The Jihad's illusion
Note 1
(If you are American tax payer watch out because the source of this article came from a channel supposed to be supported by American tax payers' money)
Note 2
( this article was a gift found in set for a bigger article will come later which seem that all circumstances is serving it by now. and will help it as the idea in this article will come later with other articles about things happened in the close time that will help it. and that article will be the call to Islam between the past and the present. which will come later )
Jihad. Did you ever hear or read that word before?
For sure 100% you have and know what does it mean. Simply it means the kill and fight for Islam to force others to be Muslims. And it can be by different ways. Directly by killing the non Muslims or kidnaping them to terrorize them and force them to be Muslims or by offering money to the terrorists that do that if you are in a position that makes you unable to do it by your own hand.
And this is illustration to jihad in Islam. Which when you open any Islamic book or channel or site will tell you. And also you can get that from the news and what terrorists do around the world in name of Islam.
And at this far everything is normal.
But an American supported channel called al horra had another opinion which was brought through a video about Muslims say a totally different thing about jihad. It came so far that if I didn't knew the truth of jihad in Islam. I would of believed it and I would of cried from the innocent look they made jihad look a like.
:( :( :( :\ :\ :\ :/ :/ :/ :D :D :D
And it went so far that he talked about jihad that it is a peaceful action. HELL YA :D :D :D
Peaceful action believe it or not that is what he did say in the video on the American supported channel.
And at once that took me to think of two possibilities. The first this is lying and applying Islam teachings in lying and deceiving. And the second this may be right and as what was said jihad might be peaceful action and terrorists are who missed in understanding it.
And it took me back to the article of ((( The illusion))) which you can also check back on the page of truth of Islam.
And according to this article the judge on the religion should only be by the teachings it really carry not according to the actions of individuals following the religion.
And at this point I had to check which one is right. the video on the American supported channel and Muslims appear in it. or the terrorists. Which one really apply Islam.
And to do that I had to make a little search about jihad in Islam. So everyone put you gun's belt around your waist. Set your ammo get your knife in it's place and let's go hunt jihad in Islam.
:D :D :D :D :P :P :P :P
According to Islam jihad is making the effort to support Islam. Through fight or supporting fighters. Which is mentioned literally in Quran and all interpreters which examples about it will come here later on this article.
But the surprise I carry hear is when it did actually start. And who was the first mujahed ( first one did the jihad action actually ). And she was the wife of Muhammad. Kadiga his first wife. Which actually is his master that bought Muhammad with the price of four camels and then supported him with her money. when there was no one else but her.
WOW. But the real WOW will come in the next mujahed.
:D :D :D
As until the death of Muhammad's master ( Kadiga ). there was no war but at all she did applying jihad using the money to support Islam.
But who came after her in jihad was the most wonderful. Which started to do jihad by action by his own self. Not by money like before.
Guess how & who????????????????
try to use your imagination. A bit naughty. And try to guess if I told you that the second great mujahed was also a female.
Now try to guess again.??? You are almost there ??? Yes say it don't be afraid you are right???
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;P ;P ;P ;P
Yes it was through Prostitution and sexual bribe To get more followers to Islam and make people ready to follow it easily. WOW. WOW. WOW
And the big real WOW is who is that great second mujahed????
With all proud to all Muslims. Especially the sunnah. It was miss Islam. The beloved Aisha. The wife of Muhammad. And the mother of Muslims. Which Muhammad denied to be their father ( check back The Muslims a nation without a father on truth of Islam page). The child that Muhammad married when she was sex years old.
Which in hadis she says on her own tongue. That she used to Adorn girls and take them to go to hunt the youth of korish ( the biggest tribe on Arab island ). To make them be Muslims through prostitution.
No wonder when you hear today a lot of Muslims sheiks call women to do jihad through sex to support the terrorists in Syria. By selling them in name of marriage to get money. Or by calling women to go to fuck the terrorists to support them.
Cause it all appears now. It had a history. And a WOW example.
:D :D :D ;D ;D ;D ;D
And this discovery about the jihad in Islam would of made me cross my heart that the Muslims on the video are right and that jihad is a peaceful action. But only of they did meant the pussy's jihad. Or that jihad is stopped at that far. Just A WOW jihad.
