Sheik parrot is not wrong. Islam is the wrong.
This story happened in an unknown Islamic country. And in unknown small Village in it. Located above the imaginary line of showing the truth of Islam. And the story starts with a village with a small mosque in it and in that Mosque there was the imam which his name was sheik Mujahed (Mujahed Means the jihad man who kills for Islam ). And he was a sheik with good Popularity and many of the people used to like his teaches which call for Jihad and to make Islam rules and that all other non Muslims are infidels and Muslims have the right to kill them. And take all what they got from money or their women or children to have pleasure with. As this is Muslims right. And the most remarkable thing about sheik mujahed that he used to show Them all what he says from Quran and hadiss books to make them have no Doubt in it. But there were no infidels in his village so Muslims in that village Did not have a way to do the teach of the sheik. and mostly they lived in The Peaceful Islamic way and used to make all sins in hidden as Islam taught Them. as Long as no one sees you Allah will be covering you. So do what Ever you want to do from Adultery and killing or stealing ...etc. And if you had a serious problem you can after all give money to sheik mujahed and he will help you. As he is The Judge Of the village. And after all you can if you are rich enough to visit the kaaba and go kiss the black stone Which is the Right hand of Allah or a stone from his garden of sex or whatever(many says about it in Islamic books). The Important thing that this black stone which women used to scratch their sexual parts at it and leave their menstruation blood on it will erase all your sins When you kiss it. (No comment . LOL . Laughing is not a comment . LOL )
One day a man brought a gift to sheik Mujahed and it was the first time ever Anyone in this village see a similar to that gift. As it was brought From Another country and it was a bird able to speak and it was called parrot. The Sheik was astonished when he saw that parrot and his ability for the first Time and told the man not to tell anyone about what can this parrot is really able to do. Let it be a surprise to the people . And after that the sheik spent most of his Time to teach the parrot how to make azan (Muslims pray call ) and how to Say pray words and even how to say a kotba (teach Islam to people ).
After a while the sheik sent a man to spread a rumor all over the Village. And What this rumor was about that sheik Mujahed managed to convince a bird to Be a Muslim. and even taught him to pray like Muslims. And like fire in dry Wood the rumor was spreading and all the village came to the mosque to see The victory of Allah and how the bird became a Muslim bird. And They saw Him praying and giving them a kotba (Islamic teach ) as what they used to Hear from sheik Mujahed. They said that is a miracle. And all of the village Since then started to spread that news to show how great their village is with That miracle made by sheik Mujahed. And also people from out of the village Started to come to see that parrot and take it 's bless and sheik Mujahed Bless. And even news agencies from all over the world have heard about the Parrot that converted to Islam . Like Washington post ,cnn,bbc,france24,rt, Euro news, fox news, the times....etc. And also the terrorist Arabic news Agencies to show the victory of Allah. And the village became a touristic Place. And tourists started to come to the village. But between all of these Changes in the village were taking place. Sheik mujahed died. So the village Was looking for imam to teach them Islam after him. And there was no similar at all to the parrot which almost says every word the sheik used to say. So They decided to make him imam and called him sheik parrot. Which also Increased the fame of the village.
