Allah of Islam is a porno dancer. wow wow wow !!!
Is the title some kind of a joke .Is it just to attract to you to read. Sorry but this is Not a joke. And that is what everybody is going to see in the story inside hadiss Which will follow. which is in sahih Muslim part one and page 112 .And now Let us go and see how Allah dance :
The story starts when the people asked kotom the slave of kadiga (Muhammad ). Will we see Allah in the doomsday?. So he said to them: like When you see the sun or the moon you will see him and no harm will happen To you from seeing him. And he continue to say that someone will call. Let Every nation walk behind what the nation was following. So after that Comes Allah (god of Muslims) and asks the Jewish what were you worshiping ?. So they answer We worship Oozier son of god (wow. notice he is talking about Jewish that they Worship someone called Oozier and that Oozier is the son of god which is Completely a huge mistake as Jewish never ever said about anyone son of God through all their history or books. but what can I say when an ignorant talk Only fools and ignorant eat his shit ). But to continue he says to them Allah Never married to have a son and sends them to hell. And after them comes The Christians and he asks them the same question so they say we worship Jesus Christ son of god so he tells them the same answer before that Allah Never married or had a son (wow wow wow . now we see from where he Brought the idea of son of god which because of his ignorance accused the Jewish with. And also it shows how much ignorant he is with Christianity. as Christians never ever said that God married and had Jesus but they said that Jesus is god who appeared in flesh to give salvation to mankind and that his Born when they call him son of god is the same way as the idea is born from the Mind. As coming into mankind as a man to give humans salvation was Gods plan and came out of his mind. So again what can I say but when an Ignorant talks only ignorant and fools eat his shit ).
Now we come to the most exciting part when Allah dance porno. Fasten your Belts well as the plane is about to take off .
And at last comes the Muslims good ones and bad ones and comes Allah and Asks them the same question. So they answer we worship Allah. So he says to Them I am Allah your god. So they do not believe and some of them say let us see The sign in Quran in sort elkalam (the pen ) number 68 and the verse 42. in Which Allah in the doomsday is going to show to his followers.
Now I let everyone guess what is that sign ???. Is it Allah greatness or Allah Power or Allah wisdom or Allah light or Allah 's angels or the gardens of sex He promised them with. Or Allah throne or even the hell and how it looks like. Or even the devil while taking punishment in the hell. sorry but if you have Thought in one of these then it seems you have dialed a wrong phone Number.
So what is the sign mentioned in Quran sort elkalam in the verse number 42. It Is that Allah is going to show his leg to his followers. wow what a hot porno Movie when god of Muslims (Allah) is going to show his leg to his followers and take his clothes off. as literally it say in Quran when he reveals his leg. Isn't That cool. I just wonder how his leg would look like as in Quran Allah says To the people who made female gods. Do you have males and make fun of me to make me Female. So Allah of Muslims is a male. So how are you fools Going to enjoy it with all That hair covering it. Or Allah is not a man with hair Over his leg??!!. lol lol lol .
And another thing which leg is he going to show. Is it the good leg or the Burned leg. lol lol lol . I laugh because in another hadiss in sahih el bokary Book it says that the hell will say I want more I am still empty. So Allah will Put his leg in the hell to fill it. LOL LOL . OOO poor Allah he is going To be Burned in hell and his leg will be a roast and it will lose all the hair. Allah's leg Will not be a man's leg anymore. lol lol lol
And to complete the satirical tragedy let me tell you That after they see his Hairy leg. lol lol lol. They will bow in front of him but the bad Muslims will not be able to. So he will send them to hell for a while. and after that he will complete his justice (I want everyone to see that justice about bad Muslims). he will take the bad Muslims from hell and say to them I have put a Christian And a Jewish in your place in hell. that is from hadiss. That is Allah's justice .
And at last when you teach Muslims that Jewish and Christians will be in hell Instead of them even if the Muslims are bad and Christians are good because Christians worship Jesus and say Allah married and had a son. Which is Something away from Christianity teach. but some kind of ignorant said that About them and also accused the Jewish with something they never know Through their history. Imagine how Muslims look at others after that. So when I say Islam = Nazis ideology. I really mean that. It teaches as long as you are a Muslim you can do whatever you do even kill or rape or whatever and you Still going to go to gardens of sex to fuck women and children. What is more Nazis than that. But let me to say it is worth than Nazis .
Islam = Nazis ideology and superstition book full of stupid and ignorance
Quran and hadiss = books of Nazis teach and ignorance and superstition.
kotom the slave = an ignorant Nazis who have won the war to force his ignorance and lie on people.

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