Don't say: I am against Islam or anti-Islam & stop. Why??
They were going to camp in a new forest in a new country for the first time. And while they were setting the camp one of them went to check the area around. And while he was walking he met one from the natives in this area and made a chat with him. And after they finished talking he started to walk back to the camp that's when the native man called him from distance and said to him I forgot to tell you: there are some fruit trees on the east side of forest don't try them. seriously telling you that. So he waved to the native man and thanked him.
then after he went back to camp his group decided to explore the forest together. And they went to the east side side of the forest and they found the fruit trees and while they were about to eat. he told his group about what the native told him. So they asked him: and why did he tell you not to try the fruit. So he answered: I don't know he said that from distance after I was walking back to the camp. So I didn't actually ask him. So they started to look to the fruit which looked fresh and tasty. And each one of them started to think about the reason until one of them said mostly because the trees belong to the natives and they do not want to lose their fruit. And so let's just take small amount just to taste the fruit.
And they took the fruit in their bags to enjoy it when they get back to the camp.
And after they went back to their camp and were just about to eat. It happened that the native man came to check on them and on his new friend.
And when he saw them going to eat from it. He shouted and ran to them. And told them stop this fruit carries poison. It will kill you if you ate it.
And so they stopped and the native man said to the man from the camp : didn't I tell you not to try the fruit.
So he answered. Yes but you didn't tell me why not to try them. We though you are just kidding or the trees belong to natives and you don't want any one else to take from them.
If you told me it carries poison it would of been different. But we are really thankful to you for saving us.
As always depending on your smart mind in connecting between the title of the article and this brief story. You would of get a thing or two from what this article is about to discuss.
Which is why mustn't anyone say that he is against Islam or refusing Islam and just stops at that far and has enough with it. And it would of been much more better if he didn't say it from the beginning than to say it and just stops.
And the answer will be divided into three main reasons that prevent you from just saying you are against Islam and stop with that far. So let's just get ready. pick up your bags. Tie your shoe and let's go camping and set fire to make the food. :
1) First reason is the normal person who listens to you. When you tell him your are against Islam or refuse Islam. That would be more like just an opinion. It means nothing more than you are just against it. it shows nothing . And when you will be asked and why you are against Islam. ???
If you did not know why you are against it and was able to prove your point . That would be much like the camp guy who told his friends that a native man told me not to eat from the fruit trees. But he gave them no reason to stop eating. Nothing convincing. Just a warn. But it would of been a lot different if the reason was exposed. The fruit is deadly. like the story.
So in case you are dealing with normal persons which are not Muslims. You need to tell them the reason you are against Islam. That it carries literal teachings to kill and steal and rape and invade and humiliate and abusing children. And it goes more better if you bring examples like when Muhammad the fake prophet of Islam raped a six years old child. And called that marriage. Or when he killed who were against him. Or when he raped war captives. And so on.
Or bring some verses from Quran which prove your point. and by this it becomes not just a point of view. But a real warning alarm. And normal persons will not just know your opinion but see the reason behind it.
2) Second reason is about Muslims. which are divided into two groups.
First group which are the devoted to Islam.( terrorists or about to be) Which all what they think about is just defending it. Regardless it is right or wrong. Truth or a lie. But on the contrary it may even come to the far that they won't hesitate lying to protect Islam. And normally such people would respond to you with lies. And tell you that you are just hater to Islam and hater to Muslims...etc.
But when you say That you are against Islam because it is an ideology to get to power. Or that it is against human rights or that it calls for killing and crimes and bring proves on it. The case will be completely twisted. why?
Because you do have a reason . Which they must respond to it. And it will be by three ways. First is by running away which proves you right. Or be lying which exposes them. And shows how really Islam teachings act. And breaks them in front of normal people and second group of Muslims. Or by terrorism which proves nothing more than they are criminals.
Second group of Muslims which are normal Muslims under the effect of Islamic teachings. which are normal Muslims not devoted. Which may look at your action and talk and explain it according to the Islamic way as just a hater to Islam. A person that is insulting their religion.
But with a reason this person can be helped a lot. As it opens his mind to see and know and search after these reasons. Is it true or a lie.
And thanks to Islamic corrupted teachings which teach lies and distort history and science in ways can't be discussed like for example how sun goes to mud hole on earth at night or Alexander the great lived one thousand year...etc.
So reason and not stopping as just being against Islam is vital.
3) Third reason is the Islamic teachings itself. As you may not be aware of it but Islamic teachings or Mohamed 's teachings put some keys to protect itself against exposing their lies. Which is literal teachings that other non Muslims are just haters and envy Muslim for knowing Islam. which is a joke by itself. As there is not one single reason for it. As who envies Muslims for Islam which humiliated them and taught to rape children and killing and cutting hands and legs unless this person is a criminal wants something more evil to follow and even that person nothing stops him from being a Muslim if he wanted to. So no reason to hate or envy. Which makes the joke bigger. But guess what it works. And really and mostly for the second group as we mentioned above.
And giving reasons will prove the claim of the teachings that who are against Islam are just envy or hater to be completely un reasonable . As you can't say to a person against killers or child abusers or against discrimination That you envy criminals or hating them.
So after going through the three main reason. Still one question.? How to not getting into such mistake. Which is talking about being against Islam and stop with that far.
The answer will be simply by two options. first option is by depending on people who can help you with finding that reason or by searching it yourself . To be able to defend your reason of standing against Islam ( Which is by the way the normal action should be done in any other issue or view you take. But in our case her it becomes a must because of the teachings that blocks discussing it by claiming others are just envy and hate the teachings )
And with that we finished our camp for today. So start collecting your things and get ready to go back home. And don't forget the reason we did not ate the fruit that it carries poison.
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