized that what he calls for is totally different and had no relation with any other religions or other believes completely.
And that he himself Expected Islam to perish when the lies in it get exposed.
And how it will be isolated until it perish like a stranger. That is the prophecy of Muhammad about his own religion that he called people for it will perish isolated like it was started when the lies in it get exposed .
And because he is a liar prophet even his expectations did not happen from all sides after his death.
and the lie managed to live until today which seems it is the real time for the lies to be exposed and Islam to perish to full fill the prophecy of that liar prophet. Which is still a lie even if it came to happen it is just a human expectation built on his own knowledge of his own lie.
As a stranger it started and as a stranger it will end.
That is how Quran explains the relation between. Infidels when they get desperate from being like Muslims. And eat what Muslims eat. And how it jumps up that Islam by this is completed and had no relation to any other religion from far or close and as it started like a stranger from all . It will end as a stranger from all when the lies get exposed.
And at the end say hi to any stranger you meet. It may be Islam leaving. To full fill Kotom's words.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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