After a little while. And as usual sheik parrot was giving the kotba in the Mosque. And there was that young man called Adel ( his name means fair). And that young man was listening to sheik parrot. And sheik parrot was Talking at this time about how every one does not believe in Islam is an infidel And that the judgment of infidels in Islam is to be killed and all what they have From money or women Or children is a Muslims right to take and have Pleasure with it. and that is the judgment in Quran. And while the sheik parrot was Talking Adel thought that this is not right as in Quran there are verses that call for peace. And while he was just going to ask that question. Sheik parrot said Something more like an answer to him. He said : And of course some of you May ask what about the verses that call for peace in Quran. And for that I say All these verses have been deleted by the verses of sword and war which Means we should only read them but action must be by according to the verses of war. And The verses of peace was only for the time of the prophet when he was weak But after he built an army and had the power all was deleted. And so we Should do the same. As we can use these verses in case we are weak until We grow in power. Then jihad ( killing for the sake of Islam ) must take Place. As our prophet taught us. So Adel which means (fair) thought But in my village I have a very good non Muslim neighbor which I even work At his shop and he is considered the best man in our village and he helped Me many times when I was in trouble or sick. So how can I just do that to Him. And while he was just going to say how can this be fair action to him And how Allah order me to do that. But again like if sheik parrot is expecting What he was going to ask as he said : And all Muslims must not also accept Non Muslims to be their leaders in anything as what Quran says do not take A leader from them. And at the end I say if you do not understand Any of These direct orders from Allah or have an objection or a question about it. Must Know that Quran said in sort el maheda number 5 and verse number 101 to all Who believed do not ask in things if you have known may trouble you and it is Just enough to follow what came in Quran. And that end was the same end Sheik Mujahed used to say before and it was more than enough to close the Door in face of Adel to think or ask. He just must do what he has been told By the blessed sheik parrot .
After being charged with hate and rage he went back to his village. And his Look to his neighbor started to change and the hate inside him started to grow Especially with every time he tells him to do something at the shop as he says Inside himself. The infidel should not rule me. And it did not even stop at That far but it went to the wife of his neighbor as he started to look with Desire at her after he knew that she is his right according to Islam teach. Until one day he couldn't stop himself anymore and went to his neighbor's House and killed him and after that raped his woman and After that he took All the money in the house and left without any feel of guilty as all what he has done considered by him as a normal thing to do.
At night the very sick wife ran to the police station holding her terrified six Years old daughter from what she saw. And went to the police and there was a Very polite officer And his name was also Adel (what a coincidence his name Means fair too. Like who have done the unfair). And after knowing her story He arrested that man and accused him with killing and raping and stealing. And when he brought him and asked him why he did so. He answered Because that is my right to kill infidels and have pleasure with their women And take their money. So he asked him who told you that ?. So he said to Him Islam. So he asked him again and who told you Islam say so ?. So he Said to him the imam sheik parrot. So the officer decided to visit sheik parrot To ask him about what he has said. And he went to the mosque to see him. And when he listened to sheik parrot while teaching. it was the same kotba. Which the young man Adel have heard before. And he was also like The young man his first time to know that peace is deleted from Islam And That as a muslin he has the right to kill and steal and rape without even a guilt On him. After the lecture was over and he had questions to ask to sheik parrot About that teach he heard the same end which used to be said. Do not ask About things may trouble you just do as Quran teach you. But how can he Accept that. He is an officer and his duty is to ask. So he went to give Questions to sheik parrot. He approached to Him as he was in the end of The mosque and when he arrived at him he was astonished to see a parrot. As from the angle he was at the end of mosque he wasn't able to see the Sheik. And he didn't know what to ask. So he asked about the story of Sheik Parrot and the people told him. So he understood that all what sheik parrot Says is sheik Mujahed's teach which sheik parrot memorized. And so when He asked the people How do you ask him about what he says. So they said We don't ask him as asking in the clear Quran teach is not allowed.
So the officer left the village and went to a real sheik to ask him. And he was Not expecting that the sheik will confirm all the teach of sheik parrot and say About this teach. that it is direct from Quran and interpreter books. So the Officer was shocked and said to the sheik but how can this be justice. If these People do not believe in Allah. Then their punishment must be by Allah. Not By Muslims as this is called kill. And also doesn't that making us protecting Allah while he is who should protect us. So the sheik said to him you should Not ask such questions as this is clear Quran teach. And he said to him the Verse in sort el maheda number 101. Do not ask in things if you knew It may Trouble you. Just do Quran's teach. The officer was shocked and astonished And said to the sheik then what is the different between you and a parrot. As both do not have answers and both can't be asked. and both of you only say what you memorized. So the sheik looked In anger and said to him this is our Islam and the teach in Quran and Interpreter books. I don't bring from my head. Refusing what I say is refusing To Allah orders in Quran. So without saying a word he left.
