The deception.
The two foxes saw a pigeon in it 's nest with it 's little ones. So they decided to Make a trick as they are unable to reach it. So one of them started every day To pass close to the nest and salute the pigeon and tells her he is ready to Offer any kind of help any time. And after a few days the second one came And pretended to climb the tree and fast the other one attacked him as if he Is protecting the pigeon and her little ones. And after a big fake fight he Pretends he won but he is tired and need help and food or he won't be able To continue to defend her and ask her to throw one of her little ones to him. So the simple pigeon did that. So the two foxes started to do this trick with Other pigeons the same way. Until one day one of the pigeons saw them Sharing a little pigeons under a tree. The fox that pretend good and the other That pretend Bad so it knew that there is no good and bad foxes but only evil Hungry predators. So it called her friends and they started to make a huge Pile of stones over the top of the tree they used to share under it. And waited Until they came to share a new prize and dropped the pile over them and killed Them with small stones which together made a pile like a rock .
This looks like a simple story but deep inside it carries the truth of what is Going on in Egypt since the Arab invasion to Egypt. And to control it they Started to bring Arab tribes for settlement in Egypt . And these Arab tribes didn't have jobs or know anything so that is exactly what they have Done. The same as what came in the story. As they started to divide Themselves into groups. one pretend to be good and the other bad. And for Example Arab tribe settled beside a monastery in the desert. And to do That. some of them started to make attacks as if they are unknown thieves. And after a while the tribe stop the thieves while attacking and pretend to be nice With the monks and tell them they will offer help and protection if the monastery provided them with water and food. And the same trick went on to the villages . And by this deception they get what they want and also Acceptance from the local Egyptians. And it continue even more since the Arab Invasion to the idea of the local rich man and matared (which are thieves Actually work for that rich man who controls them. and they live in mountains). they steal From people And No one is able to stop them until that rich guy comes to do It. And of course by that he get acceptance from the people on any injustice he do. As it Seems like it is better than the matared he protects people from.
And the most noted That what I say was said in stories of the Nobel prize winner Nagib mafoz and it appeared in the personality of the fetoah which is The Strong man who takes money from the people to protect them. From a Side That personality pretend to be protecting people while actually he send thieves To steal them from his men.
And continue to more wide the police used these fetoahs to control people. And to get acceptance and fear from people. they pretend to be controlling The fetoahs and stopping them from injustice while actually they are who agree On them to do that.
And now days this dirty game is again played by the dirty Nazis Islamic Military council of the army in Egypt and the islamic groups in Egypt. To again Control over the peaceful Coptic by supporting the fetoah which is the Islamic Groups and even fraud election for them to delete the land owners votes and To control their land and take resources of Egypt to serve the evil dirty Islam. To take these resources for sake of Islam wars and dirty and genocide the Copts which are the land owners. But for that i say pigeons now are Collecting the small stones to make a pile and drop it over the head of the Wolves .
And at the end what I said also goes on Muslims in Europe and the west as the Whole terrorists are just a fake picture to them (they are the bad fox) and Other Muslims whom refuse the actions (but of course they stay Muslims). And start to say that Islam does not teach so and what terrorists do is wrong (The whole of that crap they say is a lie as Quran literally teaches to kill Others and force them to Islam ). And they ask for help to stop these bad evil People and get support from others resources and make them grow weak by Time. Until the day comes in which he had the upper hand and start showing their true Nazis barbaric Islamic face which is an apply to the teach in Quran And teach of the slave kotom the children rapist.
Islam = Nazis ideology and superstition and lie and kill and hate and pagan
Quran and hadiss = Books of Nazis ideology and superstition and pagan
kotom the slave = Nazis who have won the war to force his ignorance on people and hate and kill and sick and shit.
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