The dirty sharia law of Islam:
When it comes to Islamic sharia law. you find Muslims keep saying that sharia law must rule. and that every judgment must come out from it. as it is the best judgments ever and no match to the judgments in it in any other law. as it the judgments in Quran and hadiss from the dirty slave kotom. the child rapist .so I decided to put some examples to Islamic sharia law. which insult humanity. and even Muslims who call for it. and what I am going to put is just an example. as always I say if you search you will find more:
1) First. in sharia law of Islam Muslims have the right to kill non Muslims without any judgment against them. and take their property and even their women, and children. and that according to Quran when it say to Muslims: kill infidels (non Muslims) wherever you find them. and also according to the actions of kotom when he invaded Jewish lands for example. he killed them and took their money and property and women. Is that a law? . yes a law to give license to kill and steal ???????????
2) Sharia law of Islam says it is ok to marry underage girls (children). and Quran call them who did not menstruate. and kotom the dirty slave himself did that when he married Aisha the six years old girl while he was damn 50 years old (big dirty animal) and that what Muslims fight for. To apply sharia law to kill as they want without judgment. and rape underage girls without judgment. that is the sharia law of Islam. license to rape underage girls like animals???????????.
3) sharia law of Islam says: if someone was caught stealing. his hand must be cut. not a joke. his hand must be cut. imagine if someone was dying. and stole to eat and was caught. his hand must be cut. that reminded me with a story shows the great difference between Islam and normal human judgment. it tells about a judge who was brought to him a thief. which stole to eat as he was hungry with no money. so he judged him to pay the money or go to jail. then he paid money for the thief. he paid money to save the thief from the jail. as he saw it as human duty. not his hand cut his hand as Islam judgment. that is sharia law of Islam a law for human butchers???????????????????.
4) In sharia law of the dirty Islam. if someone was caught committing adultery he or she must get stoned publicly. that is sharia law of Islam no place for repentance in it. no mercy and after that they say Islam is the religion of mercy. ya it is clear like sun and mercy is coming out of it like water falls .?????????????????.
5) The most wonderful sharia law of Islam says: it is ok to have slaves. and it ok to fuck your slaves as much as you want. as they are yours like animals. and of course to have slaves you must invade to take war captives as slaves. what a wonderful wonderful wonderful sharia law for slavery. it seems like kotom the slave because of his suffer as a slave. he wants others to suffer like him. isn't that right ?????????????????????.
6) Sharia law of Islam says: the women can be pregnant for four years. am I joking?!!. no in Islam women can be pregnant for four years. why is that ?. because kotom's mother born him four years after his claimed father death. and instead of saying the truth that she was a whore. and Muhammad is the son of a whore. which he killed people for saying that truth about him. they claimed that she was pregnant for four years (Muhammad himself said that she was a whore and his Allah (his god) will never forgive her). And so if a Muslim guy left his wife for four years and came back to find it bearing a baby. he can't say any thing as this is his baby and even if DNA proved that the baby is not his baby. he must accept that baby as his son. lol lol lol lol lol. sharia law of Islam punish for adultery and then comes back to encourage it. and what kind of men comes back after four years to say that what his wife is just bearing is his baby???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.
7) Sharia law of Islam says that to prove adultery on a man and women you must bring four witness. and the most joking. you must measure how much from his (penis) in her (pussy). am I joking ?!. sorry but I am not joking and so that is nearly impossible to be proved. so I just wonder when I see Muslims stone someone. I just wonder did they wait until he they bring four witness then measure how much of his (penis) in her pussy. dirty dirty dirty sharia law of stupidity??????????????????????
8) In inheritance . you find the stupid sharia law of Islam distinguish between man and women. as the look to women in Islam is always bad. as she is where the devils lives. and the menstruate blood is a kick from the devil. and women is less than man in mind ( check Islam and women for more). so she must not inherit same as the man. she must be half the man in inheritance. so if we had two girls with one brother and we have 100 camel to be divided on them. the boy takes 50 and each girl takes 25. that is justice of Islam for women. and Muslims say Islam did not differentiate between women and men .......etc. of this bullshit. while actually Islam looks to women less than animals and literally i say that?????????????????????????????????????.
