World :meet thighs of kotom the slave .Thighs of kotom: meet the world.
Once upon a time at the island were goats get fucked and women get raped And children get raped all in the name of religion and a strange god called Allah which his right hand is a black stone in maka at the corner of kaaba. By The orders of a slave called kotom. his mama was a bitch in maka. And his Wives are bitches used to breast feed men by his orders. Which he claim Allah gave it to him. While Allah actually does not exist.
Happened that story which is mentioned in sahih bokary and sahih Muslim Hadiss books. That the slave kotom was setting with his child wife Aisha Which is who said that hadiss. Which he married her when she was six years old. That he was setting with her and his thighs were naked. And then a man Entered (abo bakr) so he stayed with his thighs naked (lol the man was used To see them mostly. and maybe more than thighs. lol). Then another man Entered (Omar) and also it seems he has been used on seeing the wonderfully Thighs of kotom and even more. lol
At last came a man called Osman Ibn Afan (that man is who burned the Twenty six Quran after kotom death and forced his Quran and was killed by Muslims while reading the Quran he made which Muslims follow until today). So the prophet of shyness covered his thighs when he saw him entering ( Seems he had remembered when he entered that his thighs are naked or Mostly that man was not used on seeing them or more than them as The men Before ). And who noticed that ??!!. His child wife Aisha and asked when the First man entered you didn't care and so when he second entered. But when Osman entered you covered your thighs. why is that prophet of shyness (lol).
So he looked at his child wife Aisha and said Osman ibn afan is a man which Angels feel shy when they see him. So shouldn't I feel shy From him. (WOW WOW WOW. angels feel shy when they see him what an answer You answer to a kid in front of you prophet of shame. Like if you did not for Years go around kaaba completely naked. Or that you were not showing Your Thighs and more to your cousin who raped you. Or was Osman like your Cousin and you were afraid he may do something bad when he see your dirty Flesh naked. :O :O :O :O ). And how could angels feel shy from a Human stupid. unless they have bodies and not spirits. And that goes with The story that says that the angel that appears to you looks like a man Called Dahia el kalby. That makes sense why your angels feel shy from Osman as maybe the angels get naked like you and fast cover themselves for Not making Osman see them naked as your angels any one can see them. lol
Islam = Nazis ideology and superstition and lie and kill and hate and pagan
quran and hadiss = Books of Nazis ideology and superstition and pagan
kotom the slave = Nazis who have won the war to force his ignorance on people and hate and kill and sick and shit.

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