Sons of the pig female. Opts
Did you ever hear about Muslims and how they keep calling the Jews the sons of monkeys and pigs. And that depending on the Quran verse in sort el bakara (the cow) number 2 and in verse number 65. how their wonderful Allah the porno dancer ( get back to Allah of Islam is a porno dancer. wow wow wow !!!. at the truth of Islam page) . Turned the Jews into monkeys ( lol ya ). Habra kadapra And the great magician rise up this coat to find them all turned into monkey and pigs that stupid superstition in Quran which there is not one single evidence about it like all other stories of Quran like that the sun goes into a hole of mud at night ( check back Where does the sun goes at night prophet of Ignorance!!??sorry i mean ... At truth of Islam page).
But at all the Most wonderful surprise for every Muslim and for any one read that article that he will find the say about who curse others and how his curse return back to him. And by the same way he curse others he find himself cursed. And the most wonderful and amazing thing about Muslims that the book taught them to curse others is the time bomb that started to reveal it ' s own secrets. Ready to blow up all Muslims . ( lol ) .how wonderful that the book of lies that got burned and twisted according to king's wishes ( check back Quran of Islam between burn and king wishes: at truth of Islam page). So every one get ready as the curse is about to take off to hit it's big target which made it first time. Put ear covers as the explosion is going to be very high and noisy.
And all the fun starts at Quran in sort el ahzab number 33 and verse number 6. Which in it Quran says that the wives of the prophet ( Muhammad but to know his truth to under stand what is coming check back Islam and manhood: at truth of Islam page). Are Muslim's mothers . ( so the big point is wives of the prophet are Muslim's mothers) . Muslims get ready to know your mama i mean the mama you did not know. lol. Quran is very interesting it gives you fun without limit. lol.
Now we go to the great prophet of Muslims which actually carry no prophecy or gave one prophecy but like monkeys Muslims imitate without even understanding as they saw the great of Jews and Christians called prophets so they called Muhammad a prophet.
But to get back to point that fake prophet was invited to a visit to gardens of Allah or skies of Allah. (That story is proved a superstition and it was called the isra and merag . and also it proves that el Aqsa mosque in Palestine is a superstition too. and what makes it more what is coming . check back El Aqsa mosque in Palestine. the biggest lie in Islamic history: at truth of Islam page).
But to continue with the wonderful Islamic superstition Muhammad in the skies of Allah was walking with gibreel ( a claimed angel as from what is coming . lol . he is a prostitute house body guard. lol).
And guess what he found a pig female and the poor piggy was sad. So he asked gibreel why is Mrs. piggy sad. lol. So the prostitute house guard gibreel said: because she is lonely and had no male pig to fuck. Wow. In skies of Allah but sad because there is no fuck. So what will the Supper prophet do to make her happy. Be smart and guess . ( ya . right . but let us do not rush things as there is preparation for the wonderful incident. )
As Muhammad told gibreel he want to make her happy and fuck her ( as he is considered the wally or the responsible about her. like when women get marry in Islam.)
So gibreel said to Muhammad ok go and ask her. wow.
So he went to Mrs. piggy and said to her my dear piggy give me yourself. Same as when he marry a woman if she said yes she becomes his wife if no . she does not and her head flies away from her body in a tour with a sword.
but our Mrs. piggy is smart so very fast when he asked she gave him her rear like to say . i accept you human animal to be my dear pig husband. And the prostitute house guard made a cover . As Mrs. piggy now became Mrs. Muhammad and so her pussy must be under cover. lol . ( that is truly not a joke)
And so it was a completely legal marriage according to Islam with the presence of the wally ( which is the one responsible for the female to give her to her husband .)
And simply by getting back to the wonderful Quran verse in sort el ahzab number 33 and verse number 6 which say literally without any kind of doubt that all wives of Mrs. pig ( ooo sorry I mean Mr. Muhammad the pig . opts not again. Mr. Muhammad the prophet). Are Muslim's mothers. without one single doubt in it.
That makes Mrs. piggy mother of all Muslims . By the witness of her wally gibreel and of course Allah the porno dancer.
So Muslims say hi to mama piggy . And don't forget to keep visiting her in the piggery . And of course don't forget not to eat pigs flesh . As who is that cruel to eat his own mama flesh.
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