Quran of Islam between burn and kings' wishes:
One from the most noticeable thing about Muslims is how they keep saying that Quran is most important book to them. as it is a book from their god (Allah the pagan). and that Allah keeps and protect it from change or distortion. And when someone come close to it they start to shout and scream and kill and destroy. like what happened with pastor terry jones when he decided to burn Quran for what is in it from killing and hate and said it is from the devil. But what can I say as usual Muslims are liars and cheats and change the facts. as even in the Quran title itself when saying it is holy Quran while the real title in Arabic says generous Quran. and the word holy was never mentioned even for once in the whole Quran from a to z. and in this article I will show how that Quran was not protected or any kind of this staff. but before that I will put a summarize on how Muslims look and think about Quran first. then I will say some historical events which is from Muslims themselves not from me. which will prove the whole thing is a lie. And that Quran is a human book and had been changed many times :
first how Muslims look at Quran :
They look at it as a book from their Allah which sent it down on the liar prophet Muhammad (kotom the slave of kadiga which bought him with four camels and married him and to return the favor to her he abused her children. and notice he is the example which all Muslims must follow). and that Allah keeps this Quran in some kind of preserved tablets with him under his throne. And that Allah sends on kotom the words of Quran exactly as written in that tablets. And the big notice is that it is written in Arabic and protected from devils to change in it. now let us go and see is that really truth and is Quran really protected .
historical facts about Quran :
1) Muhammad the salve of kadiga before he die from the poison in his last moments he asked for a paper and a pen. to write for Muslims a book for not making them get lost after him. and that according to what came in sahih Muslim book in the hadiss which kotom says bring to me to write for you a book and you will never get lost after me. But the bomb is he died without writing that book .as it is not the Quran. as the Quran is what he memorized it to Muslims but never was written actually. but only what was memorize to Muslims. And soon as kotom died many Qurans were written and claimed that this is the right Quran. like Hefsa 's Quran and Ali 's Quran and about 24 other Quran . means 26 Quran each one of them is different than the other .
2) Because of that big number of Qurans and when Osman Ibn Afan became a khalifa ( king) for all Muslims. and because he started to invade countries. he was afraid that Muslims might disperse each group with a Quran. so he wrote his own Quran and forced it on Muslims. and listen to the big bomb coming. He burned all the other copies of Quran totally. really burned them and it didn't stop at that but Aisha the wife of the false prophet said in hadiss that Osman changed the Quran and wrote his own Quran. which Muslims follow until today. and for that Osman was killed by Muslims. and now I just ask why did Muslims became angry when someone said I will burn Quran. wasn't it burn before. at least they should be used on it. as it was burned before. Another thing how Quran is protected now and which copy of the twenty sixth is in the preserved tablets. Is it the Quran of the false prophet kotom the slave. or Quran of Osman Ibn Afan ???????
And the real reason Osman Ibn Afan changed Quran is to keep Muslims united to invade. which means Quran is under the wishes of kings and a toy. and it will continue. As Muslims are the nation of fear. they fear their kings as long as they are strong and kill them when they grow weak. that is their real history. all the rulers of Muslims throw history were killed .
3) What is coming is another big bomb about the lie in Quran. the previous copies we have talked about before were written in Arabic language without punctuation. that is true for example this letter ب in Arabic is called beh and that other letter ت in Arabic called teh. so if you deleted the points under the first and over the second they will be the same look without punctuation. that was Arabic language which all of these copies were written before with. letters without any kind of punctuation. and there is more about punctuation but this is just an example. and the punctuation was made in the time of khalifa Abd El Malek Ibn Marwan ( which made changes in Quran in sort bany Israel which he called esra and merag and added esra and merag verse. (check El Aqsa mosque in Palestine. the biggest lie in Islamic history. article) . And by his time Muslims started to forget how to say Quran so he made punctuation. And who did it was Abo El Asowad Eldohaly. by orders of el Hagag Ibn Useef El Sakafy in the time of kaliffa Abd El Malek Ibn Marwan. what is between the hands of Muslims today is from the copy of Osman Ibn's Quran. and that leaves us again with a big question .
Isn't Quran as i said just a toy to control in the hands of kings of Muslims. started with kotom the slave to all who followed him until today. And that with a prove not just a talk. second which Quran of them is the preserved in tablets by Allah as Muslims claim ??. Is it kotom 's Quran which he said he will write when he was dying from poison. but never did ????. Or is it one from the twenty sixth Quran burned by Osman Ibn Afan ??????. Or is it the copy Osman Ibn Afan wrote without punctuation ?????????????. Or is it the copy you use now with punctuation which was made by Abd Elmalek Ibn marwan ????????????????????????????????????????????????????.
At the end again. Quran is proved to be a toy in hands of kings to use it to control. they burned it and they changed in it. and put what they want in it. so it is not protected or any kind of that stuff. so there is no such preserved tablets or any kind of this bullshit. that's beside many other things in Quran itself. like teach to rape underage girls in the name of marriage. and calling them who did not menstruate ( check Islam and childhood). Or the incite to fight and kill all non Muslims and deleting peace ( check Islam and Nazism). Which make from it a book suitable only for garbage or to the fire which it burns people with. to be burned in it .
And that shows the great different between Muslim teach and Christianity teach. as in Christianity and Jewish the word of God is a living word not a fixed figure. And when God wants to send a message to humans with a prophet. He gives him the living idea and let him express it with his own way and language. (As Allah of Islam only speaks Arabic despite we don't know which kind of Arabic with or without punctuation). And that is exactly the same idea as the painter and the brush. As every brush had it 's own line. but they all express the idea in the head of the painter. And to make it more clear if three persons walked in the same street and where asked what did you see?. one can say I saw two cars passing. second can say I saw a red car and a green car. third can say I saw a fast car and a slow car. they are all the same meaning but depends on the vision of the person and his way in express. as in the bible says that the word of God is a living word and that letter kills but spirit gives life. which means word of God is not a fixed figure. which makes it more like an idol. the mistake Muslims have fallen into.
Islam = Nazism = clear fat big lies
Quran = Nazis books = books of lies and toy in hands of Muslim kings
kotom the slave => Hitler which is much more cleaner and better than kotom. the child rapist and camel urine drinker. the mad person by the witness of his wife and friends.
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