Protector of Islam gets a slam. [;D [:P [:D
Once upon a time there was a king with a great kingdom. but he had a deep problem. He had a twin. And while his twin were born. They have been mixed. And no one managed to know who was born first from the twin Who is the older son that should be the successor of the great king. And after a great deep thinking the king decided to consult the wisdom man to help him to find a solution.
so the wise man told him give each one of your sons a palace with a big garden and assign to each one of them to take care of the palace given to him. And assign to him to get what ever he needs from men or servants or guards to take care of the palace. so the king asked the wise man. And what is the point from that?. So the wise man said to him who will be able to take care of the palace will be able to take care of the great kingdom. And who will fail in taking care of the palace will fail in taking care of the great kingdom. so the king laughed and said I knew I came to the right man. And the king liked the idea and did it exactly as the wise man told him. And after a few years when the king started to grow old. It seemed to him that this is the right time to choose his successor. So he invited the wise man and took him to visit the two palaces.
And after they arrived to the first son's place. It seemed very beautiful from out side. So the wise man told the king to enter the palace and see it from the inside to be able to judge which one gave best care to his palace. But the wise man did not enter inside the palace.
and when the king came out he seemed very happy and started to show how much proud he is with what his son have done to the palace. Turning it almost to a paradise. And he thought that the first son they visited will sure be the chosen as a successor. And all the way he was keeping to thank the wise man. Who told him not to rush in judging until he sees the palace of the second son.
But the king inside himself some kind of confidence that it was settled. And mostly the second son they are about to visit will not be able to do better than his first son.
And they arrived at the gates of the palace of the second son. And he was some kind of right. The second son did not make his palace better than the palace of his brother. but the most confusing that it also was not less beautiful than palace of his brother.
So the king said to himself. Maybe the inside of the palace will help me to judge between the both and which one is more beautiful than the other.
and so he went inside the palace to see it. And the wise man stayed outside like the first time.
After a while the king came out and his face was in great confuse. After he figured out that the second son is not less than the first son. both of them have done a great job in taking care of the palaces. and between how much proud he feels toward his sons and between how much sad he is that the counsel of the wise man did not work as how it seems.
And after that. He went back to his palace. and the wise man was still with him. And after they became alone. The wise man looked at the king and said to him. So did you make up your mind my lord on who will be your successor. So the king looked back at him in a mixed look carries confuse and anger and disappointment in the same time. And said it seems I was wrong in choosing you. your counsel makes no good.
So the wise man smiled and said my lord a great king do not come from nothing. But comes from good wise choices. And you was not wrong in choosing me but right. which proves you a great king.
allow me to help you make up your mind about who should be your successor.
so the eyes of the king shined with joy as he felt like the wise man still has something he did not say. And said to him go on.
so the wise man put his hand inside his small bag and brought out an apple and gave it to the king and asked him to eat it. So the king looked confuse again. And said if I didn't know you well from years ago I would of said that you became insane. How dare you to give me a rotten apple and asks me to eat it.
So the wise looked with a light smile and said don't be angry my lord. Sorry here you are a good one. My mistake I didn't look inside the bag before giving it to the king took it from the wise man and started to eat it. And while eating the apple he said: now my wise man you said you will help me choosing. what is in your mind tell me which one should I choose.
So the wise man smiled and said my lord you already made your choice. And choose the second son to be your successor. So the king looked at him and said when did I do that.
So the wise man smiled and said the time when you choose the good apple and refused the rotten apple. So the king looked with interest after getting sure that the wise man has something not declared yet. So he said to him easy with me my good wise man and explain to me what do you mean.
So the wise man said to him my lord: when I asked you to give your sons each one a palace I was quite sure that each one of them will take care of his palace. Even if it is not your order. it would be to keep for himself great pleasure. that's beside you did bring them both up to be discipline lords.
and if one of them was corrupted it would've been more easy to judge. but thanks to your good discipline bringing up. They had to go to the second level. which is who has the best choices and right ones.
And when it came to the first son he did all what you asked and took men and servants and guards. and he put servants and men to keep the palace and garden beautiful at their look. And that's all what he cared for that he even assigned the matter of irrigating the trees to guards. As all what he cared about is to make the trees alive and look good and did not care about their condition which lead at the end that trees became sick with rotten apples as guards know only to give water without knowing what really should be done to take care of a tree.
And the tree my lord is like the people. so if Your first son become a king he will assign wrong persons or army to take of the people which will bring great problems and hate and discontent and from that comes the rotten apples that can threat the whole kingdom. and no matter how much strong is the army or how much beautiful is the palace all will be lost.
But when it comes to the chosen one the second son. he did all like his first brother but servants and men for the palace and guards. But when it came to the trees he brought farmers that knew how to take care of the trees and make it bring best fruits.
And so my lord he will know how to choose right men to take care of his people. and will have a great loyalty. and with his army and people and beautiful kingdom. his enemies will come and kneel before him.
So the king looked with great admire to the wise man and said to him. It seems I was right in my choice. when I choose you to help me. and then he laughed.
So the wise man laughed and said and that's what makes you a great king my lord.
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In wisdom and proverbs it is : the right man in the right place.
In Scientific issue it is : Specialization and Division of labor
In more simple everyone should does what he can only does as good as it should be.
That was the secret of nations fall and was the secret of nations renaissance. With war or without war.
But this article will not take it that far. but will concentrate on it in the Islamic way and how did Islam designed failure to the nations that choose to follow it or allow it to has a level greater than what it should take.
And the question will be put that way. who is the protector of Islam?. Who did Islam assigned as a protector for the religion?.
