allah the god of islam:




Allah the god of Islam:
Before entering into any description of Allah the god of Islam In Quran. We should know who is Allah of Islam. First before Mohammed (kotom the slave of kadiga) declare himself as a Prophet. there was in maka many gods people worship and The greatest god of them was Allah Akbar the God of moon. And it was an idol. And what happened really is that Mohammed (kotom the slave of kadiga) called the Arab for the unite in worshiping the god Allah Akbar the god of moon. which is the greatest god and that appears in sort saad in Quran when he talks about unification of all the gods in one god and how the worshipers said how can this be to make many gods all in one god. as there were more than 360 god by this time.
from that we can find the fact that Allah the god of Quran and Islam was an idol in maka called Allah Akbar. Mohammed (kotom the slave of kadiga) tried to make all other people with different gods to follow that god. and that can also be seen in Quran itself in the names of many parts of it which are names of gods Arab used to worship. he put it in Quran to tell them here is your god mentioned in Quran. so come and follow Islam. from that sort Mariam as there was people in Arab island worshiping saint marry. and sort the cow and also sort the star ...etc. even sort Mohammed himself as there was people worshiping him. and that is clear when Mohammed died. and Abo Bakr his friend said who worship Mohammed must know that Mohammed is died.
and what also prove that more. that part about Allah Akbar god of the moon that he had three daughters. Alat ,Aoza and Manat . and these were worshiped by the tribe of koraish. which was the tribe of Mohammed (kotom the slave of kadiga) . so to make them follow him he gave them a verses that glorify their gods. in Quran and he kneeled after saying that. and they all kneeled behind him in front of the idols. and after that he deleted that verse from Quran but it was still there in hadiss in bokary book hadiss. and also by having a close look at the mosques you will find that that on the top of it there is the moon mark. despite many Muslims now day ignore these facts. as no one really search.
and regard less that this verse shows how that Quran impossible to be from the true god. as it change and get deleted and carry mistakes ...etc. and how it calls to worshiping idols and gods of Arab. the most important is still that Allah of Islam is the god of the moon of the Arab. which means it is an idol even if Muslims say it is not. as all what kotom the slave of kadiga was trying to do is just to unite the Arab in worshiping one god instead of many gods. and that to gain power not because he really knew the true god. as from what is above he did not. and now lets see description of Allah of Islam in Quran , hadiss :
1) Allah the god of Islam. prays. that will be found after mentioning the name of kotom (Mohammed) in Quran or hadiss or by people when talking. as they say literally Mohammed Allah prayed on him. ( you can ask any Muslim about this information) and in Arabic the word (salha) means (prayed ). only means prayed. as Muslims will say he blessed him which is not right as prayed means only prayed. and what made him use that word if he means blessed?. and why say prayed instead of blessed unless he means prayed as prayed ?. and that puts a great question how can Allah the god pray?. and who is greater than him so he prays to him for kotom????????????
2) Quran of Muslims literally describes his god. (Allah) in sort elanfal verses 30 .("sort" by the way means part of Quran under the name of what follows the word sort, More like chapter of ). it says literally that Allah of Quran is a foxy and the best of all foxy. that is literally. so how can the true god be foxy. which means plotting the evil things to harm others. and also to be foxy means you need to be liar. so how can Allah the god as they claim. if he was the true god which should be perfect. to be a liar and foxy and best of all foxy?????????
3) Allah of Islam is under the desire of kotom. and controlled by kotom. as in the story when kotom wanted to marry the wife of his adopted son . Allah gave him a verse to delete adoption. to manage to force his son to give her to him. without getting blamed. so his wife Aisha said to him. as what it came in sahia el bokary book : I only see your god is very fast in achieving your wishes (which means like if saying to him. you are fabricating and lying). and that put a question who follow who the god follow the wishes. or the worshipper follow the god teach.?????????
