Islam and lying:
between all the religions in the whole world that I know. The only religion that teaches you to lie is Islam and the most joking that it also says honesty is a good thing but still teaches people to lie. and stay away from honesty.
And that is in many places in Quran and in hadiss (says about kotom the slave or directly from him) .
like in Quran he describes his god (Allah) that he is foxy and the best of all foxy. And the foxy person is who says lies to set problems for others. That is the Allah . God of Islam . A foxy and liar.
Secondly in Quran also it says that Muslim person must do all the ways to victory the religion of Allah (Islam). And of course including to lie.
Third. There is a hadiss. from kotom the slave himself. says that lying is allowed in three cases first from the man to his wife ( I just wonder why would the man lie on his wife unless.........). second in war as kotom says war is a deceive ( that is really important as Muslims consider every non Muslim as an enemy and that all what he had is a Muslim right. even his wife and children). third for benefit. which means public benefit for Muslims and religion of Islam.
And also the most important thing that teaches Muslims to lie is the actions of kotom the slave especially in matters of peace. As in the beginning kotom was weak in maka so he used pretend to be peaceful and seek no power and said verses of peace in Quran . Then after he went to madina and made an army and increased in power he showed his real intentions and deleted verses of peace with verses of war in Quran which means you say verses of peace but action must be according to verses of war (that is called nassek and mansok in Quran.That reminds me with mars attack movie when aliens carried a radio says we came in peace while killing people.) ( you can read : Nasik & Mansuik. Copy & delete. Hide & seek. on truth of islam for more details )
And the most proved lie about Islam can easily be tested by any person by the title of the English Quran which Muslims write it 's title holy Quran. Which is a lie as word holy never mentioned even once inside Quran from a to z . But the real Arabic name for the title mean generous Quran and Quran is generous for releasing the lives of people from getting killed after believing in it . by the hands of Muslims.
Islam = Nazism = shame over the heads of Muslims
Quran = Nazis books = books of shame
kotom the slave of kadiga = Hitler but Hitler is a free man and cleaner than kotom who drinks camel urine and make sex with a died woman.
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