When Monkeys teach Muslims :
First of all it may look like I am going to make fun of Muslims or describe them with bad things or May seem like I am going to say that their sheiks are like monkeys (despite they are really like Monkeys as we are going to see as both teach Muslims lol). But what I really mean is that really Monkeys taught Muslims and proved to them that they are doing the right thing as they Have done it as monkeys did it.
But before going throw this most funny article about Islam I ask who ever reads that to get ready To the most joking superstition ever. And get ready to hysterical laugh.
Of course any one have seen or heard how Muslims stoned men and women for committing Adultery. Did you ever thought who taught that to Muslims ???????????. be smart and guess What. yes they are monkeys no kidding in that !!!!!!!!!! so how is that ??????.
The story starts with someone called Amr Ibn Maimon. which happened once that they were Arguing about the stoning judgment in Islam as there were verses for stoning who commits adultery but these verses were lost from Quran (that is a fact. which proves that Quran is not protected or preserved. and the paper that carried that verse was eaten by a house animal according to hadiss of Aisha in Mosnad Ahmed book 25112 and Sunnan Ibn Maga book 1934. But Quran is not the Issue now ) .
So to prove that judgment of stoning who commits adultery is right. amr ibn maimon gave them that Story. That hadiss came from bokary book of hadiss number 3560.
(get ready for fun)
Once he was walking and saw a group of monkeys. and he saw a male old monkey sleeping. and There was a young female monkey sleeping on his hand. (he said: it was the old monkey's wife) lol lol. Then came another young male monkey and started to call the female monkey. which sneaked Away from her husband. (and Ibn Maimon was watching that movie lol lol lol). And Made sex with the young male monkey and then sneaked back beside her husband the old Monkey. Who woke up after that and the old monkey smelled her. and realized she cheated him (what a bitch monkey I just wonder is there still any copy of that unique movie). :D :D :D :D :D :D
And we come to the most interesting part. A monkey stood up like he was giving a speech Then after that monkeys made a hole in earth and they placed the bitch monkey in it . Then they Started to stone it. And from that Ibn Maimon proved that monkeys taught Muslims that stoning Is right as monkeys have done it . lol lol lol lol lol lol lol .
Now I come to making real fun of monkey followers which depend on monkeys to assure to Them and teach them judgments in their religion. Do monkeys marry fools ????????/?????????????
Another thing. If monkeys do not marry how can they commit adultery then ???????????????????????
Another thing. Have anyone ever saw monkeys dig a hole and place another monkey and stone It .I know that monkey fight with teeth and claws as they are animals after all .???????????????
The most amazing thing. was Ibn Maimon meaning humans with that story and wanted to say That the old monkey was Muhammad (kotom the slave ) and the young female was Aisha who Was young and the other young monkey was Safwan Ibn El Mohatal which was with Aisha for a Complete night and that Ibn Maimon wanted to say: that's what kotom the slave should of done. To stone Aisha and Safwan. but he didn't do it .Because Aisha after that night discovered he was A man who lacks for sexual abilities and he was afraid she might tell every one about it.(((((lol real old monkey)))))).
At last what an amazing religion that to prove things in it depends on monkeys. And even lie About monkeys and claim on monkeys things they have never done to prove a judgment in Islam. After the Quran paper was eaten lol. What a shame over the heads of Muslims sons of monkeys Which monkeys teach them. What a shame over the heads of stupid Muslims that believe that Bullshit and do not kick Islam and put it under their shoes.
Islam = superstition and bullshit only suitable to get kick.
Quran = a dirty book full of hate and kill and not protected at all .
Stoning to death appears nowhere in the holy QUR'AN but is found in the BIBLE.
ReplyDelete"She shall be brought to the door of her father's house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death" Deutronomy 22:21
goat ate it dear . say hi to the protected quran. secondly the story is built on hadiss books . discuss what you read and I advise you read . articles about quran here on the page.
ReplyDeleteThe islamic ideology is more than just the quran, as it also includes the sira, hadith and sharia. More than 50% of the islamic ideology contains hostility towards infidels (kafirs), while more than 30% of the islamic ideology relates to jihad.
ReplyDeleteFive times a day, muslims include kafirs in their prayers that they will suffer, because they are so
wrong, and they should be harmed. They repeat the first chapter of seven verses that condemn the
Jews for angering allah and the Christians for having strayed from the truth.
The world belongs to allah and his divine law (sharia) must govern the entire world. That's why jihad
(both violent and non-violent) is obligatory for muslims to subjugate the entire world to the sharia.
The objective is to establish a global caliphate governed by the sharia.
jihadists are the highest manifestation of the islamic ideology, and they are the highest manifestation
of being a muslim. According to the quran, the jihadi is the best muslim. A jihadi who got killed in the
process of waging jihad goes directly to heaven, whereas all other muslims have to go through the
punishment of the grave and then the uncertainties of judgment day.
The islamic ideology divides humanity into believers and kafirs (infidels), and the latter group is
worth less than animals. allah loves muslims and hates the kafir.