Islam and democracy.
Democracy as commonly known as the system which people through it rules themselves through people they choose among them to be leaders. And that also with keeping the rights of minority.
But my issue here will be why democracy won't work if Islam was inside constitution or by another say democracy won't work under Islam. Even if it managed to work inside other societies which are not Islamic. And that the only way to make it work is by putting Islam away from public life and make it only inside the individual life.
First of all at the start of Islam and because they are just imitating like monkeys as i have said before in another article. and that they have never brought any thing new to manhood and any thing they claim they have made is only the land owners made not the Arabs. which just learn to imitate others.
The start was with a man called kotom the slave which his first wife bought him with the price of four camels. And after that he changed his name to Mohammed after buying it. As this was possible by his time and that to make every one forgot his slavery name. And also to cover the fact that his mother was a bitch as they claimed that his father was a man which was dead four years before the birth of kotom. (that's why Muslims claim that the baby can stay for four years in his mother's womb. which is impossible scientifically). After that this man claimed he is a prophet. And of course some fools believed him and others refused him for many reasons. like not giving one prophecy or his clear historical mistakes and the lie. Or because of his past between them. and so it took many steps until getting to the final Islamic ruling way which by the way was also an imitating for something existed and not new.
First step was when he was weak and only a few followed him. He promised them with power if they stood beside him. until the end to keep them loyal. and that by using Quran and telling them that who was rich and great between his tribe will not lose that inside Islam and he will also stay rich and great between Muslim (he won't take his money). And in that period Muhammad was just starting to form his gang (Islamic books called the friends of Muhammad a gang not me). And in that period Mohammed was just like a religious leader or advisor of a gang. And of course that is not democracy as the leaders of the gang was not chosen by others but chosen by kotom.
Second step was when Mohammed managed to make his first big military success and controlled maka. And by this time there were many tribes which did not believe him or accept him. And to make them do not support his enemy the tribe of korish. He promised them and signed a document with them which was before his military win. Inside it he declares that he won't force any one to be a Muslim. And it would of worked well but only if he means what came inside it. And in this period was the start of him as a leader with followers and small leaders under him. which also he had chosen them. still not a democracy but a fake promise of religion freedom. As what will appear from what is coming next.
Third and last period. when he had the power which no one else can stand in front. he started to be a Nazis leader in his ideology. And applied the verses that call for war and hatred and started to kill every one refuses him and eliminated them (literally). And killed any one even from Muslims who stood in front of him or said any thing bad about him or his mother and became a real tyrant. and deserved his end to be killed by poison. And in that last period or step. There was no democracy. but a tyrant Nazis ruler with his gang ruling.
And more over after that Muslims never have chosen a man to be their leader but only a group supports him and helps him to rule even against others will by power. which made all those leaders (all means all) got killed by Muslims even inside mosques which they cry now days when anything happen to it. which means it is only power used to get to power. and when it happens that someone finds his way without power . only power can bring him down.
Now after finishing showing the Islamic ruling system. there are more coming things will show that as long as Islam is inside constitution or public life there will never be any democracy.
But before I would like to put a question. Why did democracy managed to work in USA and other Christian majority countries. And also managed to success inside a country like India with a majority of Hindus?
The answer from my view will be because these religions without getting into details are spiritual religions cares for the inside peace of the human and how to get to it . everyone by it's own way. these religions and alike to them which only calls human to find inside peace throw their teaches. and call him to be good with everyone to show them the real peace it carry. (it happens that some people can be extreme but in this case the teach of their religions will tell them that attacking others because of the faith is wrong and will condemn them. the example of the father and the criminal son. you can't condemn a father says to his son to be a good person. but the son became a criminal and killer . but you can condemn the father if he told his son to be a criminal and to kill. and the son became a criminal and killer with the will of his father or even good person against his will. which is in the case of Islam . as teaching his son to be bad and a killer is an inciting crime.)
As in these religions the call is an individual call. to get inside peace and happiness. And carry no use for violence to force others to believe in it. But a teach to accept others different and call them to follow by showing them how much peace these religions carry to convince them with it. And the religion itself does not call himself a ruler but a guide. And it does not involve in ruling but can give advice. Now does this go with Islam case ???????
