The mosque????!!!!
Did you ever saw a mosque the place which always Muslims leave it empty and go to pray out side even if there is a place in it. the place which they should pray in.
An accident happened in Egypt in 6 November 2012. and it was when a land belong to the church was taken by force and Muslims put a sign over it says mosque of mercy. which made me decide to write about the wonderful history of mosques in Islam.
first of all something had to be said which will be proved from what is coming . which is that all Muslims of today are not following the sunnah of their liar prophet the slave of kadiga and dead bodies fucker. and that makes them away from Islam which they claim they are. that will be proved .
now let us start to see the history of the mosques in Islam.
the first mosque in Islam is the mosque built in the time of kotom (Muhammad) the slave. and that as serrah books say (books talks about Muhammad life).
and it was a simple normal square house and it was built from woods of tree and the roof was from branches of dates trees.
and for what was it built . not as Muslims claim for pray as this is it's job. but there was many other jobs for it. as it was the leadership center of Muhammad in which he gather his men to to take decisions of war and invasions . and even they killed people in it and threatened people inside it to obey Muhammad and accept Islam . and it was also the place which he divide the prizes of their steal and their raids on caravans. yes it was a bloody dam place for thieves and murders and that is 100% fact and Islamic books say that. only they change name murder with jihad and killing infidels. and change the name steal with Allah gave us the right to take all what they have. and more over in the 21 century it is still and worth. it is the place which Muslims gather after praying to decide the criminal act they are going to do from kidnapping or stealing or killing . let me say simply .
((((((((( It is the place which criminals meet to plan crimes )))))))))
And still even more . when you look at the mosques of today you will figure out that even the building itself was stolen and that it doesn't match the design of Muhammad which they keep on imitating him like fools in every thing. his beard without moustache but not in his mosques design . and as was said before the mosque was a simple square house with roofs from branches of dates trees. and that was Muhammad design but in today mosques you find them having something called mezana ( a tower ) which they say that the man who calls people to pray goes to it. and that is something gives the most clear living evidence about the evil inside that house called mosque.
first of all as i have said Muhammad died and there was nothing like that tower in his mosque .
so when did it start . and what was the reason for it . is it really to make the man who calls for pray call people as even some Muslims think.
it was built first after Muhammad death in the time of the rolling of bany omaia which was the Islamic family of rulers that killed Aly (which was called like son of Muhammad ). and that to rule Muslims . and it was not built in Saudi Arabia even . but it was built in Damascus (Syria) and in Egypt.
the answer is simply. but lets just take Egypt for example as the problem above belong to it.
they entered Egypt and they saw churches had towers which carry cross and church bells. and they were astonished from it . so they decided to leave their sunnah and imitate that for many reasons.
first of all to make mosques look closer to churches to be familiar to Egyptian . and to use it as spying tower to spy on the Egyptian and to use it as war tower.
proves are:
first of all doing like what Muhammad do is called sunnah and should be followed . not following it against Islam. so the design of the mosque should stay the same. but of course they changed it.
second the claim that the man who calls for prayer need high place so they decided to build towers . that is stupid because houses at this time was not high and one man on a roof could of made the whole town hear him. and also Muhammad was capable of building towers even if it would be less high but he didn't.
third the insist of making the mosque tower higher than church tower. which only shows the mean sick hearts of Muslims. and they consider that as humiliation to Christians and victory to Allah . and you can see that in the comedic shapes of mosques in Egypt for example . as when you can find a small building hardly appear from earth with a rocket tower. lol. just only to make it higher than the tower of the church and they insist on that even if the church made repairs they insist on not making the church tower higher than the mosque. which shows the real Nazism and racism. and stupid sick hearts and minds.
from that all you will figure out that mosques were not built for pray as Muslims claim but to set attacks and humiliate others and manage to make criminals meet to decide what they are going to do.
and another prove from the incident of Egypt. they attack to take a land belong to the church to humiliate the Christians by what . building a mosque of mercy as they called it. (what a great symbol of mercy. to steal others land to make mercy. lol) so the mosque is just a way to humiliate others. isn't that a living prove like the tower shows what mosques are.
and more another living prove which is when Muslims fight . but let's just say each other not non Muslims. you see Muslims first of hit mosques of the other Muslims. did you ever ask why. because they know the mind of each other. and they know what mosques are used in. and that calling to fight runs through mosques. and more over. all the intelligence of Muslims countries lets not say non Muslims countries. first place they concentrate on is the mosques which they plant their agents to manage to know if any thing is running inside it. and you find an exact mosques known as the mosque of terrorist as the first gather and call for jihad was inside it and even weapons come to it and out.
that makes me say that where ever you find a mosque. in any land or any country know that this is the place of evil on this land and that evil and Nazism had a place on this land.
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