:D :D :D ;D ;D ;D
But in fact in the video they did not mean that kind of jihad and also according to Quran and interpreters jihad did not stop at this far.
But the word jihad when it was mentioned inside Quran it meant to start a fight for Islam or go declare war for Islam and when it disappeared. It was replaced with a more clear word which is ((Katelo-which means more clear go declare war)).
And to illustrate this part all interpreters of Quran agree on that explanation to jihad and not one of them did explain jihad as a peaceful action or building. But all of them said about it the declare of war in sake of Islam and to spread it. And that it can be with many ways as we mentioned in the beginning. By your own power. Or by giving money to who perform jihad. Or by giving them any kind of support you can. (Osama bin laden and Pakistan can be example).
And not to forget to mention that any peaceful verses inside Quran was deleted by a rule called nasek and mansok. And was replaced by verses of jihad and war. And it is only inside Quran to be read only. But apply is only for jihad. And another use to it is to deceive NON Muslims and make them think like if Quran or Islam really mean it. while both do not mean it and it was only used when Muhammad was weak after that when he made an army it was deleted and replaced with jihad.
And to Assure this part a few examples of the verses of jihad with it's place in Quran will be put. So let us start:
1) In sort el nesah And verse number 95. It says that who perform jihad with themselves and with their money are not equal to those who do not perform jihad. which means Allah call them for jihad. And interpreters explain jihad as act of fight for Islam. All of them say that.
2) Sort el anfal and verse number 74. In it Quran says And those Migrated with you and performed jihad and helped in your victory those are the believers. And also in this verse jihad according to interpreters means who declared war and fought for Islam.
3) Sort el toba and verse number 73. And it says O prophet perform jihad against infidels ( non Muslims ) and hypocrites and be cruel on them and after that their destiny will be hell. And in this verse it is more clear it is a call to declare war on non Muslims. And all interpreters say so.
4) Sort el forkan and verse number 52. And it says do not obey the infidels and perform jihad against them. And also according to interpreters jihad means declare war.
5) sort bakra and verse number 190. And in this verse jihad is more clear as the word jihad is replaced with the word katelo. Which means start a fight or declare war. and it says declare war in name of Allah and do not assault because Allah does not like who assault and when I saw it I thought it was god . But when read interpreters you will figure out that do not assault means according to Islam judges. which means if they became Muslim leave them. if not apply Islam judges free on them kill and humiliate as you wish.
6) Sort el bakra and verse number 216. and in it Quran says . You must declare war or start fight even if you do not want to do so. Because Allah want you to do so.
7) Sort el anfal and verse number 65. And it says clearly O prophet incite believers to declare war or fight. Nothing more clear than that. order to incite for war.
And all what is above are just some examples of what Quran carry from jihad. and from it and how interpreters of Quran explained it. 100% jihad means declare war for sake of Islam. Which means that jihad is not a peaceful action at all as what Muslims in this video said.
And this leads to two possibilities:
1) They are liars and applying Islam in deceiving. (check back Islam and lying on truth of Islam page for more)
2) Second they are good sons to a bad father (check back The illusion on truth of Islam page to get that )
And at the end it doesn't matter to the writer which one of them are they. But what matters is why would an American supported channel put such a video. because it carry lies and clear ones.???
one would say they want to spread the tolerance and peaceful and try to change Muslims minds.
But It would be answered it only depends on who real watch this channel or any a like channel American or non American. who really should watch this channel to be changed and to be tolerance which are extremists which appeared that they are who really apply the right teach of Islam to be bad sons from a bad father. does not watch it or a like channels. and prevent and encourage members of it not to watch it.
And of course after that you will have liberals which already are tolerance. And even after this video if they went to a real search in Islam it will lead them to extremists. which means it is useless.
but at the end there is a group still their which are Christians. And here there is a huge question.????????????
is these channels trying to teach lies about Islam to Christians. or by another way. Is it using American's tax payers money to call for Islam???. And who is the smart that put the policies of these channels???.
because the right thing to be done on it is to avoid this kind of talk and concentrate only on the humanitarian aspects and only on it . Which all humans share. and by principles you want them to learn.
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