Islam and Nazism:
A lot will hear that and say no way to compare between them but I will put it in some clear points so that anyone will be able to think well before accusing of hatred as some did despite they maybe Muslims trying to cover the truth of Islam:
First Nazism was built on the idea of the supreme nation that all other nations must subject to them and be under them. and give up all their rights for the Nazis and everything. their land and property even their kids must be Nazis and no way to make Nazis stop or refuse them as you will be dead before even thinking about it .that was the Nazism shortly.
Now we come to Islam which is put in compare here.
Quran says to Muslims literally you are the best nation on earth came out for people.
Is that all. No. It also says literally kill infidels wherever you find them and also fight infidels until they become Muslims or they get killed or they become slaves and pay tribute with humiliation by you. And there are many verses like that more than anyone could think. these are just examples.
In Quran there are verses of peace which Muslims use to deceive people and claim Islam is peaceful. The surprise which sure that ninety percent of who reads that doesn't know about Islam that these verses are deleted by a rule in Islam called nasek and mansok which means that a verse came later after another verse. The new deletes the old which means the old is only for read. But action must be according to the new verse that deleted it 's previous one.(you can read Nasik & Mansuik. Copy & delete. Hide & seek. on truth of islam page for more details )
And that happened because Muhammad the claimed prophet of Islam was in maka (town in Saudi ) in the beginning of Islam but he was weak with no power . so he wrote the verses of peace to pretend to be peaceful .but after he went to madina which is another town and he increased in power and made an army he deleted the verses of peace with verses of war and kill as the example I gave before. and told them that there must be no religion or believe in the Arab island but Islam and so they killed Christians and Jewish and the native traditional religions and all other believes or forced them to be Muslims.
and the most important should be said that Muslims until today. the teachings they carry and believe in. has no peace at all. not joking (history can show that)
all what they aim to is to spread Islam by all means ( force like countries they control on other non Muslims in general ) (deceive in countries they don't control and that by choosing the weak personalities which completely know nothing about Islam and tell them lies. Be sure if someone they made him become a Muslim knows nothing about drinking camel urine or that his prophet taught to marry underage girls or that he made sex with dead woman in her grave.( these are just examples more they hide) (seduce by money or by love boy and girls or girls and boys to bring the other to Islam or by money in case of poor people)
so if any Muslim you know no matter how good he is. Believes in Quran. (there are good people everywhere . can't judge all. That would be unfair) so automatically killing you is not a crime in his mind and he is generous with you for not killing you.
all your money and property and women and children. He looks at them as his own right. That is literally in Quran.
so am I right or not that Islam as a teaching and religion is equal to Nazism they both share the same ideology . But in case of Islam it is a direct teachings in Quran.?
that is up to you to search and check these information and see what Muslims do around the world and judge the words
Islam = Nazism = shame over the heads of Muslims
Quran = Nazis books = books of shame
kotom the slave of kadiga = Hitler but Hitler was free man and logically cleaner than a man drinks camel urine and makes sex with dead woman in her grave..............
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