The answer will be no. and a huge part of it will be found in the article of ((Islam is an ideology not a civilization)) on the truth of Islam page. And also in other articles like ((Islam and women)),(( Islam and childhood)), and ((Journey into Islam's afterlife)) ...and many other articles on the page can give you a side of why democracy won't work. but I will illustrate them in points.
1) Islam as a religion by itself calls for power to itself only. As to obey Allah the porno dancer you must make Allah and his prophet rule. (( notice that is from Quran not mine and Muslims sheik's teach. and that as we have explained up that Quran was the way Mohammed ruled and we have seen that he was a tyrant with a gang supporting him. and so Islam aim is to keep power to that tyrant and his gang for ever. so what happens today is just changing Mohammed with other persons and say Islam must rule to get to power and keep it only in their hands as they are who represent it and the liar prophet and Allah the porno dancer)). Islam was made to a Nazis tyrant ruler only.
2) Islam calls to more. that it must rule the whole world and that it must be by all ways even declaring war. which is a call for war against others without a reason but only not being Muslims. And of course that is against democracy which cares only for the best of the nation. Not to turn the whole nation into war condition without any way to oppose that as opposing that will be opposing Allah the porno dancer. and again I say Islam is only suitable for a Nazis tyrant's ruling system.
3) Islam carry many things against the right of freedom expressing. which is a part of democracy. as in democracy you must say your opinion and have the right to declare it and call others to support it. But as Islam is a religion made to support the Nazis tyrant 's ruling system it calls that going against the ruler which can make you get killed or tortured and it would even be more bad if your opinion was something against that religion by itself. you would be killed. And again that is inside Quran and Muslim's sheiks teach that every day. and a clear picture can be put as example. at the same time this article was written a Christian girl which is about 12-16 years old is accused of burning Quran and even being mentally ill did not give any kind of excuse to her but they want to kill her. for burning Quran as it is considered refusing to the teach inside it. so imagine if someone said he is against it. Again Islam was made by a Nazis tyrant and a killer to force and keep his ruling system.
4) Islam teaches Muslims they are the best nation came out to people ((lol . the best nations in fucking pig's females. and drinking camel urine. and figured out that the sun goes into a hole of mud on earth at night. and that women should be under cover but breast feed men as they like or because monkeys taught them how to stone a woman committed adultery...........etc. read articles for more)). I can see why. But by going back into the issue that teach which is literally inside Quran means that every one else is less than them and that they are only who must rule others and others have no right to rule. (Muslims envy every strong country in the world and wish to destroy it and take it's place. not my say but sheiks say that on local official TV and channels.) . And the big important point is that non Muslims have no chance for leading positions even if they are the land owners and Muslims are occupying settlers. And that beside the distinguish against them which will come from laws made by Muslims majority to apply Islam and insult and humiliate non Muslims. no way for democracy with Islam in constitution or public life.
5) Islam does not accept the other at all. Unlike other religions which only care to make itself good and carry beautiful teaches . Islam is the only that cared to humiliate the other religions (that had a story as when Jews managed to figure that Muhammad is lying when they found a mistakes in his Quran like that saint Mary mother of Jesus was the sister of Aaron brother of mosses the prophet while the Jews are her family and Christians are the believers of Jesus. and both know the fact that Jesus was in the time of the roman empire and all historical books say so which talked about his crucifixion. and that mosses were by the time of pharaohs which even Quran by itself contradict itself and agree on that means thousand of years between them. so to keep his followers away from that fact he started to say that others carry lie and that he is the only one saying truth and called to humiliate them and kill them and actually eliminated them from the Arab island despite it is their land as Muslims.). and the same way to other religions as it say who accept any religion but Islam is an infidel and Muslims must fight him to force him to Islam. and of course even if you accepted to give up higher positions . Islam won't leave you alone but will persecute you and try to forbidden you from your worship. and all what you own from house or land or wife or children it s ok for Muslims to take without punish and even to kill you. and of course laws made by majority will protect that persecute especially with Islam inside constitution or public life. will that go with democracy. maybe but democracy of hell which Muslim will go to for sure. As all their actions are from it and every tree gives only fruits from it's own kind.
At the end and to make it clear Islam is not accepted inside any constitution or as a legislation source or in public life and Muslims must learn to keep it in their individual life which no one have a problem with. and again I assure the conclusion that Islam is made by a Nazis tyrant to keep himself and his gang on power.
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