Secrets of the kaaba in maka !!!!!!
Of course everyone have seen the kaaba in maka in Saudi Arabia. which Muslims consider it a holy place. and what are the secrets for considering it a holy place for Muslims. And do they say the truth. or as usual lie and cover the Shame they are in. and covering the secrets for considering it holy ???!!!!
First of all why Muslims say it is holy. They say it is holy because It is the Place which Abram (Ibrahim ) the grandfather of Arab built it as Allah (god of Muslims as they claim) told him to build it. second it had the black stone which is the right hand of Allah (god of Muslims) which he shakes hand with his followers when they come. And also they make a sacrifice with mostly a sheep as they claim that is like what Abram did with his son Ishmael (notice Ishmael not Isaac).
Now let us see the truth of the kaaba and if what Muslims claim is a fact or a lie as usually Muslims do.
1)First of all the kaaba is a square building from stone. and Before Islam Arabs use it as a religious center. and Arabs put all the Gods they worship in it. And easily you can imagine why. as this was a nomadic Environment. which people used to live in tents or simple houses built from Stone. And almost every tribe in the Arab island had it's own kaaba. But the most famous was the one in maka which belonged to the tribe of Koresh. And in it They used to worship the most famous gods of Arab. like Allah god of the Moon and his three daughters elat and oza and manaf. and also hobal the God of fertility and many other gods and even those who used to worship Saint marry mother of Jesus. her picture was there and that to represent the Nasara which are heretics came out from Christianity with teaches away from The real teach of Christianity. and they were only in Arab island with small Numbers. and to summarize that part it was a religious center that represent all Who lives in the area around it from different tribes .
2)Did really Abram built it. That is not true because simply it was never mentioned even once that Abram visited the Arab island (in the holy book or historical books ). And also the god of Abram is the god of miracles not Allah which was never mentioned by Abram but later it appeared as the god of The Moon of the Arabs.
3)The huge historical mistake about Ishmael and Isaac. And that Abram made the sacrifice for Ishmael not for Isaac as Muslims claim. which is completely a historical mistake. And the only relation was between Abram and Arabs is that after God promised him with a son. A long time have passed without having that son. So Sarah the wife of Abram thought that the son will come by letting Abram marry her Slave Hagar and bring her a son from her. to bring up. And she forced him to Do so. But later god said to them that was not right and that the promise is For a son of Sarah. and so later Abram gave Ishmael and Hagar some wealth And sent them away from him. That is the historical fact. And the act of Sacrifice which Muslims do not know a reason for it actually. and why god Made a sacrifice instead of Abram's son is to give example about What Jesus is going to do by dying to save all humans and the sheep that Saved Isaac was just an example.
4)The most exciting part now comes which is about the black stone. which is On one from the corners of the kaaba. and Muslims go and kiss it and they Say It is the right hand of Allah ( god of Islam) on earth and on that I say if Allah's hand is a Black stone. Then how would Allah be. An idol ????!!!!.
But also to continue to show how much stupid Muslims are. I am going to tell more About that stone which they kiss. First of all Arabs used to worship stones and Make them idols. and this black stone was fallen from the sky as a meteors And Arab took it by this time as a stone from the gods and worshiped it. And More over they gave it a holy place and many stories about it came out. And Even used to look at it as the member of fertility of the gods. and women Used to scratch their sexual parts while menstruating time to get fertility. As Arab used to think and Muhammad even after that. That women gives Blood and man sperms(they call it man water) and that how baby comes to life which is Scientifically not right. But to show how Arabs minds used to think.
And also more over the word (haj) which Arab say about visiting kaaba came From the word (hak ) which means scratch. And also when they say season Of haj (season of visiting kaaba ).The word season is called on the time Which crops growth and the main crop in Arab island was dates. And season Of crops growth is the season of fertility. which can make sense about why Arab Used to do that. And until today they still kiss it.
5)Still on the black stone as Islam is full of contradictions. as there are some Other says that say the black stone is a stone from the gardens of Allah. And That it was fallen from it. And that it was white but from taking the human Sins it became black. From whoever touch it. as it take all his sins.
