Islam phobia the tool and the fact. :D :D :D
Was it his stupidity ?? or his Stubbornness ?? or his wrong judgment ?? or his wrong description for things ?? or all of these in the same time. ?? he did not know and did not care to know because the pain was like a huge wave of tsunami that erased everything else from his mind leaving itself the only fact.
It all started when he was looking from his window and saw it. It was very beautiful full with colors. Moves in a charming way. Despite all what he had read about it before. It was never like the view. And he kept all his attention watching it and enjoying it very much. And it was about to hunt a meal. And it was moving between branches like water flow. And suddenly a spear came to the scene. And the spear pushed it away from the branches to let it fall down on the ground. And when the spear was about to finish it. That's when the king shouted with all his voice don't kill it. leave it to go. And that was the reason it was kept alive.
And it did not stop at that far. but also it came to the far that the king gave orders not to kill it or anyone of its kind. Because it is one from the most of wonderful and beautiful creatures he ever saw. And who will ever do not obey his order will get punished by death. All wondered from such an order. And tried to change it and to explain to the king that the beautiful appearance hide behind it one from the most dangerous creature living on earth. And even if he wants to enjoy it they can bring one or two and put them in cages. so the king can watch them whenever he wants. And also he can order not to kill it as long as it does not represent a threat. But the king said whenever I give an order it goes without discussion.
Days passed and while the king was in his throne room as usual. Servants came shouting to the king to hurry up and to go with them. So he went to check it out. and when he checked it out. He found his son lying down in the garden and does not breath. And fast he said bring the doctors. And then he asked what happened. while he was taking his son on his hands to put him in his bed until doctors arrive.
And the answer came to almost paralyzes him. To the far that he became unable to move or to carry his son again and needed his servants to carry his son and to help him keep standing. And the answer was that: he was bitten by the snake which your honor ordered it not to be killed.
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
The main question after this story. Was describing the snake as a dangerous creature inside the story by some people represent a snake's phobia or it is just a warn from the venom it carries inside it ???????
The answer will be left to the judgment of the reader.
And also on the same way the answer of the next question which will be at the end of the article also will be left for the reader to make up his mind and to put his own judgment.
Now drink up your coffee or tea and get the caffeine you need. And let's go to the core of the article.
Of course if your mind worked a little and managed to tie between the head of the article and the story. you will get the main point which this article try to put. which is Islam phobia is a fake trend the same as snake's phobia inside the story. Because it is the same way. When describing a snake as being one from the most dangerous creature living on earth. was just bringing it's fact as a deadly animal. And actually there was not any kind of snake's phobia by any way. But you can call it a scientific fact about snakes which must be said to anyone may face it. To take great caution when he sees a snake around him anywhere any time.
And again the same way when we talk about Islamic facts and say Islam is more like the Nazis ideology. And it carries a teach for hate and hatred and distinguish and racism against others non Muslims in general. That is not an Islam phobia but only brining scientific facts about Islam as it is inside Islamic books and as interpreters of Islamic books explained it. And all will bring the same result and conclusions which will lead to the facts above. Which are teaches for hate and hatred and distinguish and racism against others non Muslims in general.
but we are not just going to say what we have said above and just get enough with it. But also here now we will try to put an examples to test the view inside the article. So let's just continue.
How would you describe a man who hits a woman. ??? And if a woman came to ask your help when a man hits her what would be your answer ???
And that's exactly what happened with Muhammad ( kotom the slave ). when a woman came to him to complain that her husband hits her. And asked him to tell her husband to stop that action and give her compensation or apology for his action.
So the answer came to the woman with a Quran verse from book of sort el nesa (women) and verse number 34 which in it Quran says literally that men are better than women with what Allah made them better at. (muscle power and mind as Islam teach that women are less in mind than men.). And in case the woman do not obey her husband he has the right to shout at her and to desert her in bed. And eventually he has the right to hit her. according to the verse.
That was the answer you are less than man you are not equal to him. He has the right to hit you (( a right to hit with cold blood not someone hits maybe when he is angry. And knows he made a wrong action or a mistake. But hits as a right to hit )).
So he made distinguish and racism and gave the right to commit a violence action. And called it a right and over that it became a duty according to religion of Islam for men to hit women.
So when I say Islam do not give women their rights. How can you see that say. right or wrong or fear of Islam or what?? again the answer will be to the reader.
And this is just one example of too many others. Which are there. And for example when we talk about how Islam violates children's rights when allowing underage marriage. which a thing happened by the claimed prophet of Islam. when he married a six years old child. And what is written inside Quran. and for not repeating the examples I advice you to read all these articles which discuss these cases. And that on the truth of Islam page. (( Note this is not just to call you to read inside the page but to help you see things as really as they are )).
And I advise you with what follows :
(( Islam & The underage marriage ))
(( The contract ))
(( Nasik & Mansuik. Copy & delete. Hide & seek ))
(( The Jihad's illusion ))
(( Islam and childhood: ))
(( Islam and women: ))
(( Islam and Nazism: ))
(( Islam is an ideology not a civilization. ))
And again the question will be after reading all these articles or any of them. Were these articles carrying a right or wrong information. ?? Answer also will be to the reader.
And now we come to the final part. Then what exactly is Islam phobia??
And the answer it is just a tool used by Muslims inside democratic countries to help make a block or a way to stop the truth from being exposed publicly.
and cover over it by claiming it is just a hateful for Islam or liars. while the fact is completely the other way. Islam is attacking to cover the huge crimes inside it's teach. And to give a cover to the crimes committed by terrorists to give justifications to their actions.
And that goes on the way how Islam looks at democracy which is also a tool to get to power to force change even against democracy itself. To force the Islamic criminal teach. which is against human rights and democracy itself.
And to understand it more deeply you can read also that article.
(( Islam and democracy ))
And to get live examples of how Islam works inside. You can look at Egypt where they claim that there is a terrorist group and other Muslims are peaceful. While actually both follow the same ideology and force Islam. regardless terrorist groups or those who claim themselves as the regime or the state.
Or by another way look at Central African republic and how the Muslim minority put themselves to power to force Islam and even persecute the majority to keep power in their hand to apply the Islamic ideology.
And now we come to the final question. which also will be left to the reader to answer and make up his mind at it.
Is saying the truth about anything or the fact about it considered a phobia?
Is saying the truth about Islam considered an Islam phobia.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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