While he was going back to his police station he didn't know what he is Going to say to the woman that came to ask his help as a policeman. Is he Going to say to her you are infidel and what happened to you is justice. Even If you are good persons still you are infidels. And in Islam we must punish You as our Allah is unable to do so. Actually he was not convinced with what he Has heard. So he stopped thinking as he became very tired as if he is a man Over ninety years old. And when he arrived he asked for the criminal to be brought to him. So another officer said to him he went home. He was Astonished and said how is that he is accused of killing. you must mean Someone else. So the other officer said I know who you mean. Isn't his name Adel even like your name and he laughed. So he said but how can this be. So his coworker the other officer said to him he killed an infidel what do you Expect to kill him for killing an infidel. He is our Muslim brother and hadiss Says Muslim brother must support his Muslim brother in bad or good Actions. And what he has done is a good action. So how can we punish him For that. So we changed the report and made it as unknown thief did that. His Face froze and didn't know what to say. But he remembered the woman That came to ask help. So he asked about her. So his coworker laughed And said she went home with her husband. So he said how is that her husband is dead. So he laughed and said her new husband. So he looked in Silence at his coworker with a way shows he is asking. So he laughed again And said the man she has always loved. the young man Adel. So he looked With a terrifying look and said what do you say that animal raped her. So he Said to him: so what she is infidel and infidel's women are our right. Did you Forget what our great prophet of mercy did after killing the infidel Jewish in Kaibar and how he took one from their women and raped her in a tent and a Man with a sword was standing at the door of the tent all night. And he Laughed again and said their women are bitches . And after all the Woman Accepted to marry the young man. And he laughed if you do not believe me Go ask her. In silent he went out and his eyes were lost. Like if they were looking For something and unable to find it.
He took his car And went to see how could she do that. And he was saying Inside himself there is something wrong. How could she come to report Then She goes home with the man that killed her husband and raped her. then again He remembered the hadiss said by his coworker about the prophet of mercy Who raped a women after killing her husband and father and made her his Wife. What can make a woman accept that unless she is f..o..r..c..ed to That. And he hit the steering wheel with his hand.
He arrived and left the car. And when he approached he heard the women Screaming and begging. Please I beg you leave my daughter alone. I am with You. Do whatever you want with me just leave my daughter alone. She is Just six years old. And an answer came : And what do you infidels know. Our prophet married our mother Aisha when she was six years old. So the Woman said again I beg you I will make you more happy. Whatever I will do To make you happy just leave her alone. And a thin voice appeared. It was the little girl crying while the man hits her mother to get off his way. So the Officer without thinking found himself breaking the door and Killing the Animal. And after that sat on the couch and in front of him the body and a Little far the women holding her daughter between her arms and calming her.
After a while in low voice he said to the woman take your daughter and get Out of her. Here is where the ugly cruel face of the devil lives. So fast she Took a few things and money and took her daughter and when she arrived at The door she looked back and said thank you. then she left.
After spending all the night looking at the body. The officer left the house And went to the mosque and started to shout. Allah why should I kill and rape And steal others for you to punish them for being infidels. Where is your Power. do you need me to protect you. And who should protect who. And All the people started to look in wonder. What is he saying. They knew he is The officer and that he is a good man. But what is he saying.
Then the officer arrived to the front of the mosque where sheik parrot is. And said look at him. what are you listening to. Who is teaching you. a parrot That does not understand anything and unable to answer when you ask. Just Giving orders in name of Allah. And it is not just him but all the other sheiks Are parrots all say the same with no answer. And after that he started to tell Them the story of what happened with him. And after that some of the People which get benefit from sheik parrot started to shout at him. While Others shouted with him. And protected him when they attacked him. And Later he was dismissed from the police service for the crime of killing as he Killed a Muslim. So he decided to leave that country and when he was on the Plane door he said: Sheik parrot is not wrong. Islam is the wrong.
Islam = Nazis ideology and superstition and lie and kill and hate and pagan
Quran and hadiss = Books of Nazis ideology and superstition and pagan
kotom the slave = Nazis who have won the war to force his ignorance on people and hate and kill and sick and shit.
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