The unjust & oppressive & unfair.
Two persons From different places met. And went for dinner. One of them said that he likes to eat a type of food ( It was kind of birds ). The other person when he heard the name of the food he demanded it too. He though it was a familiar type of food in his home. And it was a kind of fish.
But when the waiter came with the food. It just exposed that the two types of food share the same name but each one means different type in it's home place. One from the high sky. And the second from the depth of the sea.
now set on your table. Hold your menu. Start reading the ingredients of the food or follow the waiter explanation to the type of food you are about to eat in this article :
And let's start with what is your explanation to unjust or unfair or oppressive persons. What was the need to put these expression for?.
What type of action is needed to call a person as unjust or unfair or oppressive ?
Think about it well. Because the most sure thing is that most of mankind will agree on same things or actions that can make any one to be called an unjust or unfair or oppressive.
Which will be the type of persons that takes things he has no right in taking. And uses force to take these things. And may harm or kill another person or say lies about him just to take what this other person own. And things similar to that.
Or even some kind of actions just to get pleasure by doing it. Like insulting a person without a reason or bring rumors around him. Or judge him for no crime he committed. Or force him to be a servant against his well. Just for the pleasure of hurting
Most of these types can give an idea about the concept of unjust which will run in most of our own minds.
And there might be other ways in oppression or unjust but different in the main and reason. but share the basic which is hurting another person to take something you do not have a right to take or to have a pleasure with the hurting action.
which ends up that we all as mankind refuse oppression and unjust. So if any two persons from any place of world met. They for 100% say they do not accept oppression or unfair Or the oppressive or the unjust person .
((((( But the question is : Does the expression of oppressive or unfair or unjust carry the same meaning in all cultures or for more specific in all religions and believes and morals of mankind ?????????????????????????????????? )))))
why this question has been asked ??. Because in a specific religion being an oppressive person has no relation with hurting other people but or taking what you do not have a right in taking.
But it is just all about not believing the religion. despite even by bringing all kinds of evidence that this religion is wrong . Things clear like sun. ( Not a coincidence to say things like sun as this religion teaches that sun goes to a mud hole inside earth at night ).
Despite all of that the religion considers you an oppressive. Be aware of that an oppressive. For just not believing it and it 's clear like sun lies.
And the most joking that it gives his followers the right to punish these oppressive persons and hurt them and take what they own. And followers of this particular religions do all kinds of oppression And above all call themselves oppressed and others are oppressive for not following their religion.
And they turn countries into war zones And war fighting armies to end the oppression. And to kill the oppressive which are the different in the religion or even faith in case of another group in the same religion.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Did you know the religion yet ??? And what are the evidences ???? And why is this article written about this issue .???? <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The religion is Islam . And proves are found in many places lets' just bring some examples from it :
1) وَالْكَافِرُونَ هُمُ الظَّالِمُون) ٢٥٤ البقرة
Which is inside Quran in chapter of the cow and verse number 254 Which in it says that oppressive or the unjust are the infidels and infidels are all non believers in Islam .
(( That is oppressive. To not believe in Islam and be an infidel as infidels are the oppressive. And what happens to you from harm by Muslims is not oppression but punishment for being infidel. which goes with the judgment of Islam on infidels. (((and you can read dirty sharia law of Islam on truth of Islam page for more about examples of these judgments of Islam against infidels )))
2) فَمَنِ افْتَرَىٰ عَلَى اللَّهِ الْكَذِبَ مِنْ بَعْدِ ذَٰلِكَ فَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الظَّالِمُونَ ) ٩٤ آل عمران
Which is inside Quran in chapter of al emran and verse number 94 which in it says that oppressive persons are who claim lies against Allah the God of Islam. So if you dare to said that Allah of Islam is a jerk that did not know where the sun goes at night like what came in Quran literally or like what was said by his liar prophet Mohamed. (( and you can read where does the sun goes at night prophet of ignorance - Alexander the great as the Macedonians never knew On truth of Islam page for more about this issue)).
that makes an oppressive from you.
So saying the truth about Islam makes you oppressive and keeping the lies and victory to Allah makes you just .
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
3) وَمَنْ لَمْ يَحْكُمْ بِمَا أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ فَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الظَّالِمُونَ )٤٥ المائدة
which is inside Quran in chapter of the table and verse number 45 which in it says that oppressive or the unjust are those who do not judge with the wonderful sharia law of Islam.
So not judging with the sharia law of Islam makes you oppressive and judging with the sharia law makes the Muslim fair & just.
marring under age girls or cutting the hands of the thieves or stoning the adultery women. or slashing people . Or killing non Muslims and take their property....etc. Makes a fair person from you.
And if you are not doing these actions you are to be an oppressive.
Enough with these examples and let's come to the point and why this article cared about this issue :
day and night you find Muslim shout we are oppressed And others are oppressing us. (( all types of others. ))
And a lot of persons when hearing the word oppressed and oppressive understands it automatically as what is inside his culture. And do not understand it according to the Islamic culture and real meaning of the word .
So just be aware what Muslims mean when they talk about oppression.
Like what happens in Egypt where the indigenous citizens of Egypt are facing all types of oppression. And the joke comes that Muslims are oppressed . why are they oppressed. because they want to hurt the oppressive which is
the infidel who does not believe in Islam
the one who says truth that proves Allah a jerk
the one who does not judge with sharia law.
And by this you will find all types of oppression in Egypt against non Muslims. And liar Muslims and liar regimes keep on saying the same word . we are oppressed.
while they oppress everyone else and force sharia law of islam in a racism constitution. The writer of this article never agreed on it or participate in any Referendum about it. and still refusing it and any regime in Egypt force Islam in constitution.

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