The middle Islam and the Turkish example is a big fat lie:
Middle Islam. a word is a lot been heard from Muslims and in media to describe the Muslims. and to make a differentiate between them and terrorists. to claim that middle Islam is different than the extremist Islam. and try to make it look like the different between extremist Christians or any other extremists from any other religion. and the main religion group which is peaceful. But what I am going to discuss here is the big lie about middle Islam. then I am going to talk about the example that Muslims try to export which is the example of one from the most dirty nations that claim to be clean which is turkey :
First the lie of middle Islam and it is different than extremism :
1) when we talk about extremism we mean people who had extreme ideas about the others different in religion and how to deal with them and mostly to kill them and persecute them .....etc. but the main core of religion does not call for that. and the biggest example for that is Nazis and how their teach were extreme but on the same time had no place in Christianity. or in it 's teach at all ..and Muslims and even some stupid media from the west try to give that idea. that in Islam it is the same as there is extremism and middle Islam ( I don't really know is it because they are ignorant of Islam or for hidden reasons and hidden benefit) .
2)Now when it comes to extremists of Islam I want every one to know from where did they bring that extreme ideas. Is it a teach away from the core of Islam and it is a personal teach for extremists. The clear answer for sure will be no no no no no. All and every single thought or teach for these extremists literally had it 's place in Quran and hadiss. so it puts us in another dimension. maybe the verses in Quran or hadiss call for kill but not the way they (extremists) had explained it. according to their personal will. not as interpreters of Quran have explained it. But the same answer as before it will be no no no no. as interpreters of Quran are the ones who have put that extremist thoughts about Islam from the beginning. and even it was the action of the biggest example for Muslims. and their most high standard person. which is kotom the slave of kadiga who killed people for saying truth about him. like he was a liar and son of a bitch. which are facts. and who invaded other's lands and killed people in it. and took their women and children as war captives. and raped children. which leaves us no place for doubt that the extreme ideas is the core of the religion of Islam itself and it is in Quran and hadiss and in the liar prophet kotom the slave's life.
3) Now I come to middle Islam and middle Muslims. and I just want to know what is middle Islam or middle Muslims ??? are they Muslims who do not believe in Quran ??????. are they Muslims who do not believe in hadiss??????????. are they Muslims who do not take kotom the slave as their biggest example and his action as example they must do as it?????????????. are they Muslims who do not believe in the interpreters of Quran and it 's teach from kill and jihad????????????????????????. I am going to assume they are all of that Muslims who do not believe in Quran and hadiss and interpreters and Muslims who do not respect kotom the slave. Can i really say about them that they are Muslims??????????.
And when I remind every one that Islam taught to lie to protect the religion. and that in Quran and hadiss. and the liar prophet used to lie (check Islam and lying). what would I get from middle Islam. can I really think that Muslims have given up Quran and hadiss. and when i see these middle Muslims feel so sorry when osama ben laden died what would I get from that. when I see them give justification to terrorist attacks. ( what I mean here is on publicly level ). when I see these middle Muslims kill other non muslims in their countries and prevent them from religion freedom and building churches or temples. or to call for their religion. and when I see them persecute their own Muslim brothers. if they decided to leave Islam. and it even goes far to kill them. can after the whole of this I really say or claim that there is something called middle Islam or middle Muslims or any of this bullshit. which the stupid chicken west media even are declaring?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Secondly the claimed example of middle Islam which is the Turkish shameful nation:
First before I start talking about the Turkish I have a personal question to the prime minister of turkey ragab taib ardogan and I hope he takes it seriously not as a joke or making fun of him or insulting :
Mr. ragab taib ardogan son of the liar. son of the slave. son of the children rapist. son of the animal fucker. son of the killer. son of shame. son of raped grandmother by Muslims. son of war slaves and dogs of Muslims (Mamluks). and at last son of Aisha the whore who breast feed men. I know you are a Muslims sunnah. ( these are just facts)
I saw you on TV giving a great speeches about how countries like Egypt and Tunisia should be like turkey as it is example to middle Islam ( so I ask you to read middle Islam)
1) ragab taib son of the slave son of war dogs why do I see you with mustache don't you know that the slave you are fighting for as a war dog ordered all his slaves to shave their mustaches and let grow their beards to differentiate themselves from infidels. or are you infidel. Mr. son of shame of Islam. shave your mustache son of raped grandmother by Muslims as your master ordered you. As in Islam you are not a man.
