Islam is an ideology not a civilization.
I saw and heard a lot talk about the dialogue of the civilizations. And that Islam Is one from these civilizations. And the most disappointing in that. Is mixing The facts with lies have been made by Muslims to serve Islam. And if we Searched a little we will find that fact. Which is Islam is an ideology only (not civilization at all ). As The concept of civilization applies on people in a particular place which Made development in it. Which do not go with Muslims by any way. As Islam teachings do not call for such things. but call every invent is a Misguidance and every misguidance is to be in hell. Which means in Islam There is no call to development at all. And when Muslims say the hadiss in Which call for asking for knowledge even in china which was said by kotom the Slave himself(Muhammad). It only mean religion knowledge not life knowledge as Muslims see that all knowledge is complete in Quran and hadiss (which is the most joking as both are full with contradictions and clear lies and historical mistakes and scientific mistakes...etc. Which need articles to be written about it ). And that can be Shown and proved in what happened in Egypt in The great library of Alexandria. Which when the Muslims first invaded Egypt was existing. And when they Found the books in it The leader of the invasion Amr Ebn Elas sent a message To ask the khalifha by this time what to do with the books?. So he sent a message back : we are in no need For the books as the whole knowledge is in Quran so what goes with it keep it. Else Burn it. And so one of the greatest source of knowledge was destroyed on their hands simply because they are ignorant to know the value of Knowledge and civilization.
Now we come to the title (( Islam is an ideology)). How and why Islam is an ideology not a civilization?. First Ideology is set of ideas that make a goal for the person to Achieve and how to achieve that goal with clear actions. So let me put That on Islam And try to know how does the Islamic ideology work?. The main target of Islam can be found in the hadiss which kotom the slave himself says literally I was Ordered to fight all the people (notice (all the people). that is literally ) until They testify that there is no god but Allah (God of Islam ) and that I am his Prophet. And also in Quran when it calls in many verses to kill infidels (Non Muslims) if they do not believe or make them pay tribute with humiliation. or what is in sort el toba number 9 and the verse number 29. in which calls Literally to fight the people from Christians and Jewish until they Pay tribute and the explanation to that verse from ibnkasir book says how They must humiliate Them and if they meet them in a road they must make it Narrow on them by Forcing them to pass throw a narrow place. And why all Of that to force them to be Muslims and why Christians and Jewish because The slave kotom took from their books things and made mistakes in it. And the Existing of These two religions expose his lies clearly. But that is not the issue Now. And to continue to say that Islam started peacefully in maka. but Who continue the story will find that was only because Muslims were still Weak and in small population numbers. But later after they went to madina which is another town in Saudi Arabia everything was changed. And peace was deleted. And even in Quran all the verses of peace were deleted by a rule called Nasik And mansuik ( You can check Nasik and mansuik . copy & delete. hide & seek To understand that rule in Islam) Muslims only read it now but action must be according to Verses of war. I guess if you are smart enough you would of reached a lot From this ideology from the very small examples I gave as there is more huge Examples but each need a separate article to talk about .
So lets put the main Islamic ideology in order as best as we can :
1)First the Islamic ideology depends on religion as a way to control and gain Political and financial advantages. And that to get use of the religion effect on Humans to keep controlling them. And it is used by the Muslim leaders On the high level or the low level or even by normal Muslims (Muslim groups in villages or towns. same as gangs.) to make gains From any kind.
2)Second it forces the religion on others to expand the influence of the Leaders. And that to ensure their control on people and their loyalty To the Leader. And to justify the bad actions he does to others to get gains in the Name of the religion. And also the same thing goes on the low levels of Muslims. And that is done by calling Muslims to invade and fight others and Force them to be Muslims .To get more gains.
3)Third. to force Islam on the lands Muslims invade. There must be a distinction between Muslims and non Muslims and they must humiliate them And that to force them to Islam to make the influence on them. And give the Right to Muslims to kill or do whatever they would like to do without worry from Punishment. From a side to make the Muslims happy and to humiliate the Other and force him to Islam.