4) kotom is greater than Allah. as what came in many hadiss. that who say any bad word toward kotom (the slave). must get killed. even if  he came back in it. but who ever say a bad word toward Allah the god of Muslims. can easily get forgiveness. regardless killing people for saying anything about kotom
5) Devil is more wisdom than Allah the god of Islam. and that appears in sort elesra 61. when Allah created Adam the first man. said to all angels to bow in front of Adam. and all did that but the devil who said: how can I bow to what you created from mud. and here we find that devil is more wisdom than his (God) Allah. who said inside verse in Quran: Do not bow in front of anyone but me. but he came back to say to angels bow in front of man. and the devil had a good mind in that but Allah still punished him for his wisdom. which shows how Quran makes fun of the true god. and make devil more wisdom than him. and that he is not justice for punishing someone for obeying his teach. while for example in bible the reason devil was punished for was for trying to be like god in greatness. which put a question how can devil be more wisdom than his god. and how Allah punish someone for not bowing in front of other thing but him????????????
6) Allah of Islam is unable to protect his words ( Quran ). from devil as when he send Quran to kotom (Muhammad the slave). the devil can change in it. and that what was said by kotom himself and also in quran when it says: what devil throw from words in Quran.
7) Allah the god of Quran loves blood and killing. like when he said to the prophet literally in Quran: o prophet incite believers to war. and kill infidels .... and cut their necks ....... and many many verses like that.
8) Allah of Islam teaches to abuse children. and that can be found in sort elnesaa. when it gives the men the right to marry underage girls and describe them as girls who did not menstruate yet. and also in his gana ( gardens promised after death). he promises Muslim with children do not bleed to have sex with. so that put a big question how can we with our human thoughts figured that abusing children is a wrong thing. but Allah who suppose according to Quran bullshit is who created us with these minds. did not figure that this is wrong?????
9) Allah of Islam also insults women and manhood. but it is more than to be explained here so go read ((( Islam and women ))) and also ((( Islam and manhood )))
10) Allah of Islam is against human rights as it calls to take war captives and slaves and gives the right to rape them. what kind of justice is that ??????
11) Allah of Islam promises Muslims who follow his corrupted teach in killing and raping and kidnaping ...etc. with gana ( which means gardens ) full of beautiful women and children that do not bleed to have sex with. and rivers from wine and honey. so is he a god or a prostitute house owner. and which place suppose to be more holly heaven or earth. and how can he prevent something on earth to be done in heaven which is described as gardens. which also make it no different than earth ????????
12) Allah of Islam without any greatness or. and that can be found in the hadiss which Mohammed claim in it he saw his god (Allah) taking a shower in a lake in Saudi Arabia. and angels were washing him ( Allah his god). and that he saw his dick extend from the east to the west.(not a joke). and regardless that is really making fun from the true God. which when just passed over Moses with part of his greatness. his face became shinning like sun and he had to put veil on his face to let people mange to look at his face. I put that question how can god be like man with a dick. and who does he fuck. and how can he come to earth while in a another hadiss Allah of Islam is carrying the whole earth on one of his fingers. so how does it come that he came to earth and who was carrying earth by this time :D :D :D :D ????????????
at the end I want to put a note. that Allah of Islam is totally different than God of the bible. which proved himself by miracles even his enemies was unable to deny. and his name was Jehovah which means the exist who exists. or the existed from the beginning ( A name he called himself with. Not people called him with). and so when Muslims try to say that this is the same god they worship. is just to fool Christians and make them join them. the same as what Muhammad did with Arab before. when he mentioned their gods in Quran as what was showed above. and not just with Christians but with all others. as what they really seek is power and control over lands. and Islam is the means for that.
all what I say is just example I ask whoever reads this. to search and check what I say and more he will find by himself as what I did.
Allah of Islam = toy used by kotom and a prostitute house owner. and without wisdom and liar and foxy and an idol Arab worshiped.
Islam = Nazism = shame over the heads of Muslims
Quran = Nazis books = books of shame
kotom the slave = Hitler but Hitler is cleaner than kotom who drink camel urine and loves menstruate blood smell

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