The Muslims ( Nation without a father )
It would seem for anyone will read the title that this is an insult targeted against Muslims. But the fact it is much more like fact and an open question to Muslims to answer. than carrying any kind of insult.
What would you feel when your father stand in your own face and shout loudly:
(((((( You are not my son . I am not your father ))))))
How would you feel about it. And how would your own feeling be when we add that the reason that makes your father deny you as his son is just because :
((((( He saw your own wife naked and desired her. So he denied you as his son for not getting blamed if he married her after forcing you to divorce her ))))))
What I said above is not a part of a tragic movie. But a part of a whole nation everyday life story. A nation forgot how to be a father to an adopted son. Which in this case is the nation of Muslims.
So what is the story behind that.
First of all the whole story will be illustrated and can be found in two verses inside Quran which are in sort elahzape and verse 6 and also in sort elahzape and the verse 40.
in the first verse ( elahzape 6 ) it talks about how that wives of Muhammad ( kotom the slave ) are Muslims' mothers.
And so far so good. And it is just a clear point. he is a prophet and his wives are mothers to Muslims. And normally you will think he said that to tell Muslims I am your father. My wives are your mothers and logically I will be your father.
But the surprise you get is the real reason he said that for. Which I will keep to the end of the article.
Now we come to the second verse in sort elahzape and verse 40. In this verse Muhammad the wonderful denies to be a father of any Muslim. And says clearly in Quran (( Muhammad is not a father of anyone of you.))
And why is that?????
because of the reason we mentioned in the introduction of the article. He had a son called Zaid ibn harisa and he was an adopted son. And once he went to visit him and saw his wife ( her name was zinab bent gahsh) and she was naked so he wanted her. So he brought his son and threatened him with death if he did not divorce her. And after he did divorce her. Muhammad married her. Then people started to blame him. So he said to them that verse That simply he is not a father of anyone of them. And that is simply to satisfy his desire. And above all Adoption was deleted completely from Islam from that day.
And above all this accident and the verse of it made a huge question mark??????
Which is who are the father of Muslims. As Muhammad said clearly inside Quran in the first one that his wives are Muslims mothers. And then came to say he is not father of Muslims. To create that huge question mark????.
Who is the father of Muslims if the one suppose to be their father denied them to be his sons.????
And did I carry any kind of insult when said at the title Muslims are a nation without a father.???
But also I won't end the article before showing another reason of why he called his wives mothers of Muslims . Which can help to find an answer to that question or make it worse maybe I don't really know.
but in the explanation of the verse it is mentioned that the reason he called his wives to be Muslims mothers is that to prevent Muslims from having sex with his wives. As they are Muslims mothers and no one should come close to them. which means he was afraid that anyone might do that. And also means he did not trust his own wives.
which put a bad answer to the question about who is the father of Muslims. And will make it wide as his entrust to Muslims and entrust to his wives. As it seem to be not just one father.
But still the same question Open. Who is or who are the father or fathers of Muslims if Muhammad ( kotom the slave ) is not their father ??????????????????????.

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