The crime of Google.
Before I talk in the issue of this article I would like to say that I feel very sorry for the soul of Champollion. That great scientist which spent his life trying to solve the secrets of the Rosetta stone. To manage to bring the secrets of an ancient language of pharaohs. And all other language scientists like him. As while there were people like him in the past. people in now days are committing a crime against his soul and all scientists of languages like him. when they fraud a living language which people speak and use and let it carry another meaning not like what is in the original language.
While men in the past spent their lives to bring knowledge to manhood. Men of today spend their lives to destroy and fraud knowledge.
That mistake I talk about is not just about Google. But also other translation sites which carry the same mistake the same way. But I mentioned Google because it is the most big and used and also my favorite.
And the mistake is very deadly. Because it carry a lie and hide a meaning that can effect a person decision . And make a start to turn him into a killing racism machine.
That mistake is At the name of the book of the religion of Islam. That book name is called in Arabic :( El Quran El Karim - القران الكريم) which in English means :( The generous Quran). And that is the only equal English meaning for that name. there is no possibility for any other meaning for that name to be translated to.
But when you try to translate it to English throw Google or any other translator you find it come as : (Holy Quran- or just as- Quran). which both are wrong and does not give the exact or right meaning of the word for many reasons:
1) the word ( Karim-كريم) in Arabic only means generous and there is no other meaning for it in Arabic. And your duty as translator is to give the right meaning of the word to whoever uses you.
2) The word (elmokadas-المقدس) which means the holy is not at the title of the original Quran add to that it was never even mentioned inside that book for even once.
3) The reason that Quran was called generous ( karim-كريم) is that . when Muslims defeated other non Muslims they said to them believe in our generous prophet and generous Quran and you will be saved from getting killed . To see how generous is our prophet and our Quran. and from that came the name of generous Quran.
4) the name ( holy Quran- القران المقدس) is some kind of Plagiarism. As it tries to copy the name of the holy book of Christians and put it on Quran ( but that is not a main reason as who reads mostly know what he read ) but the issue is using that fraud title to make it close to others to read
5) At last that is a true big lie as Quran is not holy and never mentioned that inside it or talked about holiness ever inside it.
6) if you did not help in showing the truth which is a pure scientific issue . you will be committing a crime and responsible for every human deceived by that fraud title.
7) you also become responsible for any victims of that human if that book turned him into a killer.
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