Between the oneness & the unification.
Religion of unification ( deen el tawheed )( دين التوحيد ) that is how all Muslims of the world describe their religion. And that description came from the first ages of Islam. But what does it mean ?????
Let's just do not try to answer before asking a Muslim guy so let's go find someone.
1: Hi how are you Mr.
2: Fine thank you
1: what is your name ?
2: Kotom and My followers call me Muhammad.
1: OO woo you are the prophet of Islam that had no prophecy.
2: With flesh and blood.
1: That is great because we had a question to ask you about.
2: Fine go on.
1: Can you describe to us your religion in few words
2: Of course it is the religion of unification ( el tawheed ) ( دين التوحيد )
1: Here we go. that is exactly what we want to ask you about. What does it mean
2: So easy it means that we unite in worshiping one God.
1: Unite in worshiping one god. and what god shall we unite on worshiping.
2: My god of course. Allah
1: And why shall we unite on worshiping him.
2: Because we must unite on something and my Allah is greatest of all and what ever your gods are he is the greatest.
1: So that's all about it.
2: yes that's all about
1: then thank you very much. bye
2: welcome. bye.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
This conversation done with the prophet of Islam is to show up the answer any Muslim would answer if you ask him and that is what Muslim sheiks keep saying day and night??
But is that true ???? Does it mean really that ???
And to answer that you must understand the difference between two concepts.
The first is (( the oneness of a god )) (( & the second is (( unification at worshiping a god )). so let's go on.
First the oneness of a God ( وحدانية اله ).
The oneness of a god simply means that there is no god but this god he is the only in his ability, power and everything. he is the only of his kind with no match. Simply that is what it means and everyone believe in a god that is how he looks to his god even if it was a stone. And all religions ( but Islam ) believe so.
Second (( unification at worshiping a god )) ( توحيد عبادة اله )
A huge difference when we come to the second word ( tawheed ) ( unification ). because it simply means uniting a group of people in one religion or one worship represented in a one god it doesn't matter what kind of god it is but what matter is unification in worshiping it.
Now after we knew the difference let's go on to show a huge disaster comes from the concept used in Islam which comes from the Quran and hadiss books not a random call.
that means simply that what Islam care about is not to assure the oneness of god but to unite the people in worshiping one god. Or by more simply it cares about uniting people.
Yes uniting people. which if it were as this far it would of been a good idea and a smart one.
but what makes it a disaster two things which are :
First the reason for this uniting :
which leads to the fact that Islam is an ideology used to rule and control not more than that. and that is the real purpose of it to rule.
the second is what are you uniting people to do:
which is the teach of Islam which was put to serve that ideology by gaining followers fast. which is open invitation in killing and stealing and sex with children and animals and even dead bodies. and delete any thing of what he claims that it came from Allah and replace it with new things and claim Allah gave it to him. to serve the ideology and even the personal lust of Muhammad.
That even once Aisha the child Muhammad married when she was six years said to him: I see your Allah fast in your lust. and that when he claimed Allah gave him a verse allows him to marry his adopted son's wife. and deleted adoption for that.
And what proves that theory that when Muhammad died his friend and father of his wife Aisha (( Abu-Bakr ))
Came out to people and said to them who worship Muhammad must know that Muhammad is dead now.
means in the life of Muhammad. Arab used to worship him and he did not stop them or told them that this is wrong and will lead them to hell for example. but he didn't care much to tell them but left them as long as they are under his control. It doesn't matter.
it even came more far that people used to kiss his penis in public in streets . And it was ok for him. what a call to worship one god which is Allah the porno dancer.
which means it is for real that Islam is not about one god or talk about oneness of a god. but an ideology care to unite the biggest number of followers possible to serve that Nazis racism ideology.
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