The economic of terrorists.
In this article I will just try to show how the terrorist economic work and the most important that it is still as it was from the time of the liar prophet and the pig female's fucker and the slave of kadiga . Kotom or Muhammad which is the name he bought to cover his slavery name.
Muhammad started as a merchant . As he was a slave for his first old wife kadiga. which bought with the price of four camels. and after that she freed him and married him. and gave him all her trade to be run by him. and that is the only work he knew as in the desert their is no much other work and trade is the most thing with profit. and that why the only work he talked about was trade. as he never talked about Agriculture or industry or soldiery. which were jobs by his time . but he only talked about the jobs in the desert. The main source of the trade in the desert were from the attacks made by the tribes on the trade Convoys passing close to them. or the attacks they made on each other inside the Arab island. and that gave them many advantages and helped them later as with what is coming. ((((((So that makes the first source of terrorist's funding is the trade of the rich leaders of the terrorists.)))))).
But there is also one important other source of terrorist funding. which is inside Quran elanfal and in the verse one which in it Quran talks about the war prizes . which are the prizes taken by attacking others . And that put another dimension of the Islamic economic and it started when Muhammad have grown in power and managed to control all the Arab island. which is the economic of stealing from others or robbery . Simply it is the economic of thieves. and in that part they steal but in one condition to make it legal by the false prophet to make them pay him a share from all what they steal as he is their leader. and that's why he made that verse in sort elanfal which talks about these shares and say you must pay it to Allah and his prophet.
and from these attacks the trade continue to grow . and so on.
There is another important thing about funding terrorists. which is zakaah or the share from money to Allah which also goes to the liar prophet. which is a share from any money the Muslim gets. by any job. (different than the war prizes. as it is on the whole income). and Muhammad called that the spending for Allah and his prophet and that is also inside Quran.
(((((((((((((the important thing is that all the economic works and find it 's way only for a few people on the head of them is the leader)))))))))))))))
Now we come to the now days islamic economic.
And the amazing you will find it is mostly the same. And in that I will take an example of a terrorist group known as the muslim ' brotherhood or elekwan. and that can be taken and applied on other groups and on other Islamic countries.
Most of the leaders of leaders of that groups work on trade. just on trade. and even when they own some kind of a project or factory or land. it is not for investment . but only for future trade.
in the past these terrorist groups managed to fund itself by attacking other trade Convoys. but there is no more such a thing so how do they did it in Egypt. it all started the same way by attacking other people ( Copts of Egypt in this case and other Muslims against them or their trade stand in front of theirs). and take their land and property and attack their shops and rob it. and kidnapping and asking for ransom . And of course a share of these actions find it's own way to the leaders of the groups . or by another way they take the place of the liar prophet in taking war prizes. and also another important thing they do that way is when they help in giving a any person a job inside the government depending on their own power they force him to pay in return a share of his salary as it is considered a war prize.(((((((((( they look a bout Egypt as a war prize. not a home which can lead that they are simply traitors to the country))))))))))))) .
or like Hamas and the control of the tunnels trade.
and of course the last at the end the zakaah or the share from all of your income for Allah and his prophet . but how they get that money. by simply controlling the mosques and make themselves the representatives of Allah to take place of the prophet like he took place of Allah and took the money for his own.
At the end there is something about that economic if you want to stop it. do not hit small terrorists but who own money from the Muslims. or the circle will still go round again. and if you took a look on the article of the halal industry and eating very thing on the truth of Islam page you would be able to imagine what I do mean.
and every one must know that this economic is not productive and it always will seek others to steal from them . and all their trade is just a way to get many goals.
1) when they start a business in another country or place the first aim is to get supporter from this country or place to become Muslims and they choose will the most people in need to be like if they are their saviors to guarantee their loyalty.
2)To manage to know about this land and study it for when they plan to control it. ((( this may look very hard to say but every Muslim in any country is considered a legal spy can carry a threat with almost 50%. no matter how good he or she is. even in reality because the teach of Islam is Treason and lie and terror)))
3) To make corruption and attacks in these countries when needed . look at all the attacks all over the world and who did it.
But their is another important new source added to that but need a whole article about it which is the fund for fighting on behalf. which was the most important things helped on funding terrorist include teaching them to trade illegal stuff like drugs which they did not know.
At the end all what you can get about the economic of Islam that it represent the truth of Islam. which is stealing and killing and destruction and trade from the prize of evil actions
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