9) According to sharia law of Islam non Muslims must pay a tribute for Muslims. what a wonderful law for human right. and does not distinguish between religions. get ready as when Muslims get control on your land. they will make pay tribute for them. That is the wonderful justice of the barbaric imperialistic Islam??????????????????????????????????.
10) Sharia law of Islam teach that Muslims have all the right on the lands. while the non Muslims have no right except what Muslims allow. even if they are the indigenous citizens. and Muslims are the imperialistic invaders. who have destroyed every beauty on their land. and turned it into desert after being the most beautiful green lands. all who visited it were astonished of it 's beauty. that is the sharia law of Islam a law to destruction without allowing any kind of objection. even from who own the true right. while allowing the thieves and invaders to destroy???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.
11) Sharia law of Islam deleted adoption. And why did sharia law of Islam deleted it. because kotom the dirty slave had an adopted son. but it happened that he saw his wife naked so he wanted her. so he forced his adopted son to give her to him. and to not be blamed. he said: his Allah gave him a verse to delete adoption. and allow him to marry his adopted son's wife (what a dirty liar animal). even his wife Aisha realised that and said to him: i only see your Allah very fast in meeting your lusts. she realised he is a liar. that is the sharia of mercy of Islam. because of the lust of an animal. denied the right of millions of children in Islamic countries to have new families to take care of them. but they must live without a father or mother to the rest of their life. and to be abused in streets by criminals and sexually abused ......etc. that is the true sharia law of Islam . the true sharia of mercy??????????????????????????????????????????????????.
12) Sharia law of Islam says it is ok for the man to hit his wife. so if a woman went to police to report that her husband hits her. and sharia law was applied. the policeman will tell her: that is his right. go home and don't bother me. or I will hit you myself of the crime of blasphemy and complaining of the laws of Allah (god of Islam. the pagan). that allows man to hit his wife as much as he like. and why was that?. because kotom the slave carried a huge hate to women. because of his mother the whore that brought shame over his head all his life. and forced him to kill people trying to get rid of that shame. but never manage to. and so Muslims will never manage to get rid of his shame. unless they leave all of that shameful Islam. that is sharia law of Islam. a thoughts of a mentally ill person. that are applied on human beings. makes them just like animals and even less???????????????.
13) Did it even stop at that far. no but it goes to turn humans into real animals. how is that when the dirty sharia law of Islam explains how to fuck animals. living animals or dead animals. and says no judgment for that. it is ok. all what you just need after that is wash yourself. i have never in my whole live seeing something more dirty than that. and in their books they make a whole chapter under the name of : (the judgment of fucking animals and living or dead). that is what Muslims are fighting for. they are fighting for fucking animals. shame over the heads of Muslims. and shame over their dirty Islam. and their dirty slave which used to fuck animals and taught them that dirt of his own ??????????????????.
14)Sharia law of Islam give the right to the man to lend the pussy of his wife to men and to his guests. sharia law of Islam is sharia law of prostitute????????????????????????
All what I have said is just examples as when someone search inside that dirty religion. he will be shocked the same as I was from how much dirty is this religion. especially when you look at these liars. and how they pretend to be pure persons while they are less than animals. following a child rapist and animal fucker. a mentally ill slave son of a whore mother ( all are facts proved by his own says in hadiss. not one single word I claim). and after that they come to talk about sharia law to be applied on humans. I say not even animals would accept that sharia law of Islam to be applied on it. as this will be against animal rights. shame over the head of Islam and his sharia law. and over the head of kotom the slave the children rapist and animal fucker.
Islam = Nazism = imperialistic invaders and destroyers of civilization.
Quran of Islam and sharia law = books not even suitable for animals.
kotom the slave = children rapist and animal fucker and mentally ill person and son of a whore which born him four years after the death of his claimed father.
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