So from that clearly we can see the same religions of Arab before Islam as They used to think that every thing comes from the sky is from the gods but Only Muslims changed the gods with Allah (as they united the gods in one god which is Allah). Second the stupid believe that The stone that falls from the sky is from Allah (the god) by itself shows how much Muhammad didn't know the true god. As if he knew him he would of Known that this is a meteors which are meteorites gets burn when scratch With the atmosphere. But his Allah is an idol so how would he know that. And that makes fool of the say that it was white before and the whole Superstition of sins or whatever. And also a smart thought I heard before if It really had the power to forgive sins it would of been able to clean itself and Be white again. And also I add when Jesus Christ said to a man on a bed unable To walk your sins are forgiven all the people around him said who can Forgive sins But god. so he said to them to know that son of man can Forgive sins I say to him stand and take your bed and go home to Show Them that he is god apparent in flesh. But when it comes to kotom the slave Who worship devil. And devil makes fun of god by claiming that a stone had the ability to forgive sins. And if so let that stone show us it's power like Jesus did.
6) Now we come to a joking thing about the kaaba. Which is clear superstition As Muslims claim that a king from Ethiopia came with elephants to demolish The kaba. and that birds threw them with stones from hell and killed them to Stop them from demolishing the kaaba. lol. and that to try to make Holy circle Around it. But for that I say elephant to demolish a building which if a man pushed it by his hand would fall down. lol . And where is the stones from hell. Why didn't you keep some for records. Or let me tell the scientists all over The world go search for hell stones in Saudi Arabia.
And to completely prove the superstition I will tell again the story in the article Of al-Aqsa mosque the biggest lie in islamic history. In which we show how kaliffa Abd Elmalk Ebn Marawan had a rival in Saudi Arabia called Abd Allah Ibn El Zobir. And how he built the mosque in Palestine and claimed it is the Aqsa Mosque to make people do haj to it and stop visiting the kaaba in maka To Stop his rival from getting supporters. And how he sent a leader called El Hagag ibn youssif which killed the kaliffa's rival Abd Allah Ibn El Zobir. And More over he demolished the kaba with catapult and the most joking it was Completely destroyed and no birds with hell stones appeared in the show. And also they have taken the black stone and Arab kissed their legs to return It back. and so they returned it but broken in pieces to make the fun complete.
7)And to end it. Muhammad the slave taught Muslims to do the same Actions of old Arabs while visiting the kaba but he only changed two things. To wear a piece of cloth over their body without any under wear. As Arab Used to go round the kaba completely naked and even kotom did that for Seven years after claiming he is a prophet. And the second thing is stopped The scratch to the black stone but guess what he made Muslims kiss it. OO nasty.
8)And to completely show the idea of the stupidity. I tell that hadiss which Is said by the slave of one from the people who have built the kaaba. Which Says in it that his master told him that He was from the people who have built The kaaba and that he owned a black stone and that he sculptured it by his Own hands and used to worship it. And used to bring milk and pour it on The stone and that his dog used to licks it and then pee. lol. And that when They were building the kaba all the people fought to put it until kotom came And put it by himself and told people to catch his clothes while he put it as If They are all putting it. lol. that is the same story of putting the black stone in It's place in the kaaba which means it is the same stone. lol. All of that is in Muslims books and Muslims are who say so. So what can i say more Than To wonder on how much stupid they are .
And at the end all what i can say that Muslims are doing the same pagan Actions. With no doubt. And all what i said was said by Muslim's sheiks on YouTube. and in Islamic books. And on official websites of Islamic countries And random individuals sites or bloggers. And on official websites of Islamic countries And random individuals sites or bloggers. And also by many researchers In Islam and also by ex Muslims. Which leave no doubt in any word as Muslims Never dare to answer any of these. Because there is no answer To be said.
Islam = Nazis ideology and superstition and lie and kill and hate and pagan
Quran and hadiss = Books of Nazis ideology and superstition and pagan
kotom the slave = Nazis who have won the war to force his ignorance on people and hate and kill and sick and shit.

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