Nasik & Mansuik. Copy & delete. Hide & seek.
((( Before you go on reading this article you must pass a small test will help you learn the Islamic hide and seek.
First open any text application on your pc. office word or WordPad...etc.
Then write this phrase :
{I won't hurt anyone does not follow my believes.}
Bring someone and let him read what you wrote
After you finish shade the phrase using the mouse. And press delete.
Then write :
{I will slaughter and kill anyone does not follow my believes.}
Now bring the same person and let him read the second phrase.
Ask the person what is his thoughts about what you wrote. and keep that in your mind.
Now second step write the first phrase again in a new clean page :
{I won't hurt anyone does not follow my believes.}
Then shade it and make it the smallest size possible in your application.
Then under it write the second phrase :
{I will slaughter and kill anyone does not follow my believes.}
Then shade it and give it the biggest size possible to fill the whole page of application.
then bring a person the same one before or another one. and ask him to read what is written. Then notice and keep in your mind which one of the two phrases he did easily notice and read and which one he hardly noticed or maybe did not notice at all.
After you finish keep all of that in your mind and get ready to play with me the Islamic hide and seek inside this article.:D )))
Now let us start playing the Islamic hide and seek and the first step is to learn where does it came from and what are the rules of it.
Where did it come from???
It came from Quran in sort el bakara (book of the cow) and verse number 106. And in it Quran says:
((( We do not copy (delete) a verse or make it forgotten unless we bring a one like it or better ))).
and in the English Islamic distorted it is written as :
(((None of our revelations do we abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but we substitute something better or similar: )))
{{{{Revelation is not verses }}}}
And to make it more clear. This game will be about an Islamic rule inside Quran says that any verse inside Quran can be replaced or deleted and this rule is called the nasik and mansuik.
And to see how much important and vital it is. let me bring this story said by the interpreter (El Kortoby ):
A man went to the mosque. Not a good place to go :D ((( check The mosque )))
Then he started to teach people. Then Ali one of Muhammad's friends went in. And asked this man do you know nasik and mansuik.??
So the man stood in shock. ( He thought he knew all about Islam). ;)
So the man answered no.
Then Ali looked at him and said : You are a perished man.
See I told it is very important according to what interpreters say. you will be perished if not knowing it. :P :P :P :P
And the most wonderful thing about that game inside Quran is the reason it was created for.
And according to interpreters of Quran there were some stories about it.
A bunch Of Muslim men forgot some verses while saying Quran (they depended on memorize). So they went to Kotom the slave (Muhammad). To help them remember the verses as he gave them. As he used to teach them that Quran was preserved inside tablets under the thrown of Allah the porno dancer (check Allah the porno dancer for more). So they wanted him tell it to them or make Allah bring it to them if he also did forget it.
((( What a corner Muhammad is in now. It reminds with the corner inside Alexander the great as the Macedonians never knew. which can be checked back on the page of truth of Islam)))
So Muhammad told them wait a moment please I need to call a friend.
Kotom: Allah. Allah. Do copy
After a very long time.
Allah: yes kotom roger that. Sorry for late I was just washing the leg I will show in the porno dance. :D :D :D
Kotom: Ok. Now I need you to remind me with some verses some Muslims want me to say it again to them.
Allah: What verses you know I have no verses it is your trick not mine. Did you forget or what. You are on your own kotom Bye. :D :D :D :D
Kotom : Dam why do I keep calling that asshole he never helps.
:D :D :D :D
Now what shall I do. Think. Think. All right that's it.
Hey Muslim fellows these verses you are asking about has been deleted.
Muslims in shock : What deleted how come that Allah let that happen. And let his word be deleted.
Kotom: Allah gave me a verse tells me ok to delete and change verse or forget it.
