The adventures of Idris & Angel of death.
((( In continue to history distorting and lying which Muslims use. A Muslim man on an Arabic channel called Arabia claims he is answering another terrorist Muslim which said that pharaohs worshiped idols. To answer him he claims that from pharaohs there was a Muslim prophet the same way as claiming Alexander the great was a Muslim.
And the most funny thing is that the first say that which is a lie to make this great civilization less because it does not belong to him or even he built 1% a like. And the second when answering is like to say it was a Muslim civilization.
This is example of Muslims terrorists and those who claim middle. One of them force and curse (terrorists) and the second lies and deceives (middle).
And the most amazing is when searching the story in Quran about the prophet he claims was from pharaohs you found it completely away from pharaohs and even before them and more distorting than pharaohs which made it worse writing. So let the adventures of Idris starts :D :D :D)))
One two three. How the adventure of Idris is going to be??. To know put on your glasses of 3D.
First of all the whole adventure starts with two verses in quran i will put them for read and the smart would will tell me what can we get from these two verses. Which are in sort mariam (book of mariam) And verse number 56 and verse number 57.
((((((وَاذْكُرْ فِي الْكِتَابِ إِدْرِيسَ إِنَّهُ كَانَ صِدِّيقًا نَّبِيًّا
56 - Also mention in the Book The case of Idris: he was a man truth (and sincerity), (and) a prophet
وَرَفَعْنَاهُ مَكَانًا عَلِيًّا
57 - And we raised him to a lofty station.)))))))
So what can we get from these two verses about the Idris the adventure man.
One two three. what will the answer be???.
absolutely nothing more than the name and the most bad is that this is the only place you will find that name.
So that means the story of the adventure stops at that far.
Really will it stop at that far?
Actually it would of stop at that far if it wasn't the most amusing interpreters of Quran.
The genius Mr. sheik Ibn Kasir And the ingenious Mr. sheik Kortoby which had put their touch on explaining these two verses.
And as usual you will get many different stories at the end will tell you they actually know nothing about anything .
But still they are right and you know nothing because Islam is :
(((((( The art of knowing nothing about nothing And you will be knowing everything in the whole world.
00 + 00 = infinite . WOW WOW WOW ))))))
So let us know the nothing about the nothing to be like Muslims to know everything.
The adventure will have many split screens because the stories are too many.
All starts with our hero Idris which according to interpreters is not from pharaohs as this liar Muslim claimed.
But the big bomb interpreters say he is grandfather of Noah ( Who built the ark ).
:D :D :D :D :D :D
And more over they claim he was Enoch which in the bible he was taken by god to heaven.
And of course because Mohamed is just a liar and copy and past from other books he just wrote them and left the rest to the wonderful awesome interpreters of Quran to do the rest.
And what a job they did As we will see.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
After we saw who he is according to interpreters let us see the art of Islam.
Idris was a good man ( A Muslim before Islam as usual :D :D :D )
And Allah the porno dancer ( Check Allah of Islam is a porno dancer. wow wow wow !!! for more ) liked him and so he decided a very big decision. What will it be???? :D :D
That Allah will look at the work Idris does everyday and consider it as size as the work of the whole people on earth. And by this work he will has better things in gardens of sex of Allah.
Isn't that like cheating in exam or what. ??? :D :D :D
But even with cheating all goes good so far but later the split screen will play.
In the first part of the screen at the left:
Idris was walking and the sun hit him very hard and it was hot. So he asked Allah .
Guess what ???? :D
Not to make sun less hot for him but to make it less hot for the angel in it. Which is the angel of the sun.
So when the morning came the angel found that the sun is less hot. Ops . Ops . Ops
((( Man kind have perished :D :D :D less hot sun.)))
And the angel was happy about it and asked to know why Allah made it less hot . So Allah said to him Idris asked me.
So he asked to meet Idris.
( You may think Idris was kind to the angel . Don't rush wait he was just using him but the plot will come over him. LOL .LOL. LOL )
When they meet. Idris and the angel of the sun . Idris showed his truth. And said to the angel I knew that you are the most close friend to angel of death. and I want you to take me to him. And ask him to make my life longer to manage to get more work to get more prizes from gardens of sex of Allah ( check Journey into Islam's afterlife: on truth of Islam page for more. ). And that as return to the favor of Idris.
So he takes him on his back . And fly fly fly. ( don't try this at home or at school . our angels are professionally trained :D )
And when they arrived at his honor the angel of death. the angel of sun asked him to make the life of Idris longer so he said let me see my papers . and check. And he looked and said :
Guess ?????
Now is his death time and took his soul at that moment . Ops too bad for Idris in this part of screen. His plan to make his life longer came over him. lets see other parts .
:D :D :D :D
Second part of the screen at the middle.
In this second screen all goes as the first until the angel of sun takes Idris to see angel of death . But instead of arriving to his place. They meet him at the fourth sky of Allah
And he was searching for something. And when the angel of sun came and talked to him about Idris to make his life longer he said to him.
I was just looking for him as I supposed to take his life here but he is on earth and I don't know how this is going to happen. and even on earth he is not there . do you know where is he???.
So again bad luck to Idris and angel of death took his soul.
:D :D :D :D :D
The third part of screen at the right and the most exciting story.
In this part you will find out the smart Idris not like the other two stories.
It starts this time with the angel of death. Without any mention to angel of sun . ( Which one is the true. Islam art of knowing nothing about nothing to know everything)
And angel of death heard about idris and wanted to meet him. So he went to him looking like a man . And stayed at Idris's house for three days And then told Idris who he is. ( In this story he did not came to take his soul As his death time did not come yet).
When Idris knew he was angel of death his smart head worked . :D :D :D
He said to him do me a favor and let me prepare to death. so take my soul as if I am dead for some time.
So angel of death did so then returned it back.
So after a little time Idris asked him again in foxy .
let me see hell and gardens of sex of Allah.
So he took him and when they arrived to gardens of sex Idris caught a tree and refused to leave. LOL LOL LOL
probably So horny because he saw a horria ( beautiful women in gardens of sex ) naked like when Mohamed saw his son's wife naked and wanted her. And forced his son to leave her to him. :D :D :D
What a corner angel of death is in now. :D :D :D :D. But this what happens when you play with foxy Idris. :D :D :D :D :D :D
So he asked Allah to help. So Allah sent another angel to judge between them.
So Idris the foxy said to him he took my soul like the dead . Now it is my right not to leave and so he managed to stay and cheated all. Allah and angels which they say Allah put it in Quran after that. despite they say Quran is before creation. But we all know the truth of Quran . ( check Quran of Islam between burn and king wishes: on truth of Islam page )
And now after finishing the adventure of Idris I just want to get back to the verses up and ask do these verses say these stories??
of course not.
Are these stories the same. ???
of course not.
Does Idris has any relation with pharaohs according to interpreters of Quran as the liar claimed???
of course not.
what does it mean.
they know nothing about nothing mentioned in quran. And claim they know everything.
Leads to Islam is:-
((( The art of knowing nothing About nothing And you will be knowing everything. 00 + 00 = infinite. :D :D )))
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