How to face Islam and terrorism ???
The king wanted to get rid from a person but without letting anyone knows about it. So he sent him carrying a signed letter to deliver to one of his leaders. And told that person that this letter will make the leader give him prizes. But actually the letter was carrying an order to the leader to kill the person who delivers the letter to him. And when the unaware person delivered the letter to the leader as the king told him. and was expecting to take prizes. The only thing he got was executing the orders in the letter which is to kill the carrier of the letter.
Words in a letter. And execution done by follower. We needed that introduction to show the difference between Islam and terrorism actions. To know what you face exactly. as some separates between them. And some just sees them exactly as one. Without any difference at all.
And that is why this introduction was put. To show that difference. Which can be as Islam is the religion or the teach. the written orders to followers. Whom follow Islam. And that is the first part.
And the second part as you may of had thought fast is the execution of the written order. Or killing the man who delivers the letter. Which was done by the leader. which is a follower to the king. And that is exactly terrorism. It is just executing the orders of Islam and it's books. And it is done by followers of Islam. By another meaning. Terrorism is the result of the Islamic teach and the result of the Islamic books and Quran.
And that is the reason why a lot see them as one as it is hard to separate between the follower and the teach he follows. But at all cases the teach stays a teach and doing it is executing the teach.
And after we knew the difference between the two. How to face each one of them which is the main purpose of this article. and is facing them a necessary or not?? So let's go ahead with that answer.
Islam :
As we mentioned above it is the religion or the teach or the books that carry the orders and values to followers and as we mentioned also above. But the bad news is these are bad orders which carry hatred and violence and stealing and racism against non Muslims and even against Muslims in a lot of cases like children and women. And also it is the main source of terrorism.
And that brings us to answer one of the questions which is yes facing Islam is a necessary And comes out to how to face Islam.?
Facing Islam:
Don't panic don't think much on how. It is very easy more than you can imagine.
And most interesting thing Islam itself gave the way to face itself. And that is through the teach of Islam itself.
How is that?
Simply because the main purpose of Islam was gathering followers by any way to rule and control. and it did appear in time where power manages to hide lies. so it used a lot of lies inside the teach . And a lot of contradictions. And these are very clear that the followers themselves unable to answer. nor defend against it.
Like for example when saying that sun goes at night to a mud hole on surface of earth. And claiming that Alexander the great was a Muslim before Islam and lived more than one thousand year and did see the sun go to that mud hole. Or that Jesus was in time of Moses in time of pharaohs. and his mother saint marry was sister of Moses. while Jesus were in time of roman empire.
Or another example that Quran also taught to marry underage girls . which Muhammad the liar prophet of Islam did by himself when he abused a six years old child called Aisha and called it marriage. or teaching to hit women as a duty and a right to the man inside Quran to hit his wife . or teaching to force Islam and fight non Muslim and persecute them.
So it is very easy to face the Islamic teach and prove it wrong and racism and full of lies . But you need two things or two steps to face Islam.
First is the awareness between non Muslims in general to be spread all over to let them know the truth of Islam and not deceived with the lies that may be said to them.
The second step is to spread awareness between Muslims about the lies Islam carry to encourage them to leave that evil path. To leave Islam. And to be sure that their actions will not lead them to gardens of sex as they may think. Because what is built on lies simply is all a lie and ends up with a bigger lie
And to get yourself a real awareness about lies of Islam you can check the page of truth of Islam which carry many article show many lies inside Islam and it's books.
((Where does the sun goes at night prophet of Ignorance!!??sorry I mean)) (( Secrets of the kaaba in maka !!!!!!)) ((Guess when Allah of Islam laughs?????)) ((Dirty sharia law of Islam: )) ...ETC.
And by this we finished how to face Islam. So let's go to how to face the execution of the Islamic teach or the Islam's result which is terrorism.
Facing terrorism:
You may have thought about power as the first option. But that would of been wrong first step but best effective short run step. How is that and what are the other steps. ? Let's start:
First step to face terrorism happens to be in facing Islam itself or the teach of Islam that terrorism is it's outcome.
And that is the most and very important step in facing terrorism unlike anyone may imagine and had many benefits:
1) It destroys the reason of terrorism itself. they claim that their reason is teach of Islam and to protect Islam. So when proving Islam is a lie and unaccepted racism ideology. That will make them defending what??. In best cases will show and prove they defend only their own personal benefits and they are just using the ideology of Islam because it serves them.
2) Awareness in facing Islam limit the terrorism by limiting the recruit numbers.
3) it may come even to decrease the number of terrorists when anyone of them have a real facing to himself about the lies inside Islam showed to him.
And the best thing about this step is you are just going to say truth . not lying or claiming as we mentioned before just truth. And now let's move to the next step which is very important one.
Second step is education:
the joke that may shock you in this part that some people may think and believe really that sun goes to a mud hole on earth or that earth is flat not round because Quran of Islam says so.
:D :D :D :D
Makes you laugh. But most important it shows how much important is education. Because you can't know or discover the lie from the truth unless you know the way to test both. To figure out and be 100 % percent sure from the lie and the truth.
But the most important is :
It is not just about education. But about quality of education. It is not about getting certificate of graduation But about learning and being qualified to graduate.
The third step the mosques:
The mosques in the history of Islam is the first terror cell. Assassins used to go kill and then inform Muhammad about their kills inside the mosques. And until our day it is the first cell to create a terrorist group. because it contains Muslims which you can recruit them to follow your terrorist group and Islam teach makes it more and more easy to serve that purpose.
And it is not now days just about mosques but about gathering places to Muslims like religion institutes. And what shows how important they are:
How these are the first and biggest source to hunt terrorist and get to terrorist groups by knowing the members who recruit to follow the groups. which intelligence of any country do. and even Islamic countries which know it better because they under stand each other well.
And the step here is to make these places under control and limit spreading it. Knowing it is a real threat not a joke or a game.
And to observe the prayers and what is been taught inside them. And to take it very series alert when someone has a terrorist thoughts and spreading it or recruiting for it.
Forth step the fund sources:
It is very important in facing terrorism to face and dry it's fund sources from business men supporting or countries or collected money in mosques. and for more in that you can read (( economic of the terrorists on truth of Islam page))
And now the last step which is using power:
The last step is using power against armed terrorist and it must be hard without mercy why??
Because Islam teach Muslims that when their enemies keep them alive and threat them well. that is because of two reasons.
First one. Their enemies has been terrified and became under terror of Islam and that their Allah throw terror in the heart of their enemy. that's why they fear Muslims or terrorists and keep them alive afraid from revenge of their god Allah and from Muslims revenge.
Second reason. Their enemies know Islam is right that's why they keep them alive.
And that is why there must be no mercy at all when dealing with these armed terrorists which commit different types of criminal acts from killing to stealing to raping and kidnapping..etc. And they must be judged to death penalty or they will see it as weakness from their enemy thanks to the two reason mentioned above about what Quran teach them in this case.
And by these steps you can face Islam and it's terror in any country or any place in the world. And the most important is to be sure of the real necessary of the facing of Islam . and to be sure of it you will need to build awareness about Islam. then search and ask Muslims to test the lies yourself. and after that start to spread awareness yourself. and as a start I recommend the page of truth of Islam which carries a lot of articles will help you start building your awareness about Islam and the lies and racism and hatred and evil inside it.
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