The contract.
Merchant of Venice. That story tells about two persons signed on a contract. which says in it's terms that if the merchant failed to pay back a loan he has taken from the evil guy of the story. He must give him a piece from his own flesh close to his heart. And when it did happen and he failed to pay. The evil guy of the story went to the court. Which said that as long as he was in all of his mental power when he signed over that contract. it means he had a commitment toward the contract and he must do all the terms inside it. And if it wasn't his friend and his lover. He would of been dead after giving a piece from his flesh. But they came out to a fact in the contract says that he can only take flesh. But have no right in taking any kind of blood. means he can't actually take flesh because it will be impossible to happen to take flesh without blood. And that's how the good man was saved.
But why this story. And what can you get from it???
actually to answer that we will have to discuss an opinion which was put on one from the social media sites.
And this opinion was talking about how much it may be more hard attack on Muslims if a crime was committed by them more than the normal average of attack if it was done by anyone else. who is not a Muslim.
And first of all crime or attack is a crime no matter who does it. A Muslim or not a Muslim.
But the problem lies in the motivator of the crime or violence. And in case of non Muslims it would be mostly individual motivators. the person done it from himself but was not incited by a dogma or a believe.
But in case of a Muslim. when he does that action of crime or violence he is doing it to apply that dogma of Islam. which incites him to does that action.
By another meaning: The targeted with attack is Islam which incites on that bad action. And to get the point more clear you can read these two articles on the truth of Islam page. it would help you very much get that point :
((( The illusion )))
((( Sheik parrot is not wrong. Islam is the wrong.)))
After reading them you will be able to get the idea on the relation between the human actions and between the core of dogma. which human action can represent it or stay away from it.
And from that part we go back to our story in the opening of the article.
And we will figure out the contract means commitment to all the terms inside it.
Every and each term. As long as you sign on it. You become responsible on applying the terms inside it or you will be legally charged.
Now we come and ask a question????
When you ask a Muslim guy what do you believe in. the answer will be Islam.
comes to another question ???
what does it mean to be a Muslim.???
answer will be he had a commitment to Quran and hadiss books teachings. Which all are related to kotom the slave of kadiga (Muhammad).
Ask him to sign a paper says he had commitment to Quran and hadiss books teachings.???
he will sign it for sure.
But still until this far everything is okay. Anyone believe in a religion or a dogma would sign such a paper.
so what is the difference????
Actually to get the difference you must get a very close idea on what this person had a commitment to does.
And to get that idea you can read these articles which all are on the page of truth of Islam to help you get the idea on what this person signed a contract to apply. what this person has a commitment to apply:
((( The law of do not say the truth. )))
((( Nasik & Mansuik. Copy & delete. Hide & seek. )))
((( The Jihad's illusion )))
((( The manners of Kotom the slave (Muhammad). )))
((( Islam is an ideology not a civilization. )))
((( Guess when allah of islam laughs????? )))
((( Dirty sharia law of islam: )))
((( Journey into islam's afterlife: )))
((( islam and lying: )))
((( Quran of islam = nazis books )))
((( Islam and nazism: )))
((( islam and women: )))
((( Islam and childhood: )))
And after reading these articles you will also be able to get that idea on the terms of contract any Muslim signed on.
Imagine if a criminal signed a contract to kill and attack you. and that to get a prize ( in case of Islam a fake garden full of sex with women and children ). what will be your normal reaction to any suspicious action he does.
If you got that you will get the idea on looking more suspiciously on Muslims because they already have signed a contract like that killer.
contract to ((( hate - harm - kill - steal - lie -deceive ....etc. like the articles showed which carry only fact )))

Good one. Islam must quit
ReplyDeletethanks .right and your are welcome