What a solution Kotom managed to bring. ;D ;D ;D ;B ;B
And another wonderful story Says:
That infidels (non Muslims) said that kotom the slave tells his followers a thing then he deletes it and say another thing different. So Allah gave him that verse. To make them shut up. Allah by himself says not your business infidels I go back in what I say so what. :P :P :P :P
:D :D :D :D
And to understand this rule of nasik and mansuik more clear. I would like to remind you with the test in the beginning of the article. Because it will help you understand it well.
In the first phrase when you wrote it then deleted it and wrote the second. the person who saw the first it will be okay to him but after deleting and writing the second he became confused and mostly said why did you change your mind. And had considered the last phrase wrote is what you mean now.
And in the second time when you wrote the first phrase in small size and the second in big size that fill the page the person you brought noticed the one in big size and considered it what you really mean and hardly he may have noticed the one in small size and ignored it. And considered it a mistake and maybe ask you why is it in small size don't you mean it.
And that is very much close to the Islamic rule of nasik and mansuik. Which is more like the game of hide and seek.
And to make it clear the old verses can be deleted by many ways.
1) It can be directly deleted like what interpreters of Quran say on explaining this verse how that sort elahzap in Quran had verses equal to sort elbakara in Quran. but about 209 verses were deleted from it and no one remember it. in now Quran sort elbakara had 286 verses and sort elahzap had 73 verses.
2) Is when a new verse comes with a judge that contradicts with an old verse in this case it is like the test when the first phrase was in small size and the second in big size. Both are there and both can be read. But only the new one judge will delete the old one judge.
{I won't hurt anyone does not follow my believes.} the first one is there you can read it only but you should not do what it teach because it was deleted by the judge of the new one.
{I will slaughter and kill anyone does not follow my believes.}
the second one in big size here deleted the judge of the first one. so you read it and must do exactly as what came in it.
Now why did I bother myself playing this maze game of hide and seek inside Quran.
simple because it will bring me some very important results.
1) That Quran is distorted by Allah himself according to what came inside it. that he changes his own word and when I tell that there is another verse says that if Quran was not from Allah they would of found a contradiction inside it. Sort el nesa and verse number 82. Which means it judge itself as a distorted book not from the god of Islam . what a funny thing. Book says it is from Allah judges itself as a book not from Allah. And more you can check on (((Quran of Islam between burn and king wishes:))) truth of Islam page.
:D :D :D :D
2) This will show and prove the prophecy of Muhammad about the end of Islam. which you can check on (((Islam the desperate stranger.))) truth of Islam page. and help explain why even the prophecy built on his own knowledge that he is a liar and that Quran is fake. As who came after him kalifa osman ibn afan collected all other Qurans and burned them and forced a Quran from his own. And that's why even the prophecy of Mohamed did not happen directly after him but it's time is happening now when lie are being exposed. Leaving Mohamed a liar in everything even in the normal expectation.
3) Verses of peace and be good with non Muslims which Muslims keep saying. some say it without knowing and some say it to deceive.
because the truth that verses of war and killing the non Muslims and force Islam deleted the verses of peace judges the same as small size and big size inside the test.
which means they read it and read war verses inside Quran and action only to the newest that deleted the previous one before it. And Mohamed started weak and used peace verses until when he got power and army. he said verses of war and deleted verses of peace and died applying war. which means no judge of verses of peace at all.
That's why when I say that any Muslim no matter how good he is. Is more like a timing bomb and that the wrong is in Islam which should be faced not humans
and you can check (((The illusion))) & (((The Jihad's illusion))) on truth of Islam page. to get it more clear.
And at the end I want to say Mohamed killed people for saying he is a liar. killed them for saying Quran not from god. killed them for saying facts about him like his mother was a bitch.
Does this make Islam right???
Does this make Muslims doing that right???
Does this make Islam peaceful???
Does this make Islam accepting to live with others in peace???
All ways lead to Rome. Islam = Nazis ideology no matter who accept it or refuse it. It is a fact.
And this will appear and help more in the article of calling to islam between the past and the present which will come soon.
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