4)When the country Muslims invade does not accept Islam with big numbers. They bring Muslims to live in it to change it's demographic. And make Muslims majority using the high number of children and four wives for the single man. And giving him the right to marry non Muslim women to prevent her from marrying man from her people to decrease them and increase Muslims. And That also to ensure control by the population numbers .
5)When a country is more powerful than to be attacked and to be invaded. So Muslims ideology goes to lie and deceive and pretend to be friendly. And to send Muslims to it as traders. And support them to grow in numbers until the day To invade that country comes. And also to call for Islam between people and Deceive them and even tell them lies about Islam to convince them to be Muslims. The Important is to get numbers and supporters ready for war when it comes. And that what kotom the slave did by himself with other nations in the Arab Island until his power grew enough to fight them and forced his Nazis Islam on them.(read Nasik and Mansuik on truth of Islam page for more details on this point)
And before I end and also to be fair in my article the concept of civilization Includes groups with religion and language in a particular place and in a Particular time. Which can be applied on Muslims as they had a religion and a Language. But in that I say if they are a civilization then it would be a Civilization of monkeys and imitators. (this is not a joke or insult I really mean It). So how would that be ?.
First of all Islam started in Saudi Arabia which was a nomadic underdeveloped Civilization. And all other civilizations around them was greater than them. Which means they had nothing to add to the already existed civilizations. Not In building as they lived in tents and living in tents even all the people knew not just Arab Who knew to live in tents or even in deserts. They completely had nothing Good or new to the other nations. But what actually happened is that after they Controlled countries after invasion and saw it 's great buildings forced them to Build the same buildings or make same clothes or places or citadels for Muslims. And who made that actually the owners of the lands and their civilization not The Islamic civilization. For example before Muslims come to Egypt. their Mosques were just walls with roof made from palm fronds. But after they Came and saw churches. And to attract Christians they forced them to Build Mosques the same way and even used to take granite columns from the Churches to build Mosques. And so on even the mazana (the tall tower in the Mosques) didn't actually exist in the time of Mohamed until they saw the churches and the cross Towers in it.( Read the Mosque for more information in this point on truth of Islam page ) And even the cross over the church towers and the domes they Imitated that With the uncompleted moon to have a mark like Christians and Domes without knowing that in Christianity had a symbol not just domes. And That actually because Muslims had no real civilization and all their Civilization was nomadic and about religion and war. Not building or create. As Islam does not teach that. And more over to see that more clearly. If you Left Egypt to go To India or Russia or china or any country in the world And looked at the mosques you will find them only imitate to the existed churches or Temples on the native civilization existed on the land. This can easily be tested. As Muslims didn't really had anything new to the world. And to show the difference. When Romans or Greece civilization invaded countries they constructed Buildings and brought with them things from their own (new real ways of Civilizations and it was added to the natives civilizations ). While Muslims took From The already existed civilization by imitating (like monkey which is not New for Muslims as monkeys is their teachers which taught them to stone Adultery women. (read when monkeys teach Muslims article). And after that claim Islam did that. And even the Arab Scientists are not from Arab tribes but belong to the native Already existed Civilization and they did their accomplish because of their roots. As Islam does not actually call for any invent as we said before.
So at the end I say Islam is not civilization but a Nazis ideology built on Religion and it is different than if we said Arab civilization in Saudi Arabia for Example because I accept that but not Islam civilization as actually Islam destroyed every civilization to put his ideology. And if you insist to call it Civilization built on religion and language. Then it would be monkeys and imitators civilization.
Islam = Nazis ideology full of hate and kill teachings and superstition
Quran = Nazis ideology books which teach hate and kill and superstition
Muhammad (kotom the slave of kadiga ) = a Nazis who has won the war and forced his ignorance and shit on people.
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