The illusion
What is the illusion this article wants to talk about?????!!!!!!!.
The answer will be the illusion of the mix between religion dogma and religion teachings from a side and human actions on the other side. And for that there was an example in a previous article. Which this article will put it much more clear. And also will put an actual example to help make the idea more simply applied.
The example is about a good father and a bad father. So let us start:
If there is a good father which has a son. And he teaches his son to be a good man. What will be the result?
It will be one of two. The first is the son will follow what his father taught him. and on this case everyone who will see that son will say like the father like the son. He is just a good man like his father. The father taught him well.
Second will be that the son will not follow his good father's teachings and become to be a bad man. And on this case everyone will see that son will look and say. Life is weird look how much good this man is and how much bad his son is. From where did that son bring all that evil. ( and some may accuse the father falsely that he may be bad even if he is not ).
And if there is a bad father and taught and planted inside his son every evil. What will be the result?
Also one of two. The first will be that the son will follow the teachings of his father and be a bad man. And on this case everyone will see the son will say. Like the father like the son. This boy is a bad man exactly like what his father was.
The second will be that the son will not follow his father's teachings. And on this case everyone will see that son will say. Life is also weird. Look how bad is this man and how much good is his son. From where did he learn to be good. Sure not from his bad father. ( And some may think that the father may not be that much bad despite he is ).
Now let us put the example into apply to try to get the point from it.
And the issue we will apply that example on is very interesting thing and will not make us finish this article without having a little fun from it.
And it is about earth. Is it flat or round?? :D
so let us just apply.
The first father is the holy book. The Book of Isaiah Chapter 40. in which a man lived thousand of years before history saw a revelation that earth is round and in that he said.
(((( It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in )))).
And from that fact if I asked anyone what should Christians or Jewish believe when it comes to the shape of earth. 100 % it will be that earth is round. as what the book they believe in says.
But when you apply it to fact you will find Christians in the middle ages believed that earth was flat. It even came so far that they killed who said else. ( which also is something not inside their book. it never taught to kill ). But they did believe that earth is flat.
Now if I asked which case of the example goes on them ???
The answer will be the good father and bad son that did not follow the teachings of his father. It even came that if anyone lived by their time would think that their book taught them that. while it did not.( accuse the father of being bad despite he is good in fact ).
Thousand of years passed until we came to now days when all Christians and all the world say that earth is round. And which goes with the teachings of their book.
And now also if I asked which case of the example goes on them now.???
It will be the case of the good father who taught his son good things. And the son followed his father's teachings. And in this case everyone will admire the father that managed to bring up such a good son carries his good teachings.
After the first part of applying the example now get ready for the funny applying. Which is connected to the superstition of Islam.
Which can be found in three verses talk about the same thing. That earth is flat.
And it can be found in sort elgashia and verse number 20. And in sort Nazahat and verse 30. And in sort gaf and verse number 7. In all these verses Quran says that earth is flat not round and all interpreters assure that fact. some add and say it was spread flat on water. and another says it was spread like the nest of ostrich. And that mountains were put to balance it from going from a side to the other. after it was spread flat on water. ( notice in the English translation to Quran. the word flat was never mentioned once and used word spread or put which does not give the meaning of the real word which interpreter assure. ( Kortopy. Ibn aksir. And galalain ). )
Now let us start fun and apply the example on quran. Which will be the bad father :D. He teaches his sons a lie isn't he bad or what????.:D :D :D :D :D :D .
Now there are two types of Muslims the first type is a kind of Muslim sheiks and Muslims that insist that earth is flat. It does not even stop at that far. But they accuse the whole world of lying about the nature of the shape of earth. And that it is a flat over water and mountains make it balance to stop it from falling on a side. :D
And more over they say the infidels lie. And their prove is that if earth was round how come that people did not fall down. :D :D :D :D
And how come that the oceans did not fall down as water should go down. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
That is quite enough. Now let me ask . What case of the example can be applied on them???.
Of course the bad father which taught his son bad things. And his son followed it exactly as his father delivered it to him. And like the father like the son. Earth is still flat and infidels are liars. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D: D.
The second type of Muslims is a type of educated scientists that work inside maybe international space agencies. And if you asked them is earth flat or round ?. they will answer regardless anything round. it is a fact they see. simply. And more over that makes them infidels according to the judge of their own Quran. It is more like they are not Muslims because they deny what Quran says. How come that?????????
But before we answer the question of how come that.?? which will lead to a conclusion will show the relation between dogma and human. Let us not forget to apply the example on them.??
So we will ask which case can be applied on them???
The answer will be the last case left which is the bad father with bad teachings and the good son that did not follow the bad teachings of his father.
The answer will be simple that is the relation between dogma and faith from a side and the human from a another side.
And the conclusion is that dogma is a constant like math equations. It does not change even by time no matter what. Or that will mean it perished. But the human is a variable also like math equations. And the variable thing of the human is in the condition toward his dogma or faith. Sometimes he applies it and be so close to it. And other times he is away from it and does not apply it.
That goes on all kinds of faith or believe from any kind not just the examples here.
But why did I write the whole of this article and also still where is The illusion???
I wrote it because of the mix many do between religion and actions of the human. As in fact it may give you an illusionary image about a religion. Or a faith. And that the only thing should show the truth of a faith. Is only the teachings of the faith itself. Nothing else.
And the most thing made me write this and interested in writing it. Is questions from Muslims. who keep say we are good which means Islam is good. and who do the bad things from Muslims does not represent Islam. Same as Christians in middle ages.
And this article puts it clear as never before.
And for every Muslim who tries to prove Islam good by his action . ( I will assume he is not applying Islam teachings in the deceiving and that he is really a good persons as no matter what there are always good persons.).
The answer will be what is the teach inside Quran and Islamic books?. Where are you from it?. Do you apply it or not. And the answer will be that you do not apply Islam teachings. And that Islam consider you a sinner for not following the teachings. Infidel inside Islamic dictionary. And your good actions and good intentions can prove nothing more than you are a good son with a bad father. Despite Muhammad even refused to call you sons ( read The Muslims ( Nation without a father ) ).
And you should stop saying Islam is good because your actions are good. Because you are more like not Muslim because you do not apply Islam teachings. And you are not bad as Islam is and wanted you to be.
Wow...a long read. A bit hard to follow. I get it, I think...thanks.
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