Justice of terrorism.
Close your eyes. Open your imagination and follow me. Imagine your hand holding a coin. And then you throw it up to fluctuate in the air between it's two faces. And on one of the faces there is a picture of a church and on the other side there is a picture of a mosque. And when this coin comes down and one of its faces is up and the other is down. And then you find blood comes over the coin and says. An amazing thing. Which is :
((((((((((((( The terrorism Do not distinguish )))))))))))))))
Now open your eyes close your imagination. And go watch it on the Egyptian media. Because it was already made as an advertise the purpose of it to say. That terrorism hurts all Egyptian. And if you took it more wide away from just Egypt. It will be terrorism is hurting us all without distinguish.
A good message indeed. No doubt about it. But it opens a huge Question.??????????????????????
About the justice of terrorism. And the justice of Islam ???????
Are they the same. And if not as this advertise says. then who is better?????
The justice of terrorism. Or the justice of Islam ?????
So let's keep on closing our imagination. But open the door of our concentration On its wide size. To go deep in answering that question. which is not just about Egypt. But about All countries all over the world.
First we will take a look about the justice of terrorism as the advertise showed it.
It is the kind of justice that do not distinguish. It sees all who are not followers of their believe as infidels. With no rights at all. And must become followers or to be killed. And it goes on all. And that goes with the advertise as they kill anyone do not follow their believe regardless he is a Muslim or not. with just a bit more hate to non Muslims. But in general that is true. The Terrorism do not really make any distinguish.
And that is amazing. all the people in front of terrorism are equal with the same rights. which no rights at all. And I am going to keep with that amazing face of the justice of terrorism. without asking about the source of it which the opinion of the writer of the article that it came directly from Islam. And literally too. More like these people are applying Islam. But leave that a part now and you can check it later in these articles as an example on the truth of Islam page :
The illusion
The Jihad's illusion
The contract
And again in here we will just keep with what we came to. which is the justice of terrorism do not distinguish. All are equal in front of it with no rights at all.
Second. The justice of Islam according to the advertise which made it some kind of a victim of terrorism. And again we will not discuss the relation between Islamic teach and books from a side and terrorism from the other side. but we will just go with that advertise. which draw a picture of Islam as a victim. As they claim there are two types of Islam the terrorism which they say it is a wrong Islam. And the middle Islam from another side which represent the right Islam in their presentation and a victim too( which the writer Do not see a difference between them as both are from one source which is Islamic books and teaches ) But let us again keep with the advertise. And let's start with the country the advertise came from which is Egypt. And let's see what kind of justice the middle Islam carry.
And from the first step you will find yourself blocked by the wall of constitution which is a real embodiment to the justice of Islam. which says Islam must rule and the Islamic sharia law must rule and be above all and the main source of legislation. And what a wonderful source of legislation. And now forced unlike early inside the article the writer will have to go inside Islam. As the sharia of it forced itself. Which will lead us to a sharia. says non Muslims must never rule. and they must be humiliated. and to be killed. and must go to jail with no crime. and who kills them must not be judged. and their churches must not be built and to demolish the existed ones. As they are infidels. and must use all the ways possible to force Islam on them.
And the example is the maspero massacre which the army in it run with tanks over unarmed people. and no one of the real responsible about it came to trial. Or other crimes. By different types which all what you need is to follow activists who keep asking for justice in it without respond. And why no respond ?? Because this is the justice of Islam. Against non Muslims. It distinguishes between the Muslim even if he was a killer and between the non Muslim.
and other ways in the media and official channels which belong to the state. which the constitution turn them into a media it's duty is to call to the wonderful Islam. From the money stolen from the state by the wonderful constitution....etc. And that is quite enough about it as the list will not end.
And let us just fly to a near by country which is the motherland of the justice of Islam. which is Saudi Arabia. which happens these days that it made a declaration about considering some radical Islamic groups as a terrorists groups. Which carry a joke by itself. As all these groups were born over Saudi land. And supported by Saudi money and leaded by Saudi people. And the real reason of this declaration is one of two. First is to cover tracks. To be away from responsibility. And the second would be the fear from these groups which if they got the chance they would never hesitate to get red from the regime to get to power and rule.
But again let's just keep on it as an example. as it differentiate itself as Islam and terrorism. And this time you will find yourself blocked by even the non ability of even exist on the land even at all. And no other religion is allowed. and the whole job of the state is to protect and apply the sharia law of Islam. which represent the justice of Islam. with no need to repeat the early words about it.
which bring us to a conclusion. All of it is built on the advertise. Which made a distinguished between Islam and terrorism.
And the conclusion is :
(((((((((((( All are equal in front of terrorism with no rights at all. But they are not equal in front of Islam. As it distinguish between Muslims even if they were killers or thieves or even terrorist from a side and between non Muslims even if they were innocent and good people from the other side. As Muslims have rights while non Muslims do not have any rights at all to demand but what just Muslims willing to allow. )))))))))))))
Of course this conclusion. is all built on the advertise. But the fact and truth that there is no difference between them. Islam and terrorism. because Islam is the reason and source of terrorism.
So let us just ask why making equalization between a victim. and a murderer. ?????????????
The truth will be to use it to rule. Not to show a case. that is true that terrorism do not distinguish. And consider all equal and to be killed or whatever. But that does not mean Islam is innocent. Or that justice is achieved. Who stand against terrorism from Muslims now just afraid from it. but not for being different than them. And proves all over. For everyone looks at the justice of Islam and the distinguish that starts with constitutions and ending up with actions.
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