And to answer you will have to ask it to a Muslim. which will give you a few answers all of them are right but only one of them will be applied. which are?
1) First protector according to Quran and hadiss and Muslims should be the god of Islam which is Allah. and if you looked it from the view that was put inside the story. You will be able to judge and say that this may be good and goes with it as who should protect a faith or a believe better than it's god? So is that all?. And does really Allah of Islam protect Islam.?????
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The answer will be no . but why. ???
for many reasons first one of them is that Allah was not able protect the greatest believer in him which was kotom the slave ( Muhammad). And left him to die with poison. with no reason for leaving him to die like that. And also Allah did not protect the friends of Muhammad who ruled after him that even all of them were killed by Muslims. And that confuse brought Muslims to say that if someone wins. It means Allah with him and if someone loses or get killed Allah is not with him. which created the biggest joke when the winner gets defeated. And when the defeated gets winning.
And also Allah was not able to protect his word inside Quran as Quran was distorted and burned. which is not a claim but a fact mentioned inside Islamic books .
so if Allah of Islam does not protect his follower or his word. Can he be a protector??????
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2) the Muslim sheiks which supposed to be the ones who understand Islam very well and explain it and defend it and represent the real protection to it. But is that true????
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The big joke goes now as the Muslim sheiks are really the ones who should protect Islam and no one else but them. That job they should be the best in it. But is that a fact???
The answer will be it should be a fact but the actually thing is that Muslim sheiks are the first reason of attacking Islam. And biggest reason that weakened Islam. Because of their interpretation of Islam which actually goes with the interpretation of their ancestors from Muslim sheiks. which carry a lot of corrupted things that can not be accepted by a normal human.
So they have to lie and deceive to cover that and bring new things can get accepting. Which eventually make them teaching a new way of Islam claiming it is Islam and that creates the conflict when some sheiks insist on keeping the same hard Islam as they received not as the new sheiks want to make it looks like.
which will lead to the fact that Muslim sheiks are not protecting Islam as what they should do but they are reason of it's weakness. ( not forgetting to mention that Muslim sheiks never been able to answer the questions put about their faith and that's what created the liar modern sheiks. Which clash with traditional sheiks which also do not answer. But they are more stupid because they do not even seek an answer. but put it as it is there in books even if it is a clear wrong. like the matter of sun goes to a mud hole inside earth. which is inside Quran literally )
3) Third and last will be the list of who are not suitable to protect Islam but in practical claim to be protecting Islam.
which are the king or authority or the state And the warriors.
And the first notice about these two that this is not their job or the job they should be doing. As the story above showed. As the king or authority or state job is to rule people not to control people and force faith on them. And even if he did force. He will not be able to defend it . Simply because he or it will find no necessary in defending something that is already forced which makes the faith grow more and more weak. And also will not be able to answer a question but force the silence about the answer. which solve nothing actually but the only benefit in this case will be pretending to be a protector while you offer no protection at all. But just to give a reason for a king or a regime to stay in power.
And that also goes on the second case which are warriors which Islam called Muslims to be. When it ordered them to fight non Muslim to force them to believe or to get killed. And also this did not offer any protection to Islam as the best thing this does is trying to force silence by fear like the king but it brings no solution or protection to Islam.
And if you brought the most famous terrorists who claim to be protecting Islam through their actions and asked him about issues in Islam he will fail in answering which means he does not know what he is fighting for. But only thinks he is fighting for the right cause just a thought not a knowledge. Not a real knowledge built on faith he can prove it to be right.
Which ends up that both king or authority or state and the warriors are not protectors for Islam but a problem for it. Using it and making things legal depending on the cover of Islam even if it is wrong things.
And that ends with a big question how come that Islam is without a protector who knows and able to answer the questions about it and prove it to be wrong not right????
And the answer will be simply because Islam assigned the job of protection for the wrong people which were warriors. which their job is protecting houses or lives or borders but not a faith inside a human heart . Not a dogma which needs a teacher to teach it. Which in this case will bring you back to the sheiks who should be assigned with this job who are divided. And not able to answer questions about their faith.
And when Islam made the wrong choice in choosing his protector and the kind of protection. It choose failure. by assigning the wrong job to the wrong one.
which appear now days and before since the start of Islam on the countries between a complete monarchy or dictatorship taking a fake shape of democracy. which in all of them failure comes to them even after a war winning. because it is not about giving the right job to the right person. It all starts with war which in this case may happen that good warriors are there. but soon after even winning a war then failure comes very quickly. And it can never develop but walks backward. The reason is that Islam choose his wrong protector. which is a choice Muslims before others pay the price of it. And ends up with a big smash slam Muslims take. that Islam has no protector actually or anyone able to defend it or answer the questions about it.
The ones who should protect Islam Allah or sheiks are not there.
The ones who should not protect it. Are using it for their benefit.
which proves also it is used as an ideology. Or more it choose to be an ideology since the start.

It seems you don't read enough about Islam nor the prophet of Islam MUHAMED PBUH.
ReplyDeleteHowever, Allah is the protector of ever thing in such Universe because Allah is the ultimate power Who creates every single thing around us.
Regarding protection Muhammad PBUH from poison, ALLAH is actually protected him as he was invited to have dinner of poisoned lamp meat making it Speake and warn MUHAMED PBUH not to approach to eat in a Ultimate Miracle.
There are a lot of lies in your essay need to be declared to your claims
It seems you didn't notice the articles on the right side of the page. which will show practically what I do know about islam .
ReplyDeleteDo yourself a favor read well before comment
And about Allah the god of islam. I advice you to read the articles about him. and then see if you would say the same about Allah when it smiles. or shows it's leg.
ReplyDeletetry to read again.