2) ragab taib son of children rapist son of animal fucker why do I see you dress like men. didn't you know that your master. that you are fighting for used to wear women clothes especially your mama 's Aisha the whore clothes. and that every action he do is a sunnah must be done by his followers. especially when that follower is a dog and slave for Muslims. and that he said that he likes men when they wear women clothes and used to buy women clothes to his friends to wear. and was mad when one of them did not wear it. and said that he gave it to his wife. so slave of war mamluke ragab taib ardogan why do you wear men clothes why don't you follow your dirty master teach. answer that publicly if you dare son of shame.
3) ragab taib son of shame son of kotom. I don't really see what I am going to say now as what was before . but that is for you in case you don't know it. Be aware that if you pee standing like men you will go to hell. And that you must pee sitting like women. Don't be astonished in case you are. that is what your master kotom the slave tells you mamluke ragab taib ardogan. to go to gardens of sex of Islam to fuck beautiful women and children that do not bleed you must pee like women. as most of torture in hell is because of urine.
4) ragab taib ardogan son of shame son of Islam. don't forget to drink camel urine. and eat flies as one of it's wings carry cure from diseases. mamluke ragab make sure to make publicity to the camel urine cola from Saudi Arabia.
5) ragab taib son of the raped grandmother son of Aisha the whore. I saw your wife with hijab. between you and me I liked it very much. and I just wonder do you have a picture for her before hijab when her breasts were naked before you force hijab on her like the whore wives of the dirty liar slave kotom. son of Amna the whore. And if you have a picture to her with naked breasts I very much recommend that you put in media to show people how much descent is Islam and kotom's wives which used to walk with naked breasts until kotom forced hijab on them. after pressure was on him from his friend Omar. and that he was keeping to refuse until Omar forced him when he followed his wife while she was peeing outside and said we have known you soda. and so he forced hijab to protect his women especially when he heard that man said that after kotom die I will marry one of his wives. and so Muslims women now days are taking a great example of kotom's wives. the whores with naked breasts.
6) ragab taib ardogan son of Aisha the whore son of the slave. Do your wife breast feed men like her honored example Aisha the whore. I am not going to go more in that but just carry a small message from me to her. breast feed men well as reputation of Islam depends on how much good is the breast feeding to hunt youth of korish oooo sorry that is Aisha but what I mean is youth of non Muslims now days. and at last I just wish from you Mr. ardogan to answer these questions publicly if you dare mamluke ragab.
secondly I go to the Turkish example itself directly:
What kind of example in turkey the country. that built it 's democracy after the genocide against the Armenians on their own land and country. what kind of democracy. of course the democracy of Islam. Islam must rule by all means. and must be on power and every non Muslims must be killed and no one be under judgment for killing him. that is democracy. that is the example. a country in which even Kurd Muslims who are Muslims too. cant take their rights. then how would it come when we talk about non Muslims rights.
a country in which building a church or a temple in it is like a hostile action against the country. and how about building a Hindu's temple or Buddhist's temple or Jewish temple. I just would like to know about that example. how about if someone decided to call Muslims for his religion what would happen to him in that example. or if someone who is a Muslim decided to leave Islam and put it under shoes as what should every Muslim do. what would happen to him in that case. brightening example of turkey. the nation of war slaves. and killers of non Muslims throw history. and the reason of the crusades after killing and raping the visitors of Jerusalem. a dirty nation thinks because they may look as a good country that they are example. while actually they can be really an example but for lying and pretending in what they are not in fact. and how about building a Hindu's temple or Buddhist's temple or Jewish temple. I just would like to know about that example. how about if someone decided to call Muslims for his religion what would happen to him in that example. or if someone who is a Muslim decided to leave Islam and put it under shoes as what should every Muslim do. what would happen to him in that case. brightening example of turkey. the nation of war slaves. and killers of non Muslims through history. and the reason of the crusades after killing and raping the visitors of Jerusalem. a dirty nation thinks because they may look as a good country that they are example. while actually they can be really an example but for lying and pretending in what they don't really believe in or carry. another clear example of this lying nation is what their without honor prime minister said about Syrian president and how that who kills and torture Syrians will pay. while seems that son of the raped grandmother full of rage and anger of Islam forgot what happened to the Syrian women which came to his land escaping to find rape and be forced to prostitute. I don't remember but did any one involved in that action have been punished. or just it had been passed and forgotten like if it did not even happen. any Muslim nation is a nation of lies and nation of shame and Nazism and racism. until they put Islam that raped them under their shoes. and my last question to this nation. will they declare war for kotom the slave or just do the right thing and try to prove they are men by bringing an answers to the question about Islam and get back their lost dignity.???????????????????????
Islam = imperialistic teach for invading and killing like what they have done to the Turks and turned them into real animals literally and war dogs and raped their grandmothers.
Quran = book of shame over the head of Muslims and imperialistic book with Nazis teach to kill and invade and rape.....etc.
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