Kill Arabs says Quran. 100 % Truth. :D :D :D
This article is about the result and the judge of Quran against Arabs because of the look at them that was mentioned in Quran at (( sort el toba and the verses number 97 / 99 / 101)). Which you can read at the article of (( Proud to be an Arab Muslim??? Think again :D :P :P :O at the page of truth of Islam for more)).
and according to these verses which again say:
97 - The Arabs of desert are the worst in unbelief and hypocrisy, and most fitted to be in ignorance of the command which God hath sent down to his Apostle: but God is All knowing, All wise.
99 - But some of the desert Arabs believe in God and the last day, and look on their payments as pious gifts bringing them nearer to God and obtaining the prayers of the Apostle. aye, indeed they bring them nearer (to him): soon will God admit them to his mercy: for God is oft forgiving, most merciful.
101 - Certain of the desert Arabs round about you are hypocrites, as well as (desert Arabs) among the Medina folk: they are obstinate in hypocrisy: thou knowest them not: we know them: twice shall we punish them: and in addition shall they be sent to a grievous penalty.))))))
And from these verses we came out to the fact that 99 percent of Arabs are infidels (worst in unbelief and hypocrisy) as the verses said.
So now if the verses said they are infidels then there should be a result for that. what will it be???????????? :D :D :D :D :D :D
It will be the judges against infidels inside Quran which must be applied against the Arabs now as the verses proved with no 1% doubt that they are infidels.
And this is 100 % truth Islamic teach must be applied. which they apply against others which are just infidels (unbelievers). while the verses say The Arabs of desert are the worst in unbelief . which means they are worse than infidels that if we assumed Quran is right . :D :D :D :D
So what are the judges must be applied against Arabs. Sit down take a deep breath and enjoy.
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1)First judge is to be killed in jihad wars :
there are many verses in Quran say kill infidels and force them to Islam. And to get an idea :
Sort el toba and verse number 73. And it says O prophet perform jihad against infidels ( non Muslins ) and hypocrites and be cruel on them and after that their destiny will be hell. And in this verse it is more clear it is a call to declare war on non Muslims. And all interpreters say so.
And what a coincidence ( infidels + hypocrites = Arabs ).
Means 100% Quran says kill Arabs because they are infidels and pretend to be Muslims and they twisted Islam and Quran ( read Quran between burn and kings' wishes ).
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2) Arabs must be humiliated and pay tribute and all what they own belong to Muslims.
As when Quran says until they pay tribute with humiliation. and when it says all what infidels have are yours from property and even children and women . which means Arabs money and children and women are pure for Muslims to take.
3) Arabs must never take leadership in any position. because Quran says do not take leaders from infidels and again Arabs are worse than infidels.
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these are just simple examples for what Quran judges against Arabs and you can read more about such judges ( The law of do not say the truth. - The Jihad's illusion - The mosque????!!!! - Islam and democracy . The economic of terrorists. - El Aqsa mosque in Palestine. the biggest lie in Islamic history: - Quran of Islam between burn and king wishes: - Dirty sharia law of Islam: - Sheik parrot is not wrong. Islam is the wrong. ) And these articles will help show how Islam looks to infidels and judge them and others show how Arabs distorted in Islam.
And now again what was said is 100% percent Islamic teach and any Muslim read this must check it back if you are a non Arab Muslim you must know that about Arabs and you must apply that but what makes you don't do that . ???????
You are not a Muslim. because the Muslim is who applies the judges of Quran and all Arabs are not a Muslims if they really are they would of slaughter themselves to apply Quran. and they would of never be in any leading position . because they are infidels.
say hi to Quran boys it is full of surprises.
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